Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 211 - Breaking A Record

Monty's face stiffened at first and then it began to worsen as he saw that Jason had actually managed to outlast him in the drill.

Jason was shifting side to side effortlessly as he fluidly bent his knees, reached down, and turned off the buttons all in one swift motion.

The more he watched the uglier his expression became 'How the hell is he doin all this? He's not even turning his head or movin his eyes.

How can he see everything and keep track of it all like that? And his body doesn't stop moving for even a second. It just doesn't make sense.'

Jason shuffled all the way to the left before nimbly reaching down and pressing the button. He then shut off the button right next to it that had turned on at the last second.

On the way up the caught a ball that was falling to his left with his left hand while also turning off one of the buttons on the frame that had turned on with his right hand.

He then shuffled to the right as he repeated the process. Floor button, tennis ball, frame button, frame button, tennis ball, floor button, it didn't matter what variation of the order it was Jason was able to complete them flawlessly.

Jason's performance caught the attention of not only the researchers but the cameramen as well as they began to focus solely on him.

Off on the side Patricia was watching Jason's amazing display along with some of the other researchers.

"What do you all think? What are the sensors telling us?" One of the male researchers gulped as he took a look at the tablet in his hands.

"Doctor Miller, the sensors indicate that the subject known as Jason Yang has a energy transfer efficiency rating of 96.75 percent.

Each of his steps flow along fluidly with each other and each step seems to use the minimum amount of energy required. 

These results are some of the lowest energy waste numbers that we have ever seen from an athlete in this age range."

Patricia's brows raised after hearing that "Oh? I should be saying that this is surprising but I somewhat had a feeling that would be the case. Anything else?"

It was a different researcher that responded to her question this time "Doctor Miller, according to the sensors Jason Yang has a normal Lactic acid production rate but...."

Patricia turned to look at the researcher with a somewhat annoyed look in her eyes "Just spit it out already."

The researcher gulped before saying "According to the sensors Jason Yang has a normal Lactic acid production rate but.... It seems as though his Mitochondria burn rate for Lactate is sitting at 90 percent."

This time it wasn't just Patricia that was stunned. All of the researchers that had heard that announcement all stopped what they were doing as they stared at the one researcher who had said that.

Patricia looked at the researcher with a serious expression on her face "Are you sure about that?" The researcher paused before nodding his head.

"I don't know if it's actually true Doctor Miller. However that is what the sensors are saying." He then flipped the tablet around to show her "You can take a look for yourself."

Patricia leaned in to get a closer look at the tablet. Her eyes went wide after seeing the lines of data that were displayed.

"You're right. According to the sensors it looks like Jason has a Lactate Mitochondria burn rate of 90 percent. We'll have to take a closer look later on.

Not a word of this to anyone else until we can confirm these results. Is that understood?" All of the researchers nodded their heads.

After their discussion they all went back to watching Jason as he continued his dominant performance with the drill.

Streams of sweat began to flow down Jason's face as he went past the five minute mark. At this point no one was talking or making any noise as they all focused on watching Jason.

As the seconds passed by Jason's legs began to tremble and his breathing became heavier and heavier.

The speed of the lights continued to increase and it now seemed like multiple lights were turning on at the same time as Jason struggled to turn them all off in time.

As the drill continued it seemed as though Jason had finally hit his wall as he was just a half step too slow in trying to catch one of the tennis balls.

The tennis ball ended up hitting the tip of his fingers before bouncing off and hitting the ground. Jason's chest was rapidly rising and falling as his body desperately tried to grab as much oxygen as it could.

He took of his headband and undid his hair as he tried his best to cool himself down. He took a step forward as he reached out for his towel that he had hung up.

But as he stepped forward his knee buckled forcing him to stumble to the side. Kyle rushed to his side but Jason caught himself against one of the other machines.

He looked at Kyle and cracked a small smile "I'm good bro. Just got caught off guard for a second. Just need some time to catch my breathe."

Kyle hesitated but he ended up nodding his head as he made his way back to the other guys from California.

Jason then turned his head as he looked at Patricia "So Doc. How did I do? Was I amazing or spectacular?" Patricia let out a small chuckle as she clicked her pen and wrote something down.

"After six minutes and forty-five seconds you still have the energy to crack some really bad jokes. At least we don't have to worry about you breaking down anytime soon.

And to answer your question I would have to say that you did pretty well. I don't know if it's enough to say that you were spectacular but you did break a record.

You measured the best results on this machine in the last decade for your age group. You scored well enough that a lot of high schoolers would be embarrassed to share their results."

Jason made his back to his group. He took a seat on the bench and wiped his face off with his towel "I thought you would be a lot more impressed than that Doc.

But I guess beating a decade long record isn't too bad." Patricia simply smiled after hearing Jason's boastful remark.

She then turned to Monty "You performed admirably as well Monty. Although you didn't break any records you did record a result that would put you close to the top for athletes your age."

Monty didn't know if she did it on purpose or not but Patricia's attempt at comforting him actually did the opposite.

It was bad enough that he had to listen to Patricia praise Jason. But after he heard her say that his results weren't even enough to put him at the top of athletes his age and that he was just close, his pride took a huge hit.

He didn't say anything as he silently walked back to his group and sat down. Patricia couldn't help but sigh after seeing Monty's behavior.

'Loves to gloat and beat his chest when he's at the top but as soon as any adversity comes his way or as soon as things don't turn out the way he wants he wilts and falters. 

Even if this kid as all the physical tools and the skills required to play the game he won't be able to make it to the pros if he doesn't strengthen his mental fortitude.

The thing he needs to work on the most is his mentality.' After finishing off her notes about Monty she then turned her head in Jason's direction.

As she watched his happy face surrounded by his friends she couldn't help but smile 'This kid is the exact opposite.

He has the mentality, he has the skills, he has the drive, and he has the desire. The only thing he needs is a body that will let him utilize all of it.

I'm really going to have my work cut out for me. How much of a difference can we make in just two short weeks?'

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