Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 210 - Mr. Cool

Monty gripped his fist tightly as he glared at Jason "Heh, that sounds perfect to me." Jason simply shrugged his shoulders.

"It doesn't matter to me. The only competition that I see is between myself and the machine." Monty clenched his fists harder after hearing Jason say that.

Patricia let out a small chuckle after hearing Jason's nonchalant reply "Since the two of them seem ready for the challenge then lets go ahead and get things ready."

Some more people dressed in white lab coats came into the room as they worked to clear out enough room for a second machine to be brought in.

After about ten minutes the researchers were able to clear out enough room and set up the second training machine. 

Jason walked over to the machine that the researchers had just set up. As he was just a few steps away Monty bumped him with his shoulder as he walked past him.

He stood in front of the machine "I want to use this one." Jason chuckled "Play all the mind games you want Monty. That shit won't help you."

Monty got the opposite reaction that he was expecting as Kyle and the other guys from Jason's group laughed at him after they heard what Jason said.

His face twisted in anger 'Why the fuck can't I get the edge on this shrimp? He always got some smart ass shit to say!'

Patricia looked at Jason and Monty as they both stood in front of their respective training machines "Before you gentlemen begin I'll have to ask you both to take off your shirts.

We'll be using some special sensor pads to track and record your muscle activity as well as your body mechanics.

This data will help us get a closer look at how you're utilizing your energy and if there are any improvements we can make in terms of how you control your body."

Jason nodded his head before taking off his shirt. He spread his arms open as the researchers directed him.

They stuck the white sensor pads on to his body. The sensors were placed on his biceps, back of his shoulders, top of his wrists, on his calves, and on the back of his thighs.

After the researchers were done applying the sensors to both Jason and Monty Patricia asked "Any questions before we begin?"

Monty raised his hand "Excuse me mam. This wasn't part of the camp last year. How come we got to do this now?"

Patricia turned her attention to Monty "Last year I wasn't in charge of the training camp. Now that I am I will be making sure that the quality of it lives up to my standards.

And part of my standards is having as much data as possible. The more we know about you the better we can try and help you improve as an athlete and as a player. Any other questions?"

Jason raised his hand. Patricia's brow raised as she looked in Jason's direction. A playful grin grew on her face "Oh? You actually have something other than sly remark to say?"

Jason ignored her jab as he asked "No cables?" Patricia was stunned for a moment by Jason's question.

She then began to chuckle as she could understand Jason perfectly despite him using so few words "So you were worried about whether or not our sensors would be able to accurately collect your data?"

Jason simply nodded his head. Patricia helplessly shook her head 'The other kid has been provoking him this whole day and the only thing that was on his mind was making sure that we got an accurate reading of his data.

This kid is really different.' She had a slight smile on her face as she answered Jason's question "You don't need to worry about our sensors.

Although they are all wireless their precision and accuracy are enough to put them at the top of the line in terms of sensors that are out on the market.

These sensors are a proprietary piece of technology that only Nike has access to currently. We are also using exclusive programs and software that was developed in house by Nike.

Was that enough of a satisfactory answer?" Jason looked at her as he gave her a nod. Patricia clicked her pen as she hovered it over her clipboard "Good. Now if you're both ready go ahead and start."

Monty stole a quick glance at Jason as they both positioned themselves in front of their machines 'Hehe look at this guy.

He's all skin and bones. Dude barely has any meat on him. He'll probably be gassed after a minute or two.'

He then took a look at his own fairly muscular and well developed body. His confidence shot up as he couldn't imagine himself losing to Jason.

As the first light on the floor turned on Monty shuffled his feet as he moved to the left in order to turn it off. As Monty turned off more and more lights the speed at which they turned on began to increase.

After the first minute passed the researcher assigned to Monty and his machine began to toss tennis balls toward him.

The difficulty automatically went up by several levels as Monty now had to keep in mind the tennis balls as well as the lights.

Droplets of sweat began to form on his face as Monty was forced to concentrate harder as the difficulty level of the drill rose.

As the lights continued to turn on Monty struggled to keep track of everything that was happening around him.

'Far left on the floor! Wait! Tennis ball! Fuck another light!' Monty had to push off with all the power he could generate as he shifted from side to side in order to press the buttons.

After passing the three minute mark the buttons on the metal frame began to turn on as well adding even more to the list of things that Monty had to take into account.

His eyes were moving in a frenzy as he tried to pay attention to everything. Add to that the once again increased speed of the lights and Monty was now frantically moving his feet as well as his hands as he fought to keep the lights off and to catch the tennis balls that the researcher was tossing toward him.

Just as he was about to make it to the four minute mark a mental slip caused him to miss a ball that was tossed to his left side.

As the ball hit the floor all of the other lights turned off Patricia announced "Three minutes and fifty-three seconds. Well done."

"It was alright." Although Monty said that inside he was secretly proud 'Hehe I bet that kid didn't even make it past two minutes.'

But just as he was basking in the pride of his performance while wiping the sweat off of his face the sound of shuffling footsteps ripped him back to reality.

'Impossible! It's probably a new kid. He probably got tired after two minutes and they put someone new on his machine.

It's impossible that he's still doing the drill right?'

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