Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 304 - Last Regular Season Game At Jefferson

Samantha and Karla sat in the bleachers amazed by the crowd's reaction. They saw all the people around them smiling brightly as they all stood up and clapped.

Karla commentated "Jaya might not be the most social person but he really knows how get a crowd pumped up."

Samantha smiled and nodded her head as her sights stayed locked on to Jason "I think it's just his natural charm.

That hoop head doesn't have anything other than basketball on his mind, scheming on how to sweet talk people is something beyond him.

But it's that transparency and realness that pulls you in. You never really have to worry about what parts you can believe and what parts are fake."

Karla looked a bit down after hearing Samantha say that "Yeah.... I guess it's a nice plus for people to not have to worry about you being fake."

Samantha didn't take her eyes off of Jason as she responded "Don't take this the wrong way. I'm not trying to cheer you up or anything.

But if you're trying to compare yourself to Jaya do yourself a favor and forget about it. You might have fucked up big time but everyone fakes it to a certain degree.

It's just human nature. We talk differently around our parents than we do when we're around our friends, and we behave differently when we're with teachers than when they're out of the classroom.

Out of all the people that I know Jaya is the only one who doesn't seem to filter himself. He's just him no matter who he's with or what he's doing."

Karla smiled "Thanks Sammy, I guess even you have a nice side." Samantha rolled her eyes "I told you I wasn't trying to cheer you up.

I was just trying to be honest like Jaya." Karla giggled to herself 'Sure, but you didn't have to say anything in the first place.

I guess she was right. Not everyone can be completely honest like Jaya. Even Sammy fakes things to some extent.'

The crowd once again began to go wild as the announcer introduced the starting lineup for Jefferson.

And as soon as the spotlight went on to Jason they went even wilder as even Samantha and Karla joined in with the both of them using their plastic megaphones to enhance their voices.

"Get em Jaya! This game is Jefferson's!"

"You guys got this! Wipe the floor with these losers!"

After the crowd was done with their cheering Samantha and Karla both sat down. Karla wiped some sweat off of her forehead with the sleeve of her costume.

"Man, the package that Kyle ordered from Japan really has some neat stuff in it. These plastic megaphones are pretty cool and there were even thundersticks."

Samantha nudged Karla in the side with her elbow "What are you doing? Don't you see that the game is about to start?

You should get up so that you're ready to start cheering as soon as Kyle wins the tipoff." Karla hurriedly jumped to her feet.

"Right! Right!" Just as Samantha had predicted Kyle easily won the tipoff and as soon as the ball was passed to Jason they immediately went on the attack.

"Let's go Jefferson let's go! Let's go Jefferson let's go!" As Karla was leading the chant Samantha was slamming her thundersticks together.

And as she slammed them together she was leaning side to side, as the crowd began to follow her a wave began to form in the bleachers.

With the crowd participating in the wave and following along with Karla's chanting the atmosphere felt incredible as the enthusiasm and excitement rose.

The opposing team might not have had the fame or marketing that Jefferson did but they were a solid team nonetheless as they were able to stick a body on to Kyle as soon as he won the tipoff.

But even with that route closed for their offense no one on the team was worried as they all knew just how lethal their offense could be.

Jason pulled the attention of the opposing team's defense as soon as he crossed half court. He quickly passed the ball to Danilo who was standing at the top of the perimeter.

Danilo then used his body to impede Jason's defender as he went for the hand off play. With just the smallest amount of separation Jason began to drive to the basket after running off of Danilo's screen.

Jason was just too big of a threat on offense so he ended up pulling two defenders with him after running off the screen.

He was being trailed by his original defender while the Big that was guarding Danilo dropped down to contain him.

But one problem for the opposing team was the fact that Danilo himself was also a scoring threat. Not only could he pull up for the catch and shoot three but he could roll hard to the rim like a traditional Big.

This caused one of the other defenders on the perimeter to leave their assignment as they rotated over to guard Danilo.

Unfortunately for them though Jason didn't miss that tiny detail. Seeing the defender rotate over to Danilo in the edge of his periphery Jason swung the ball over to the corner where Matt had been left open.

The defender was just a few steps away from Danilo when he saw Jason fire off a pass to his defensive assignment that he had just left.

He turned in an attempt to run back but it was too late. After catching the ball Matt dipped the ball down slightly before getting into his shooting motion.

As the ball flew out of his hands he kept his right hand up. He followed the ball as it traveled through the air.

And once he saw it hit nothing but net he put his hand down before pointing at Jason. The crowd was all smiles as they followed Karla's lead and chanted his name.

"Matt! Matt! Matt!"

Following Matt's well aimed three pointer Jason and the rest of the team began to put on a clinic as they scored almost at will.

Alex ran most of the offense as the team's starting Point Guard but whenever it looked like a play wouldn't end well he would simply dump the ball to either Jason or Danilo as the two of them were able to manufacture their own scoring opportunities without needing a play ran for them.

The both of them were able to take their opponents off of the dribble, attack closeouts, and move off the ball.

The opposing team did their best but there just wasn't anything they could do going up against a team that was clearly in a different tier than them.

And throughout the game Samantha and Karla continued to do their best cheering for the team as the crowd followed their lead.

By the time the game finally came to a close with a score of 103 to 45 the two girls were both tired but felt incredibly happy.

Seeing how the crowd responded to them really made them feel that what they did had meaning. As the rest of the fans began to exit the gym Samantha and Karla remained seated.

The began to put away all of the items that they had barrowed from Kyle's box. Meanwhile Jason was being interviewed by the reporter that always interviewed him at the end of games.

Gloria held her microphone up to Jason "So Jason, although it didn't happen in the most traditional way you and the team ended up with another perfect record this season.

What do you think this feat says about you and your team?" Jason took the towel that was draped over his shoulder and wiped his face before answering.

"Uh yeah, we didn't get to play all 20 games this season but a win is a win right? We can only play the teams that are put before us.

As for what having a perfect record means.... I think it just speaks out to how much everyone has bought in this year.

Coming into this season we knew that we had a lot to prove as the reigning county champions and that we had some high expectations for us from all of our fans and supporters.

We wouldn't have been able to do this without each and everyone one of us putting our egos to the side and just be willing to be the version of us that's best for the team.

We have a bunch of guys that could probably make a bigger name for themselves if they had their own team but we all understand that just getting our name out there isn't our biggest goal.

We want that state title and right after that we're going to be shooting for the national trophy. Those are the goals that are fueling our fires."

Gloria smiled "Just the kind of answer that you would expect from Jason. You and the rest of your teammates have always spoken highly of the chemistry that runs through this team.

I can easily see why. Now that the regular season is finished you should have a short break before the county tournament.

Any interesting plans or ideas of what you're going to do in your down time?" Jason was silent for a moment as he thought about the question.

"I don't ever really have down time. I make sure to train or practice every day, even if it's just something light.

But me and my friends will be performing at our Spring Dance. We kinda have a band that come together for a talent show last year."

Jason then noticed Samantha and Karla who were still sitting in the bleachers. Jason smiled as he pointed to them.

"And there's one right now. The redhead in the funny costume is one of my friends that will be performing with me for the dance."

Samantha and Karla couldn't really hear what Jason was saying because of the distance. But the both of them began to blush as the cameraman pointed the camera in their direction.

Samantha rolled her eyes "Great, now all of Riverside is going to have a shot of me in this goofy thing."

Jason shouted out while waving at her "Hey Sammy!" Hearing him call out her name the frown disappeared from her face and was replaced with a bright smile.

She then began to wave back at him "Maybe this isn't as bad as I thought. The costume might even be growing on me a bit."

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