Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 311 - A Battle Before The Game

Jason was silent for a moment as he inspected the women "So this is your way of trying to get a conversation with me?

You hold us at the door even though we have a game in less than an hour, and you manhandle our coach like a criminal?


Just because the committee has the power to boss around UCLA don't think that this is enough to make me do what you want."

Crystal continued to smile as she listened to Jason speak but just as he finished saying his piece the corner of her eye twitched ever so slightly.

She put her hand up and lightly shook it "I know that this wasn't the best first impression and I do apologize for the miscommunication between our side and security.

But I promise you that your Coach and your team can both go inside." She then turned to the two security guards "Let him go. This is no way to treat a honored guest."

The two security guards looked at each other for a moment before shrugging their shoulders. They let go of their grip on Coach Swendel who then grumbled before walking toward his players. 

"No brain meat heads. You're both lucky I'm wearing a brand set of clothes." Crystal nodded her head after seeing Coach Swendel be released.

She then turned to Jason "I hope that you can make your decision in good faith now. I promise you that your team will have no problem getting to the locker room.

So would it be possible to have you stop by for a quick talk?" Jason looked at her for a moment as he thought about her request.

'We have a little less than an hour before our game starts. Even if I go to talk to whoever is looking for me I should still have enough time to warm up.'

Jason then turned his head as he looked back at Coach Swendel and the rest of the team "You guys go ahead. Looks like someone is pretty desperate to talk to me.

I'll catch up with you guys in just a few minutes." Coach Swendel had a serious expression on his face as he nodded his head.

"Alright Jaya, we'll start getting ready then." He turned to the players behind him "Come on guys. We need to start warming up."

All of the boys began to follow Coach Swendel into the building but Kyle trailed behind as the last one. He turned his head and looked back at Jason with a concerned look.

Jason smiled before nodding his head "Just go dude. I'll be okay. It's not like I'm going to a meeting with a mafia boss or something."

Kyle hesitantly began to walk into the building after hearing Jason say that. Jason then turned around to face Crystal.

"Well let's get going. I still have a county title to win and a ticket to the state tournament to claim."

- - - 

Inside a simply furnished office sat Jason, Crystal, and an unknown man. He was dressed in what appeared to be a custom made Italian suit and black leather shoes.

He looked to be the same height as Jason at around 5'8 (1.72m) and his long shoulder length platinum blonde hair was tied in a long ponytail.

After Jason took a seat across from him at the desk the man smiled and opened his arms up "Jaya baby! So good to finally talk.

Oh, where are my manners. Here, have a treat. These are fresh baked Cronugels, I had my assistant drive down to Rowland Heights for these.

They are absolutely to die for hahaha. Isn't food just amazing? Who would have thought to combine a croissants, a donut, and a bagel all into one.

The culinary field is always changing and evolving. But I'm sure that you know all about that considering that you're large appetite and love for food is so well known."

Jason looked at the tray that the man was presenting to him but he didn't reach out toward it "I know it sounds cliché but my parents told me not to take things from strange men."

The man laughed "Haha I think you mean strangers Jaya. And after we introduce ourselves we wouldn't be strangers anymore right?

My name is Jonathan Foley. It's a little hard to describe my position but you can think of me as the head of the basketball department for the AAU.

I've been meaning to talk to you for a while now but there seemed to be some communication problems between my people and your people."

Jason pulled out his phone and began to fiddle around with it "Nope, I meant what I said. And there weren't any communication problems between my people and yours.

My parents told me whenever you would call. And I'm pretty sure that they've already given you my answer, multiple times."

Jonathan's smile stayed up but it now appeared a bit forced "Oh come on now, you haven't even heard my latest offer."

Jason looked up from his phone with a bored look on his face "I don't need to hear it. And to be honest, if I had known that you were the one looking for me I would have saved the both of us some time and just gone straight to the locker room."

Jason then turned his head to the side where Crystal was standing "I have to say that I'm also pretty disappointed. I never thought that the committee would be the AAU's hunting dog."

She raised her hand "I know this-" But before she could finish Jonathan turned his attention to her "Mrs. Johnson, could we have a moment in private?"

She sighed "Understood." After the door closed behind her the smile disappeared from Jonathan's face as he looked at Jason with a serious expression.

"Since you don't want to play nice we can just skip the pleasantries. I don't care what team it is or what city you want to play in. Join the AAU."

Jason had been on his phone while Jonathan was talking. After he was done Jason glanced up from his phone once again.

"You know, before I joined my school's basketball team I actually did plan on playing AAU basketball. In fact that was the only plan I had.

But I changed my mind. At Jefferson we do things a little differently than most schools or programs. We give everything that we have for the team and we expect the same out of each other.

And I can't commit everything Jefferson if I have to split my time and effort with another team. So even if the rules say it's okay to play for a club team and a school team at the same time that just isn't a option for me."

Jonathan took a deep breath as he clutched his fists at his sides "You're making a huge mistake here kid.

You should know better than anyone else how much you could boost your stock by playing AAU basketball.

We have the best players, the best competition, and the best advertising and promotions. I can make you the biggest name coming into high school since LeBron."

Jason smiled coldly at him "In case you've been living under a rock I don't exactly need help getting my name out there.

I may not be a household name yet but just about anyone that's a fan of basketball at least knows about me."

Jason put his phone back into his pocket and stood up from his chair "Now if you don't mind, I have something that's actually important to take care of."

He then began to walk toward the door. But he couldn't get past a few steps before Jonathan spoke out "Just remember Jaya, you made me do this."

Jason stopped in his tracks and turned around. His eyes were cold as he stared at Jonathan "Is this a threat? Because just for fair warning, that didn't go so great for the last guy that tried."

Jonathan had a smirk on his face as he began to tap on the table with his fingers "Lately there's been a lot of talks about you and PEDs."

Jason chuckled "Are you kidding me? That is complete bullshit. No one thinks that, how could they when I'm as thin as a stick? No one would believe that I'm roided out."

Jonathan replied "That's where you're wrong. There are people talking about you being on some sort of performance enhancing drug. I just didn't say which people."

He picked up one of the pastries that were sitting on the tray on his desk and took a bite "There are already people suspicious of your amazing ability to play ungodly amounts of minutes.

The stamina that you possess just isn't at the level that a kid like you would have. Taking all this into consideration we at the AAU have taken it upon ourselves to make sure that a young star such as yourself doesn't ruin his future with dangerous drugs."

Jason glared at him "What are you trying to say?" Jonathan's smile was back on his face after seeing the reaction that he was getting out of Jason.

"We have already signed our application requesting a surprise drug test. And seeing as how one of the chairmen for the committee is right outside the door approval is something we don't need to worry about.

And of course we have to follow the rules. Players who are under suspicion of PED use must pass a surprise drug test before being allowed to play any games.

Which is quite unfortunate for you considering the timing, because that would mean that your team will have to play the big county title game without you."

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