Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 159 - Bright Lights: Part-4

Rudy laughed as he started to clap his hands "That's what I'm talking about. If you're an MC then you have to do stuff like this.

Just don't feel bad when I turn you into a side character in my latest arc haha." Jason sighed to himself.

'Is there something wrong with this kid? He's even worse than Kyle. At least Kyle knows how to act normal from time to time.'

Jason and Rudy once again readied themselves in their little square boxes. The booth worker sighed in relief after seeing both of the kids had agreed to challenge hell mode.

'For I second I was really worried about whether or not I would have to give some prizes away.

Luckily for me these kids don't know when to walk away. I can win my prizes back after they lose against hell mode.'

After seeing that both of the kids were standing ready inside of their boxes the booth worker began to explain hell mode.

"In hell mode the hoops will move side to side and up and down. You have to make ten shots in a row to win and you lose as soon as you miss a shot.

Since both of you guys are challenging hell mode and we only have one prize whoever makes the ten shots first will be crowned the winner. Sound good?"

Jason and Rudy both turned to look at each other. Rudy had a smile on his face "Sounds good to me. You down? Or are you chicken?"

Jason shrugged his shoulders "Like I said. I'm not one to turn down a challenge. Let's get started."

After getting the confirmation from both Jason and Rudy the booth worker walked over to the side of the booth.

He pressed a red button that was covered by a glass cover that he had to flip up. As soon as the button was pressed there was an evil laugh that played on a speaker as well as flashing lights and some fog from a fog machine.

Jason and Rudy watched as some rock and roll music started playing in the background and the hoops and backboards started to move.

The booth worker clapped his hands "Alright gentlemen. You may now begin!" As soon as he finished saying that the basketballs rolled back down the rails again.

Jason caught one of the balls but instead of shooting it right away he paused for a second to watch the hoop.

He saw that the hoop would move all the way to the right, then all the way to the left, then it would move all the way up, and then all the way down.

After watching it go a few times Jason felt like he understood the pattern and had the timing down.

He got into his shooting form and shot the ball. The hoop was on its way down when the basketball that Jason had shot sank through the net.

The crowd around them began to clap and cheer after seeing Jason make the shot. But not everyone was happy to see him make that shot.

Rudy ground his teeth in frustration 'You think you can steal my shine? I'm the real MC! It's me, not you!'

Rudy threw up his first shot after seeing Jason make his. The ball went through the net as the hoop was moving to the right.

It was a tense competition as the slightest mistake would mean instant defeat. But Rudy was feeling the pressure because he was slightly behind Jason.

The rate of shooting was a lot slower compared to before. Even for shooters as skilled as Jason and Rudy they had to take their time to make sure that they were timing their shots correctly.

After having made his fifth shot Jason took a moment to wipe off the sweat from his hands using his shirt.

Rudy chuckled in his mind 'What are you doing man? You're gonna lose some precious time doing that.

Not that I'm complaining. Hehe, guess he just wants to make this easy for me.' While Jason was nonchalantly wiping his hands on his shirt Rudy managed to even up the score.

By the time that Jason had managed to get back into his shooting stance and start getting up shots he was behind Rudy by one shot.

The shootout continued as both Jason and Rudy drained shot after shot. It looked like Rudy would win it all after draining his ninth shot.

'I wonder how I should celebrate after I win. Should I throw up a peace sign? Or maybe I can strike a pose.

I wonder how many people are going to be lining up to take pictures and ask for my autograph.

What kind of signature should I do? Detailed personal messages or sweet and short inspirational quotes?

I just can't make up my mind. Oh well, guess I'll just have to see what pops up in the spur of the moment.'

Rudy got ready to throw up his tenth and final shot. His feet were squared, his elbow was perfectly aligned with the hoop, everything felt good.

But just as the ball was about to leave his hand Rudy felt that something was off. The ball had slipped just ever so slightly as he was about to flick his wrist.

'Shit!' Rudy knew before the ball had even left his hand that that the shot was messed up. All he could do was pray and hope that he would get the lucky bounce.

The crowd was watching and instantly held their breathe when they saw the ball hit the rim for the first time.

Before this all of Rudy's shots had hit nothing but net just like Jason's. The ball first landed on the left side of the rim.

It then bounced over to the right side and seemed to have a mind of its own as it stood still for what felt like a whole second.

Rudy could feel his heartbeat accelerate as beads of sweat began to form on his forehead. He was just like the people in the crowd as he held his breathe in anticipation.

After what had felt like an eternity of waiting under tension the hoop moved which caused the ball to lean toward the right and fell off the rim.

The entire crowd let out a collective sigh of disappointment as they watched the ball fall off of the rim.

Rudy was cussing up a storm inside of his head after he had seen the ball fall off the rim. Now everyone's attention was on Jason.

It almost seemed as though Jason was in his own world. Isolated and blocked off from all of the noise and commotion going on around him.

Jason calmly took his time as he got his ninth shot up. The ball sank through the net right as the hoop was about to begin climbing up.

As though it were nothing but an ordinary warm up shot at practice or before a game Jason put up his tenth and final shot.

As the last shot went straight through the net the entire crowd was cheering and making some noise.

Jason turned around to face the crowd and the booth worker. He had his same deadpan face as he wiped the sweat off of his forehead.

"So did I win?" Only after hearing him say that did Rudy and the rest of the people standing around realize that Jason had been so focused on his own shooting that he hadn't paid any attention to Rudy.

Rudy gripped his fist tight as he pushed the words through his tightly clenched teeth "Yeah... You won."

Samantha had pushed her way to the front and jumped towards Jason "You did it! You did it! You were freakin awesome Jaya!"

The crowd parted as they allowed Kyle to limp his way toward Jason on his crutch. He extended his fist out toward him and they both fist bumped.

Kyle was smiling brightly "Way to go bro. That shootout was so intense. You definitely earned the W."

Jason smiled as he heard his friends praising him. His attention turned toward the booth worker "So I get five large prizes and the katana right?"

The booth worker had a sad expression on his face as he answered "Y-Yes you do young man. I'll get you the katana. Just let me know which large prizes you want."

Jason nodded his head once again after hearing the booth worker say that. He then said "Go ahead and give the katana to Kyle."

Kyle had a shocked look on his face after hearing Jason say that. Jason then turned toward Samantha and added "Go ahead and pick the five that you want Sammy."

Samantha's jaw almost dropped to the floor as she hurriedly turned to Jason after hearing him say that.

She grabbed Jason by the shoulders and shook him "Are you serious Jaya?! Don't play with me. If this is another one of your messed up jokes I won't be able to take it!"

Jason pulled her hands away from him as he nodded his head "I am being a hundred percent serious Sammy.

I just came to the booth because I thought that the game looked interesting. You and Kyle can keep the prizes."

Samantha was jumping up and down from pure joy "Thanks Jaya! Even though you have that really mean gaze and unfriendly face you are such a nice guy!"

She gave Jason a quick hug before making her way to the prize shelves to pick out which prizes she wanted.

The booth worker had climbed up his ladder and taken down the Katana. He then handed it to Kyle.

"This is the reward for clearing hell mode. A perfect replica of the katana from the show. It comes with the sheath as well as a wooden display case. Let me go get it." 

Kyle had the biggest and goofiest looking smile on his face as he took the katana and the display case from the booth worker.

Just as Jason was about to walk away with Kyle and Samantha he was stopped by a voice "This isn't over man."

Jason turned around and saw that it was Rudy. He was striking some sort of pose as he stared down Jason.

"You might have won this pointless battle but I will ultimately come out the winner when me and my team eliminate you from the tournament.

Look forward to being my cannon fodder!" He then turned around and stormed off. People were excitedly whispering and talking among each other after hearing him say that.

Jason just shrugged his shoulders "Whatever." He then began walking away from the booth with Samantha and Kyle.

Before they could even get ten steps away a gurgling sound could be heard. Kyle and Samantha both turned toward Jason.

His face was slightly red as he scratched his face "Should we go get something to eat real quick while we wait for the rest of the guys?"

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