Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 158 - Bright Lights: Part-3

The booth worker smiled as he took the dollar bill from Jason. He then instructed both of the boys to step into the red boxes that had been drawn into the ground.

Each of the two boys stood in their own box and had their own hoops that they would try and shoot the basketballs into.

Jason looked at the kid to his side and extended his fist out "Good luck man." Rudy chuckled as he bumped Jason's fist back with his own before replying.

"Thanks but I don't need it. MCs don't need luck when they have plot armor." Jason was slightly caught off guard by Rudy's response.

'This kid talks a lot like Kyle.... Except when he does it it kinda gets on my nerves.' The booth worker tucked the dollar bills into one of the pockets on his apron.

"Alright kids I hope you're ready. You can start shooting as soon as the basketballs roll down the rails."

A second later the worker blew his whistle and pressed a button which caused the basketballs to roll down the rails.

Jason's focus locked on to the hoop as he grabbed one of the balls off of the rails and quickly got into his shooting motion.

In one fluid motion Jason dipped the ball slightly before bringing it back up. Then as the ball reached eye level Jason extended his elbow and flicked his wrist as the ball went flying.

Although the rim was smaller than normal you wouldn't really notice it just from watching Jason shoot as the balls touched nothing but net as they made their way down.

One shot turned into two, which then turned to four, and by the time that Jason was in rhythm he had lost count of how many shots he had put up.

He had forgotten that he was at the Mission Inn with Kyle and Samantha. The only thing that existed at this moment was the hoop, the ball, and him.

The sound of the ball hitting his palm as he put his hand next to the rail combined with the sound of the ball swishing through the net created a strangely mesmerizing rhythm that could be heard despite the background noise and commotion that was going on around them. 

Jason was doing great seeing as how he had yet to miss a shot. But if he wasn't as focused on the hoop as he was he might have noticed that Rudy was hanging right there with him.

From the moment that the balls had rolled down the rails Rudy had been knocking down his shots at the same incredible pace as Jason.

But what was even more amazing was that he was doing all of that while using a different hand with each shot!

One one shot his left hand would be the supporting hand while on the next shot his right hand would be the supporting hand.

The craziest part wasn't even that he could shoot so well ambidextrously. It was the fact that he could switch between both hands so fluidly.

At first people were just passing by the booth casually. But after both Jason and Rudy began to reach the two minute mark people began to notice.

Slowly a crowd began to form around the booth as people were now watching with interest. Some of them even pulled their phones out as they began to record the entire thing on video.

The booth worker was smiling at first but after seeing both Jason and Rudy make so many shots for so long he began to sweat.

'What the hell are these kids? No one told me that the kids national team was sending their players to Riverside for winter break.

Jesus, if these kids don't miss a shot soon I might be looking at some heavy losses. Where the hell did this crowd come from?!'

By the time that the booth worker had noticed the entire booth had been surrounded as people crowded together to watch the two kids shoot against each other.

The worker had no choice as he approached the two children "Great job guys! You have both earned the right to challenge hell mode!"

Jason and Rudy both stopped as the booth worker had jumped in front of them with his hands up.

Jason stared at the worker and asked with his usual cold demeanor "I thought that we could keep going until we missed?"

Rudy nodded his head before thumping his chest "Yeah man, What gives?! You stopped me right as I was about to power up! I didn't even get to change out of my base form."

The booth worker wiped the sweat that was forming on his forehead as he responded "Both of you guys have earned five large prizes!

And unfortunately that is our max payout. I wouldn't want to have you guys keep shooting for no reason.

Now this is the first time in our booth's history that we have had two people earn the right to challenge hell mode at the same time.

Do you guys want to go one after the other or would you rather challenge hell mode all at the same time?"

Jason was surprised after hearing the booth worker sat that. He had been so focused on his own shooting that he didn't notice that Rudy had actually managed to go toe to toe with him.

Jason then took a closer look at Rudy. After spending a few seconds to comb through all of his memories from his past life Jason recognized him.

Rudy Jackson aka RJ but to commentators and to fans alike he was known most commonly as Racks.

He had gotten that nickname when during a game one of the commentators had said "Rudy's game is cold like money.

I'm talkin straight cash man, this ain't no plastic card. You can't say no to that. We should be calling him Racks cause this boy is straight money."

Rudy had been the number four pick in his draft. He walked into a struggling organization and instantly improved their record by twenty wins.

Although his team still failed to make the playoffs the impact that he had had on the team was obvious.

Rudy would later come to be known as one of the most lethal one on one scorers in the league.

His 6'7 (2m) frame combined with his ability to score at all three levels was made even more effective as he could finish around the rim with both hands.

The only downsides to him as a player was the fact that he was only an average athlete at best, his lack of a motor on the defensive end, as well as his off the court drama.

There were multiple reports and stories of Rudy by both his former teammates as well as former coaching staff that he never really took the game seriously.

He would show up to practice late and he would always be the first one out of the gym. Luckily for him his natural god given talent would be enough to carry him.

Although Rudy would be awarded with multiple all star appearances and other individual accolades he would never accomplish the biggest goal of most basketball players.

The goal of beating every single team that stood in your way and raising up that coveted championship trophy.

Jason's curiosity was piqued as he used Heart's Eye on Rudy.


Free throw: S

Lay Up: A+

Dunking: F+

Close Shot: A

Mid Range Shooting: A

Three Point Shooting: A

Dribbling: A+

Passing: B+

Ball Handling: S-

Play Making: B

Post Scoring: B

Rebounding: C

Post Control: B

Perimeter Defense: C+

Post Defense: D+

Steals: C+

Blocks: D

Athleticism: B ]

Rudy looked back at Jason "Yo what the hell you staring at? I know I'm cute and shit but I don't swing that way."

Jason shook his head "I was staring because I thought I recognized you. You're playing in the state tournament right?"

Rudy seemed a bit surprised by what Jason had said. This time it was his turn to take a closer look at Jason.

A second later he snapped his fingers "You're the Korean kid! Yo no disrespect dog but I almost didn't recognize you.

You look mad different without a headband and a jersey on. Yeah I'm in the tournament and we're playing against each other next. I'm surprised that you managed to recognize me though.

Unlike you I'm not on any TV shows and I haven't had any old pros talking about me. This has got me even more fired up!"

Rudy turned at pointed to the crowd that had formed around them "You can't tell me that you don't want to put on a show for these guys.

You would be missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime here. It ain't everyday that the stars from two opposing teams get to bump into each other outside of a game."

Jason looked at Rudy and then at the crowd around them "I don't need to put a show on for anybody."

Rudy had a disapointed look on his face. But just as he was about to say something he heard Jason voice.

"I don't need to put a show on for anybody. But I'm not one to turn down a challenge. You're on."

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