Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 205 - New Friends

Jason and the rest of the boys from California walked to one side of the room and took a seat on the benches.

Jason looked at all the other boys as he spoke "Nice job out there fellas. So we have a whole hour for lunch. What you guys feel like doing?"

Rudy put his hands behind his head before looking up at the ceiling "I don't know about y'all but I'm finna take a nap right quick. I ain't really all that hungry yet."

Jason and 3D both turned to look at him as though they were looking at a crazy person. 3D used his white hand towel to wipe some more sweat from his face.

"I knew you were weird but I didn't think you were actually crazy. We've been here for hours now bustin our behinds and you're not hungry?"

Jason nodded his head "Yeah bro. You telling me, that after all that working out, that you ain't hungry?"

Rudy rolled his eyes "Whatchu mean work out? Bruh, deadass all they had us do was jump and lift a bit of weight. 

You goofies acting like they had us out here doing a whole ass marathan." Kyle looked at Rudy with a confused expression.

"A whole as what?" Rudy took his hands from behind his head and put them to his side as he turned to Kyle and responded annoyedly.

"A marathan. You know, those races where they make you run a fuck ton." Kyle shook his head before responding.

"I think you mean marathon bro. I have never heard anyone call it a marathan." Rudy was stunned for a second.

"You know what I meant man. I didn't know you were a part of the grammar police." Kyle responded "That's not even grammar though. You literally just said the word wron-"

Jason waved his arms around to get everyone's attention "Alright! That's enough getting side tracked. We we're talking about plans for lunch."

Jason then let out a deep sigh after face palming "I swear. I know that we're all kids but sometimes you guys be acting like toddlers.

So what should we do for lunch?" Everyone looked around but no one said anything. Jason let out another sigh "How about we start off by taking a look at the cafeteria?" 

Seeing as how no one had any objections or other suggestions they all got up and started making their way to the cafeteria.

After a short elevator ride and a brisk walk the boys found themselves at the cafeteria of the training facility.

After getting a look at the food that the cafeteria was serving Jason immediately frowned "It all looks so.... dry."

3D nodded his head as he added "And flavorless. What's the point of cooking healthy food if no one wants to eat it."

Danilo responded "So it looks like lunch here is a no go. Should we go get something to eat outside? We can just comeback after we're done."

Jason turned to look at him "You know any good places to eat?" Danilo shook his head. Jason scrunched up his face as he began to fall deep into thought.

But before anything could pop into his head Kyle nudged him in the side with his elbow. Jason turned to Kyle "What?"

Kyle pointed to something "You seeing this Jaya?" Jason turned his head in the direction that Kyle was pointing in and saw something... strange.

Off in the distance was a girl dressed in athletic gear. That in and of itself wasn't strange considering that this was a training center ran by Nike.

They probably had athletes of all ages training here other than their group. But the strange part was how the girl was moving around.

She was ducking behind pillars and peeking around the corners. Jason sighed "Just ignore her. First rule about life Kyle.

Always ignore weirdos. Doesn't matter if you're at Hollywood looking at the stars or in New York trying to get something to eat.

Just mind your business. Pretend that you don't see anything. You understand?" Jason looked at Kyle who then nodded his head.

After seeing Kyle nod his head Jason added "Good. Now let's get out of here. We can just look up some food places close by with google maps."

The boys followed Jason as he exited the cafeteria. All together their group made their way to the front entrance of the facility.

Just as they were about to step out the doors the girl that had been moving around in a odd manner approached them.

She put her arms around Jason and Rudy "Sorry bout this but act like y'all know me. Keep it natural."

Everyone looked like they wanted to stop and asking just what it was that she was doing. But Jason kept walking as if nothing had happened so the boys decided to follow his lead.

As their group walked out of the training facility Jason asked "We're out of the building now so how about you tell us why you had to sneak out of there."

The girl did a double take as she looked at Jason as though he had an extra head growing out the side of his neck "How'd you know I was sneakin out?"

The girl was about 5'6 (1.67m) and she was dressed in an all black running suit. She had golden brown skin and her long curly hair was tied into a ponytail.

She had a deep voice for being a female of her size and the New York sound was very heavy in her accent.

They kept on walking as Jason answered her question "You were looking around the place like you were trying to avoid security and then you joined our group to try and blend in.

Common sense and a little bit of deductive reasoning would lead anyone to the same conclusion." The girl took another look at Jason before letting out a small chuckle.

"Yo you soundin mad smart. Dude always talk like this?" Kyle, Rudy, Danilo, Alex, and 3D all nodded their heads simultaneously. 

The girl started laughing "Hahaha! Damn bro, these yo homies? They did you dirty G hahaha!" Jason shrugged his shoulders.

"Eh it's whatever. But back to the topic at hand. Are you going to answer my question? If not then we'll just be on our way. We only have an hour for lunch so we can't really waste any time."

Jason then started to walk away. The girl stopped him before he could take a second step "My bad my bad.

I didn't mean nothin by it alright? Just a few friendly jabs man. Anyways, y'all really helped me out. Good looks.

My name is Jasmine and I'm actually a boxer that's training at the Nike Center. They got me on a strict diet but I can't stand the food over there.

Deadass everything they serve is worse than a fuckin schoolie. Like I ain't even playin that shit is so ass. That's why I snuck out.

You guys said you was on yo lunch too right? How bout this. I know a place where we can grab somethin decent to eat.

There's a bodega close by and the ock always hooks it up. All they food go stupid bro ain't none that chopped shit that you see at fast food places."

Rudy turned to the other boys "You guys understand what she's saying? What the fuck is a bodega?"

Danilo shook his head "Shit bro, I have no idea. And what the hell is an ock?" A smile started to bloom on Jasmine's face as she looked at the boys.

"Yo! You guys ain't from around here huh?" Jason and all of the boys shook their heads. She just laughed.

"Hahah that's settles it then. I can't just leave you guys alone after helpin me out like that. Follow me to grab some food. And don't say no cause you gon get me tight."

Kyle whispered to Jason "What does that even mean? Bro, I thought New Yorkers just had an accent. But she's speaking a whole ass different language."

Jason laughed as he whispered back to Kyle "I think it means that if we say no then she'll get upset. You're right bro.

New Yorkers really have a whole different language that they use other than English. But she seems pretty friendly.

If she wants to repay us so bad I say that we let her." Jason turned to look at the other guys "What do you guys think?"

Everyone just silently looked at Jason. They were collectively giving him a look that said 'We'll follow your lead.'

After seeing everyone's response Jason turned back to the girl "We'll take you up on your offer Jasmine."

He then stuck his hand out in front "My name is Jason. These are my friends Kyle, Danilo, Alex, Rudy, and 3D.

We all came here from California because we got invited to Nike's training camp. We all play basketball."

Everyone then proceeded to shake hands with Jasmine after Jason had introduced them. Jasmine smiled "Nice meeting you guys.

Trust me you guys are going to have a blast. Especially now that you have me. I'm a New York native so I know all the best places. 

Now let's go get something to eat." And so all the boys began to follow Jasmine as she walked out of the gates to the Nike training facility.

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