Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 209 - Continuing With The Assessment

Jasmine, Jason, Kyle, and the rest of the boys could be seen running towards the front entrance to the Nike training facility.

As the automatic doors slid open Jason pulled out his phone to check the time "Nice. We made it with just a bit of time to spare."

3D's large and hulking frame was the last one to step into the facility. With his breathing heavy he wiped the sweat off of his face with the sleeve of his hoodie before looking at Jason with an angry expression.

"I told you that we would make it! Shit! There was no reason for us to run like that."

Jason responded "Just think of it as getting some extra cardio in 3D. It's good for your body. Besides, we only have five minutes. We still need to get back to the training room."

Jason then turned to Jasmine and reached out with his hand "Thanks for showing us a great spot Jasmine. The Chopped Cheese was great."

Jasmine smiled as she reached out and shook hands with Jason "No problem Jaya. You guys were actually pretty aight for being a bunch of middle schoolers."

Jason and the rest of the boys said their goodbye's to Jasmine after exchanging contact information. 

As they began to walk away Jasmine called out "Hey wait!" Jason turned around "What?" Jasmine asked "How much longer is your guys' training?"

Jason checked the notes that he made on his phone "We have four more hours of training today." Jasmine smiled after hearing that.

"Do you guys have anything planned for tonight? You know, after your practice?" Jason turned around to look at the other guys.

"You guys have anything planned?" Kyle and all of the boys shook their heads in response to Jason's question.

Jason then turned his gaze back to Jasmine "Looks like that's a no. We'll probably just eat and mess around at the hotel."

Jasmine waved her hand "That sounds mad lame bro. If you guys don't have anything planned for tonight then you should hang with me.

I can show you guys around. Show you guys the real spots. Not the boring shit that they normally show tourists."

Jason asked the boys "What do you guys think?" Rudy smiled "Sounds a whole lot better than just staying at the hotel."

Danilo nodded his head in agreement "It's not everyday that you get to stomp around a city with a born and raised native."

3D added "As long as she knows where the good food is I'm down." Kyle chuckled "Hehe looks like you got your answer Jaya."

Jason turned back around to Jasmine "Looks like we'll take you up on your offer Jasmine. You want to meet up at the hotel later?"

Jasmine nodded her head "Sure. I'll drop by later. See you guys then." And with that she turned around and walked off.

Jason and the rest of the guys started making their way back to the room where they had been doing all of their assessments. 

After opening the door Jason saw Monty along with the other boys from Texas. Jason also saw Patricia standing with the other researchers that had been recording their results.

Patricia turned her head to Jason as he walked into the room. She cracked a small smile "Nice to see that you and your friends have decided to join us."

Jason gave a small bow of the head "Sorry. I know that we're cutting it a little close. We'll try to be a little earlier next time."

Patricia gave him a nod "Good. Now you and your friends line up. We'll be moving on to the next portion of our assessment."

Jason gave a nod before joining the rest of his group as they lined up across from Monty and his group.

Monty glared at Jason for a moment before shifting his attention back to the researchers as they explained what they would be doing next.

The researchers cleared a section of the room as they then had a new machine brought in. Jason instantly recognized it as soon as he saw it.

'Yo! It looks like machine that Kawhi had at his camp. This thing is so good for practicing and molding your body for defense.'

The machine that the researchers had brought in was similar to the machine that Jason had used when he first asked to be moved up to the 16 and up group at Kawhi's training camp in Moreno Valley.

But there were still some differences. The machine that Jason had used at Kawhi's camp was made of four buttons that were laid on the floor.

This machine not only had the four buttons on the floor but it also had buttons that were lined up on a square frame.

Jason looked at the machine 'This looks like it has a higher level of difficulty compared to the one at Kawhi's camp.

The one at Kawhi's camp only had four buttons on the floor that you had to manage. This one has the four buttons on the floor plus nine more attached to the square frame.

There are three rows with three buttons in each row. The ones at the top might prove to be a problem.'

Patricia once again went over how the assessment would go "The four buttons on the floor will light up at random and you will have to press them before they turn red.

As soon as any light turns red the assessment will end. As the buttons on the floor are lighting up so will the buttons that are attached to the frame in front of you.

If any of them turn red the assessment will end. The amount of time that you have to press the buttons will gradually decrease as the drill increases in difficulty.

After a certain level of speed is hit by the machine we will also begin tossing tennis balls at you while you try to keep the buttons from turning red.

If you drop or fail to catch any of the tennis balls that too will end the assessment. Do you all understand?" All of the boys nodded their heads in response to her question.

She smiled "Good. Now who would like to go first?" Jason immediately raised his hand to volunteer. Patricia was about to select Jason when she noticed that another boy had raised his hand.

"Oh. Looks like we have some eager beavers in our group today. You boys both raised your hands at the same time. How should we decide?"

Jason turned his head to see who else had volunteered. Jason saw that it was Monty who had his hand raised.

Monty growled "Put your hand down bruh. Can't you see the grown folk tryin to do business?" Jason rolled his eyes.

"Again with the grown folk talk. I get it. You're taller than me and you got more muscles than me. Does that make you happy to hear?

It still doesn't change the fact that you got your ass handed to you bro." Monty took a step toward Jason "The fuck you say to me!? You little as bitc-"

Patricia's cold and chilling voice caused Monty to fall silent "Language gentlemen. You would all do well to remember where you are and who you are in the company of."

Monty turned his gaze over at Jason before looking over at Patricia. After seeing her cold and serious demeanor Monty took a step back and shut his mouth.

Jason followed suit as retracted the step that he had taken when Monty had stepped toward him. Patricia's cold demeanor melted away as she let out a slight grin.

"Good. Now since we have so many eager souls that wish to try out the machine why don't we do it like this."

She turned to one of the researchers behind her "Carter! Go clear out another section of the room and have them bring in another Neuro Trainer.

There's a saying that pressure forms diamonds. And some of the best pressure is the one that forms during the heat of battle."

She then turned around and looked at Jason and Monty as her smile grew just a bit brighter "Since we have two hot heads raring to go it would be a shame to not take advantage.

We'll have you two perform the drill right in front of each other and assess you both at the same time."

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