Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 206 - Numbers

Back at the Nike training facility. Patricia was standing in a room with another researcher as they both looked at lines of data on a monitor.

A picture of one of the kids would pop up along with lines of data. Patricia kept looking at the monitor as she wrote things down on her clipboard.

"Hmm interesting. Kyle Robinson: current height 6'2 without shoes (1.87m), current weight is 146 pounds (66.2kg), hand length is 8.3 inches (21cm), Wingspan is 6'6 (1.98m), standing reach is 8'2 (2.48m)

Carter, this was the boy that recorded the twenty eight inch (71.12cm) standing vertical correct?" Carter, the other researcher in the room with her, nodded his head.

"Yes Doctor Miller. Kyle Robinson is indeed the athlete that recorded a twenty eight inch (71.12cm) standing vertical.

He is currently one of the best athletic specimens that we have seen in over a decade. Even without taking a look at his performance with other drills his standing vertical jump is enough to solidify his ranking."

Patricia nodded her head as she continued to write down notes "I have to agree with you one that. His combination of standing reach, wingspan, hand size, height, and leaping ability make him an elite athlete.

And when you factor in his young age and potential for future growth you're practically looking at a monster in the making.

And although we haven't ran any tests yet just from watching his film and highlights its apparent that not only is he supremely gifted with elite physical measurements and jumping ability.

He possess a great deal of body control and coordination. A lot of tall kids often suffer from reduced coordination or at best are normal.

Kyle on the other hand is able to move his body mid air in order to adjust his aim when blocking shots, as well as run the floor like a gazelle.

This kid practically has it all. The only thing that is potential holding him back is his willowy frame and lack of power."

Carter nodded his head "Yes, in the physical department the only thing that Kyle is lacking is size and power.

But he is also very raw as a player. According to all of the film that we have gone over Kyle averaged a mere three post ups per game this season.

And his point production per post up is actually in the negatives. He lacks the offensive skill set to generate points in the post as well as a reliable jump shot.

From the free throw line he shot only 64 percent. The majority of his points came from assists and put backs within five feet (1.524m) of the basket."

Carter nodded his head before jotting down his own notes. He then looked up to Patricia "So shall we add him to the list Doctor Miller?" 

Patricia nodded her head as she kept her attention on the monitor "Yes. Go ahead and add him to the list.

If he can survive the vetting process and obtain a high rating will be all up to him." Carter flipped the pages until he got to a specific page. He then wrote down Kyle's name.

He then pressed a button on the keyboard which changed the picture being shown from Kyle's to Jason's "Up next we have Jason Yang.

Official name on documentations is Jason Yang. The Korean name he was given by his parents is Yang Tae-Hyun.

If I'm not mistaken this is also the athlete that drew your attention Doctor Miller." Patricia nodded her head in acknowledgment.

"Originally I wasn't assigned to work on this training camp. But it came to my attention that this child would be attending.

I have worked with him before at a prior training camp. He somehow piqued my interest. You could say that I am somewhat invested in seeing his journey.

Only as a fan of course. I would never allow my own personal interests to affect my work. The amount of preferential treatment he would receive is negligible."

Carter didn't entirely believe Patricia when she said that last part. But he knew better than to voice his opinion to his direct superior.

"Hmm well in any case. This Jason Yang kid could be said to be the complete opposite of Kyle Robinson.

While Kyle is a supremely gifted athlete and physical specimen who is raw in terms of skills Jason is the definition of being a player over an athlete.

He has a jump shot that is mechanically sound with textbook form. His handles aren't the flashiest but they are tight, under control, and get the job done.

His shot selection and decision making on the court is enough to make him any coach's best friend. He never has a boneheaded moment and he recorded one of thee best assist to turn over ratios for players that have his high of a usage rate.

Skills wise he is clearly one of thee most polished players in the country for his age. However he does have some major downsides.

His lack of athleticism puts a clear ceiling on his potential. A ceiling that many schools and programs think that he will hit very soon.

His physical measurements are also another negative that brings his overall rating down for most scouts.

Jason Yang: current height 5'7 without shoes (1.7m), current weight is 128 pounds (58.05kg), hand length is 7.37 inches (18.71cm), Wingspan is 5'7 (1.7m), standing reach is 7 feet 5.4 inches (2.27m)

His current measurements don't leave much hope for major changes in the future." Patricia frowned for a split second.

The duration was so short that Carter didn't even notice the change in her expression "He should have been on our lists before the camp right Carter? What does his ranking look like?"

Carter took a moment to clear his throat before speaking "Not only do I have his ranking on our list I also managed to get a hand on some other unofficial lists as well.

These haven't been publicly released yet and I had to call some of my friends in order to get this. Under Armour, Draft Xpress, Hoops Nation, and Summer Labs both have Jason ranked 20-25 for middle school players in the country.

Our own unreleased list has him as the 21st best player in the country in terms of middle school basketball."

Patricia thought for a moment "isn't that a little low? I would have expected him to be ranked in the top fifteen at the lowest.

There are players that didn't even get an invite to the camp that are ranked higher than he his."

Carter shook his head "His ranking dropped after he was eliminated at the state tournament. His lack of presence at the National tournament lowered his rating.

While his counterparts were able to boost their rating by performing well at the National tournament."

Patricia fell silent as she continued to write down notes. After an awkward moment of silence Carter spoke up.

"Actually I wanted to talk to you about his ranking Doctor Miller. The higher ups actually want to boost his ranking."

For the first time since they had started working Patricia took her eyes off of the monitor as she turned her attention to Carter.

"Oh? And why is that? Knowing those money grubbing pencil pushers they wouldn't do something like that without reason."

Carter gulped as the pressure that Patricia naturally exuded as one of the top figures in her profession intimidated him.

"Uh-umm. Well, the reason why they want to boost his ranking is because they're hoping to use him for marketing purposes in Korea and other parts of Asia."

Patricia raised her brow "And why are you telling me this?" Carter paused for a moment before continuing.

"Seeing as how you're somewhat a fan of his I thought that you would be happy to hear that his ranking would improve.

That and we actually need your help. If we just casually increase his ranking without any reason and then use him as part of our marketing then it would be too obvious.

The company wants you to come up with some tests or drills that we can use to justify boosting his ranking."

Patricia nodded her head as she fell silent. As experienced as she was she knew that those weren't the companies only intentions.

'They want me to put my name next to Jason's ranking. They're hoping to use my credibility and reputation to sign off on his rating.

That way if Jason underperforms or flops they can simply say that they were listening to the opinion of one of the worlds leading sports scientist.

These scheming bastards. At least try to hide your greed and ambition.' Patricia was silent for a moment. She then cracked a small smile.

'I wonder how that kid is going to handle this whole situation.' She then smiled at Carter "Sure. Go ahead and tell the higher ups that I'll come up with something.

But if I'm going to do this I want complete control over this training camp." Carter gulped before nodding his head "I'll let them know."

Patricia nodded her head before turning her attention back to her notes. As she tried to get back into her work Jason's face popped into her mind.

'I wonder how the kid will handle this.'

- - -

Jason, Kyle, and all of the other boys were drooling as they caught a scent of delicious food while following Jasmine to a corner store.

Jason gulped as he swallowed his saliva "I don't know what that smell is but go ahead and get me four. I'm starving.'

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