Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 305 - Good Times Go By Fast

The following week would end up being a busy one as not only did Jason have to deal with his group project that was soon reaching it's due date.

He also had to deal with the media as news of Jefferson's season coming to an early end began to spread.

When reports of how the two teams that were supposed to play against Jefferson in their last games got suspended it gained a lot of attention.

Some people commented saying that Jefferson got lucky with not having to play out the last two games of the regular season.

While others talked about how the committee was showing favoritism to Jefferson by suspending the two teams that were supposed to play them.

And a small number of people even tried to blame Jason saying that his presence in the middle school basketball scene was having a bad influence on the other kids.

Karen_Sabroya23: I've been saying it ever since last year when Jefferson ended up on the news because of their on court fighting incident.

This kid is nothing but bad news for middle school basketball. Not only is he showing that it's okay to have bad sportsmanship, but now kids think it's okay to get into fights.

The committee needs to put their foot down and show that no one is above the law. #AllKidsAreEqual#NoStarTreatment#BringJayaToJustice 

But although Jason found it annoying to have the renewed focus of the media it didn't really bother him all that much.

At most he found it a time consuming chore having to give a few reporters official statements for publication.

In between answering reporter's questions, basketball practice, and working on a group project Jason still had to practice with Samantha and Kyle for the Spring Dance.

Jason and Kyle were both surprised when they saw a new face during one of their practice sessions. The two boys were with Samantha at her house.

Jason looked curiously to the face that was standing to the side of Samantha "What's he doing here Sammy?"

Kyle nodded his head "Yeah, I thought we were here to practice?" Samantha smiled "I thought that adding something to the band would help us spice things up.

And believe it or not Cody actually plays the drums." Cody smiled as he put up a piece sign "Sup dudes, oh, and singular dudette."

Samantha face palmed "You don't need to say what's up to me Cody. I'm the one that invited you here remember?"

Cody nodded his head "You got a point there dudette." Jason chuckled "So you here to play some drums for us Cody?"

He once again nodded his head before moving his blonde hair out of his face so that his blue eyes were visible.

He smiled "I am totally stoked to start shreddin on a track with all of you guys. I know I don't look it but I can shred pretty hard on a drum set."

Jason turned his head as he looked over at Kyle "What do you think Kyle?" He thought for a moment before answering.

"We can always give it a try. If it works out great, if not we can just go back to just the three of us. Either way, I don't see any harm in trying."

After hearing Kyle's answer Jaya nodded his head before looking at Samantha and Cody "I think Kyle's right.

Let's give it a shot and see how it goes." Samantha smiled brightly as she turned around to do a mini fist pump away from Kyle and Jason's sight.

'Yes! Step one complete. Hopefully Cody wasn't just gassing himself up when he told me that he plays drums.

If he can at least impress Jaya and Kyle a little that should be enough for them to say yes to him joining the band.'

Samantha turned around as the boys followed her to the practice room. As they were setting up for a practice run through one of the songs that they would play for the dance Samantha couldn't help but be a little nervous.

'Please Cody, I really need to you to pull through for me. I want Jaya to have someone else that he's close with that isn't on the basketball team.

He needs to socialize with other kids in a way that isn't related to basketball. He needs to step out of his comfort zone.'

Kyle was standing behind his keyboards as he gave a thumbs up "All set to go on my side." Samantha checked her guitar and the settings on her amp before nodding her head.

"All good to go on my end." Cody stepped on the pedal for the High-hat a few times and tapped on the snare drum a bit before spinning his drumstick around in his right hand.

"All good to go over here amigos." Jason looked at all of them before nodding his head "Let's get this started then."

Kyle began to play a soft piano melody. Jason then jumped in with his vocals.

"When I was a young boy

My father took me into the city

To see a marching band"

As Jason came back in with his vocals Cody began to drum on the snare "He said, Son, when you grow up

Would you be the savior of the broken

The beaten and the damned?"

For their first time playing together things went pretty smoothly as they practiced Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance.

Then as they approached the middle of the song Samantha began to raise the tempo on her guitar while Cody did the same on the drums.

Jason added some energy to his originally chill and smooth singing voice.

"Sometimes I get the feelin'

She's watchin' over me

And other times I feel like I should go

And through it all, the rise and fall

The bodies in the streets

And when you're gone, we want you all to know"

Samantha joined in as both she and Jason screamed out the next portion of lyrics.

"We'll carry on, we'll carry on

And though you're dead and gone, believe me

Your memory will carry on"

All four of them seemed to be in sync as they went through all of their parts perfectly. There were some sections of the song where they made technical mistakes but non of them stepped on each other's toes as they focused on working together harmoniously.

As the song came to an end Jason and Kyle were both smiling. Jason chuckled "Seeing how you're smiling like a goofball I'm guessing that you enjoyed that."

Kyle nodded his head vigorously "Bro, Sammy was right. Adding drums to the band gives off a whole new feel."

Jason looked at Samantha and smiled "Looks like we found our newest member." Samantha held her guitar as she jumped in joy.

"Alright! Did you hear that Cody? You are officially in the band." Cody stood up from his drum set and pumped his fist.

"Radical! I like, can't believe that I'm in the band. That is soooo sweet! Huh, what's the name of the band again?"

Samantha shrugged her shoulders "We actually don't have a name for the band." Jason nodded his head as he added.

"Yeah, last year we just went up as Jason, Samantha, and Kyle. We didn't really need a band name for the school's talent show."

Cody's eyes opened wide as he shook his head "No way! You can't be in a band without having a band name.

  That's like, the opposite of rad. It's totally not rad. We should come up with something before the Spring Dance."

Samantha thought about it "I guess you have a point Cody. We can't really perform in front of the whole school again without having a band name."

She turned to face the three boys "Any suggestions?" Kyle's hand shot up immediately "Ginyu force! We should call ourselves the Ginyu Force!"

Samantha raised her hand as she looked like she was about to give Kyle a thumbs up. Then at the last second she flipped her hand around so it was a thumbs down.

"Eh, wrong answer. Any other suggestions? Some that don't sound weird." Kyle seemed a bit deflated after having his suggestion shot down.

But a second later and he was back to normal as he began to search through his brain for some more good ideas.

Kyle once again raised his hand. Samantha looked at him and she shook her head "Another one Kyle?"

Kyle shook his head "It's a really good one this time. I promise!" Samantha rolled her eyes "Well, it can't possibly be worse than West Coast Hang Ten right?

Go ahead. let's hear it." Kyle smiled "So we're all the type to chase what we want no matter how hard things look right?"

Samantha subconsciously glanced at Jason as her cheeks got slightly red "I guess." Kyle continued "In basketball if you make the shot despite getting fouled it's called an And-1 play.

So let's call ourselves AND1. No matter how hard life hits us we'll make sure to score our basket and get what we want."

Samantha tilted her head to the side as she began to think about Kyle's suggestion "You know what Kyle?

That actually doesn't sound too bad. It sounds catchy and it has a good meaning behind it. If everyone else is okay with it I think we just found our band name."

- - -

As time passed by for Jason and his friends, so too did it pass for the NBA and for all the teams that were still playing in the playoffs.

Just like any other year there were interesting story lines and rumors going around with various teams.

But the biggest story so far in this year's playoffs has been the Chicago Bulls and their Cinderella like story as they pushed the number one seeded team in their conference farther than anyone had thought possible prior to the start of the series.

"Thank you for tuning in tonight. I am your host Kelly Johnson reporting live from Chicago as the Bulls have just done what many have considered impossible.

As tonight they have just taken care of business by beating the number one seeded Wizards in their homecourt in front of all of their fans.

What a special night for Bulls' fans everywhere as they continue with their dark horse run. Lead by the late game heroics of Reggie Jacobs the Bulls have just force a game seven against what many considered to be a real title contender in the Wizards.

Do the Bulls have enough steam for one last big game or can the Wizards pull of some real magic and dig themselves out of the hole that they are now in?

Hear the opinions of our expert analysts and sports show hosts after a few words from our sponsors."

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