Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 266 - Helping Out A Friend

Samantha laughed "I told you Jaya. You were born for this role. Ms. Yuller even said it back when she was still organizing this play.

Your cold and emotionless looking face is perfect for a vampire. Plus you already have that charismatic yet unapproachable vibe down."

Ms. Yuller nodded her head while adding "You're natural disposition matches that of a being that has lived longer than his appearance would suggest.

Almost as if you were looking down on your surrounding peers for their lack of worldly knowledge and experience. You are exactly what this role calls for Jason!"

At this moment Jason didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry 'Ms. Yuller is a lot closer to the truth than she probably knows.'

He shook his head weakly before looking at her "I know you and Sammy really want me to play this role for your next play but I really don't think I can do it.

Like I've said before, I have never acted in a play. Not a single time. Don't you have a whole bunch of people that actually have experience that want to take this part?"

Sammy shook her head "The drama club is a lot smaller than you think Jaya. Especially now that the 8th graders from last year have moved on to high school.

We tried recruiting some new kids during club rush but surprisingly no one was interested." Jason let out a chuckle.

"Gee I wonder why? Who wouldn't want to dress up in weird costumes and spend their afternoons reading lines from old books and plays."

Samantha rolled her eyes at Jason's remark " I get it. You don't exactly rock with the whole Drama club thing.

But can you just give it a try? I wouldn't ask this from just anyone. You and Kyle are the only people that I know at this school that I can actually count on.

This club means so much to me and if we don't do something it could really end up closing this year.

With how popular you are and with how much the kids at this school rock with you they would show up even if it was just thirty minutes of you watching some paint dry.

And if the kids saw someone like you who they think is the coolest guy at Jefferson then maybe they wouldn't be so embarrassed to join.

And besides, it's not like we're asking you to actually join the club permanently. We just need you to play this one part this one time."

Jason sighed 'It sounds like this Drama club means a lot to Sammy. If it was anything else I wouldn't hesitate to help her out.

But going on stage in a costume and acting like a vampire? Other dudes already have enough ammunition against me because I'm Asian.

What the hell am I going to say when the other team starts talking about me wearing costumes and dancing around on stage?'

Jason spent another moment to think about how he could get out of this "I would help you guys out but I just don't think that I would have the time in my schedule to fit this in.

Basketball practice already eats up most of my time and you know I can't cut down on that." Ms. Yuller smiled at Jason as she replied.

"No need to worry about that young man. If I'm remembering things correctly then your basketball practice starts at 3:30.

You can join us for quick rehearsals and practices as soon as school ends. When it's time for practice you can just go."

Jason was stunned by her answer "Are you really okay with someone that can only spend thirty minutes a day practicing taking one of the lead roles in your play?"

Ms. Yuller laughed "I know just how smart you are Jason. If it was anyone else I would certainly have a problem with it.

But after having taught you for a year and having even coached you for a short period of time I know that you can handle it."

Jason saw the two of them with hopeful looks on their faces and just didn't have the heart to reject them. He sighed "Alright. I guess I'll do it."

After talking about some of the details with Ms. Yuller and Samantha Jason made his way to the locker room and changed in to his practice gear as he joined Kyle and the rest of the guys for practice.

Kyle saw that Jason no longer seemed preoccupied with the whatever he had been worried about. He walked over to him and slapped him on the back.

"Looks like you took care of whatever it was you needed to take care of." Jason nodded his head "Yeah. Looks like I'm going to join the Drama club."

Everyone froze in place after hearing Jason say that. Coach Swendel was about to start practice but after hearing what Jason had just said the whistle dropped out of his mouth.

- - -

Tucker had a huge smile on his face as he looked at the camera "Hello and thank you for tuning in to another episode of Foul Mouths.

I'm your host Tucker Winston along with my co host Jeffrey Lautner" Jeff was sitting next to Tucker who had a smile on his face.

"I can't tell you how excited I am for this episode Tucker. After seeing what Jason and the rest of the guys just did to Rosewood I am a hundred percent hyped!"

Tucker laughed "You seem like you're really excited to talk about Jason and the rest of the guys on Jefferson.

But if I'm remembering things correctly you didn't seem to be that much of a believer last year. In fact I was the one that betted on Jefferson going two games deep into the state tournament while you were betting against them?"

Jeff scratched the back of his head as he began to blush "Hey, I admit I was wrong okay? I even drank your smoothie from hell so I think that was punishment enough.

But after getting a chance to watch Jason go up against the best of the best in the state tournament and at the Nike training camp I have officially hopped on the Jefferson bandwagon.

Especially with what he just showed us against Rosewood. Jason was already a elite level talent but I feel like him and Kyle really grew a lot over the summer."

Tucker chuckled as he replied "Well no shit Jeff. Kyle and Jason both grew a lot over the summer. They're way taller than they were last year."

Jeff shook his head "You know what I meant. They did gain a couple of inches in height but I meant that they grew a lot as players.

Kyle seems way more confident now and he seems to understand and embrace his role perfectly while Jason has just sharpened his already amazing skills that much more.

I might sound like a Riverside homer by saying this but I just don't see how any team can beat them at the state level.

Their roster is deeper and has more talent than it had last year. Jason and Kyle look like they're ready to go against whatever teams can throw at them.

And the thing that gives me the most confidence is that Jason is so focused on basketball. You see it all the time with young guys that start to get a little bit of attention.

They start focusing more on social media, the attention that they get, and the fans than they do on the actual game.

But with Jason you don't have to worry about any of that. The kid lives and breathes basketball. He never lets anything get in the way of that."

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