Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 265 - Staying True To Your Word

Sammy hugged her stomach as she began to laugh uncontrollably "Hahahaha! Oh my god! Your face is priceless hahaha!"

She turned back around to Victor as she struggled to suppress her laughter "Please tell me you got his reaction Victor."

He nodded his head as he gave her another thumbs up. Jason furrowed his brows "Haha Sammy, real funny.

You got your shits and giggles out of the way. Do you mind telling me what your actual favor is?" Samantha wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.

"Oh, I wasn't joking. I told you I wanted to tell you in person so that I could get your reaction. I just never thought it would be so good haha."

The corner of Jason's eye twitched "You can't be serious Sammy. I know I said that I would owe you one but don't you think this is going overboard?

I mean, I've never even done that before. Can't you think of something else? Anything else? I don't really care what you choose as long as it's not THAT."

Sammy smiled as she shook her head "Nope. You agreed when I helped you that day that you would owe me one.

Well, today I'm here to cash your check Mr. Yang. Or is our little hometown hero not a man of his word?" Jason face palmed.

'She knows just the right buttons to push sigh. I should have never agreed. Being mauled alive by those crazy girls would have been a hundred times better than this. At least I would still have some dignity.

I knew Sammy was crazy but I never thought that she would be this crazy.' Jason agitatedly rubbed his face with both hands for a second before lifting his head up to look at Samantha.

"Fine." She started clapping her hands with a satisfied look on her face "Great! I can't believe I get to help you with your first time."

She then turned around and started to walk away with Victor trailing behind her "Meet me at room A-107 after school on Monday.

It's dark, quiet, and just perfect for setting up the mood. I'll see you then Jaya." She raised her hand and gave him a peace sign without turning back.

Jason hung his head as his body language made it clear that he was all out of energy. The guys from the basketball team would be surprised to Jason like this as they had never seen him this deflated.

'This is going to be a long weekend.'

- - -

That weekend practice was even more intense as it was the only thing that could get Jason's mind off of Samantha's request.

DJ was hunched over as his breathing was rough "W-what's up with Jaya? I thought we won the game against Rosewood. Why does it feel like we're being punished?"

Kyle had his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breathe "D-don't ask me, I have no clue. All I know is that when I tried to come over after the game he had the sourest face I've ever seen him have.

But you're right. Even though Jason always makes practice intense this is the hardest I've seen him push everybody. I feel like I'm about to die."

Matt's brown Jewfro bounced as he tiringly made his way to the both of them "At least you guys are doing better than the 7th graders." He then pointed to the side.

Kyle and DJ turned their heads to look in the direction that Matt was pointing at. There they saw Sam, Frank, Donte, and some other 7th graders laying on the floor.

All three of them lowered their heads as they offered a silent prayer for all of the new players. They then added a prayer hoping for Jason to dial practice down a notch.

- - -

Monday. Kyle and the rest of the boys that were on the team last year could all tell that something was up with Jason.

Throughout the entire day he had been acting out of character. He seemed to be in a daze as his reactions were slower and his mind seemed duller.

The teachers would have to call his name multiple times for him to notice and he even answered a few questions incorrectly.

Something that they had never seen him do before. He always seemed like he wasn't paying attention in class but he always knew the material, sometimes even days in advance as he would even answer questions regarding stuff that the teacher hadn't even taught the class yet.

But the most worrisome sign to them was when they were at lunch. Sitting at the lunch table Jason and the rest of the boys were sitting at their usual spot.

It had already been ten minutes and yet Jason had yet to even touch a single part of his meal as he just sat there staring into the void mumbling to himself.

Vince leaned in and whispered to Kyle "Yo not gonna lie, Jaya lowkey freakin me out. He ain't touched his food yet and all he's doing is talkin to himself."

Kyle looked at Jason worriedly "Yeah. I've never seen him like this. I'm starting to get really worried. Even when he was in the hospital he was still eating like his usual self."

Kyle pulled out his phone and sent a text to Matt, who was sitting next to Jason, from under the table 'Yo Matt. What's Jaya saying?'

 Matt got the text and read it. He then tried to lean in slightly in order to hear what it was that Jason was mumbling to himself.

"I really have to do it. I can't go back on my word..... I really have to do it. There's no way out...." Matt was confused but he sent a text to Kyle telling him what he had heard.

Kyle read the text but instead of getting answers it just raised more questions in his head 'Who's he talking about? What does he mean he can't go back on his word?'

- - -

After what seemed like a long day for everyone the bell rang signaling the end of school. Jason stood up from his chair and left the classroom with everyone.

As they were about to make their way to the gym they heard Jason's voice "You guys go ahead without me. I have something to take care of before practice."

All of the boys turned around and looked at Jason as though he had a flower growing out of the top of his head.

Jason was always the first one in the gym and the last one out. And even though there was still 30 minutes before practice officially starts they always went to the gym and started early.

Kyle wanted to say something but decided against it 'If it was something he wanted to talk about he would have brought it up.

Even if it was something that he couldn't talk about with the other guys he would have at least told me about it. He told me about Marcus and the phone when he didn't even tell his parents.'

Kyle nodded his head as he tried his best to smile "Alright Jaya. We'll see you at practice." Jason just nodded his head as he turned around and left.

Nick asked "Are you sure it's a good idea to let him go just like that? He's been off this whole day." Kyle nodded his head "Whatever it is I'm sure Jaya can handle it."

- - -

The room was dimly lit as Jason looked at Samantha straight in the eyes "Are you certain about this? Once it has been done there is no turning back."

Samantha smiled but a sense of sorrow could be seen in her eyes "Yes. I am certain. Feel no guilt my love for I have made this choice knowing of the consequences."

Jason closed his eyes as though he were struggling with himself internally "Very well. Your spirit is unbreaking and your will formidable.

Should the world turn in to our enemies then we shall face their numbers together. Should the people act as our judge and executioner then we shall face their fury in each other's embrace.

And should the very ground beneath our feet collapse then I will become your wings so that you may soar to the highest of peaks."

Samantha smiled as she stroked the side of Jason's face "Should you become my wings then I too shall become the wind that will carry us."

The sound of clapping could be heard just as the lights turned on and illuminated the room. Ms. Yuller was standing as she gave Jason and Samantha a round of applause.

"Brilliant! The emotions you two portrayed seemed as genuine and as brilliant as a freshly gathered pearl! You were made for theatre Jason!"

Even though all she was saying was compliments Jason couldn't help but cry on the inside 'I can't believe Sammy is really having me do this.

I've never been in a play before!'

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