Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 312 - True Colors

Jason smiled coldly as he stared at Jonathan "Looks like you're finally starting to show your real colors John.

And since you did I think it's only fair that I do the same." A chilling sense of fury erupted from Jason as his face contorted in anger.


Jonathan was surprised as he had never felt this level of pressure from a middle school child. Without him realizing it his breathing had quickened and droplets of sweat were beginning to form on his forehead.

"You should know this already, but I am not someone that you want to mess with. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. 

You can go ahead and do whatever you want. But this is my last warning. If you like your life the way it is at the moment then you better stay out of my way and out of my sights.

Because unlike some people I don't make threats, I make promises. If you try anything, and I mean anything, I will destroy you.

Your career, your image, your reputation, I'll take everything from you. Because to me basketball is one of the things that I care about the most in this world.

And anyone that messes with the things I care about. Well let's just say things don't turn out so well for those people."

Jason didn't give Jonathan a chance to respond as he turned around and walked out of the room, slamming the door closed on his way out.

As soon as he stepped out he saw Crystal standing right outside. She shook her head helplessly "You do understand that you're making things harder for your team by doing this right?"

Jason scoffed as he didn't even bother looking in her direction "I know my team better than anybody, you two can scheme all you want but out on the court the only thing that matters is how you play.

So don't worry about me. You should be more concerned with how things are going to be crashing down around you and your partner.

That is, if you two try anything. I said this to the clown in the room but I'll do it again for you. Don't mess with me or the team. 

Otherwise don't blame me for getting even. And I don't believe in an eye for an eye, I'm way more greedier than that."

Jason then began to walk away as he planned to join up with the rest of the guys in the locker room.

As he was walking away Crystal began to follow him. She then went in front of Jason and stopped him "Listen, I know this doesn't look good but if you would just-"

Jason attempted to move around her, clearly not interested in listening to what she had to say. But she reached out and grabbed his arm.

"I know you're upset but-" Jason's cold voice growled out "Let go of me." She instinctively let go of him without thinking.

'What the hell was that?' As she was wondering why she had let go of him so easily Jason began to walk away.

'Jesus, this kid is too hotheaded. He won't even give me a chance to talk.' She let out a sigh before giving it one last try.

"I'm on your side Mr. Yang. Despite how things might look to you that is the truth. I'm not working with Jonathan because I want to."

She watched as Jason came to a stop "You'll need to make it quick. Just because I'm not playing doesn't mean that I can't support my team."

Crystal smiled as she walked toward Jason "I hope you believe me when I say that even though I helped him get a meeting with you I can't stand that jerk."

Jason's face showed no reaction to her words "Okay, let's say I do. Why did you help him out in the first place?

And why is he so sure that the committee will accept his request for a surprise drug test? Because unless he's even stupider than he looks he wouldn't throw out a threat without any reassurance of being able to back it up."

Crystal sighed when she heard Jason's question "Unfortunately he does have the ability to get his request approved.

And it's entirely out of my hands. I would never approve of such a ridiculous and ill timed request but the rest of the committee will."

Jason's brow rose out of curiosity "And why does a suit wearing monkey like Jonathan have so much power over the committee?"

Crystal looked down at the floor as a frown spread across her face "That's because of his position in the AAU.

Over the last decade the AAU has changed from what they used to be in the past. They used to be an organization that promoted amateur athletics to give children an outlet to apply themselves.

But now all they care about are the views that they get on their livestreams and advertising deals with large companies.

The way they operate now is no different than a company. They chase profits while using highly touted prospects as free tools.

But because of the huge amount of attention that fans, schools, and programs give to AAU games these highly touted prospects would rather play for them rather than an actual school team.

Right now the rules say that middle school and high school level athletes can play for both school teams and outside clubs such as the AAU.

But if Jonathan wanted to he has enough clout to where that rule could change. And if that happens it is very likely that most athletes would choose to play for the AAU because of the boost it would give to their stock."

Hearing what she had to say Jason began to nod his head in agreement "You're probably right." Crystal looked at Jason.

"That's why you should just agree to Jonathan's request, at least momentarily. After tonight I can have the committee issue you a drug test on a different-"

Jason cut her off by raising his hand "Nah, I don't feel like bending a knee to someone like that." Crystal pleaded.

"Jason! I know it might be hard but you can't let your emotions get the best of you like this! All you need to do is just compromise this one time."

Jason calmly responded "That's the problem Crystal. It's never just one time. You were the star basketball player at your high school right? So I'm assuming you've never been bullied before."

Crystal was a bit surprised to hear Jason say that "How did you know I played basketball in high school?"

Jason smirked "I'll take that as a yes. To answer your question, it might have looked like I was just messing around on my cellphone back when we were in the office but I was actually pretty busy.

One thing I did was look you up. I like to have an understanding of the people that I'm talking with, I hope you don't mind.

But back to my point. You never had to deal with bullying or harassment so let me tell you something I learned from first hand.

If you compromise once it's bound to happen again. Because the 'Bullies' now know that you don't have the guts to say no.

And the more you compromise the easier it gets. After the first week of bullying goes by and you don't do anything about it the easier it becomes to just accept it as another part of your life.

The courage to speak out goes away and the spirit to fight back withers. You start to tell yourself that things aren't as bad as they seem and you cheer yourself up just enough to get through another day.

And that cycle repeats itself over and over and over again until something breaks, either the situation or you."

Crystal fell silent after hearing what Jason had to say. After a moment of silence Crystal sighed "If that is your decision, it'll only be disrespectful for me to keep trying to change your mind.

But I hope that you understand what you are doing to your team by making this decision." Jason smirked.

"No disrespect but I think you're the one who doesn't understand. I know my team and I know my guys, they won't lose to competition of this level."

- - -

Jason had yet to return as Coach Swendel was out on the floor with the rest of the players on the team as they got warmed up.

Suddenly he was approached by one of the workers. His face stiffened immidietly upon hearing what the worker had to say.

"What do you mean Jaya's under suspicion of PED use? He can't play tonight because he needs to get drug tested?"

After gaining an understanding of the situation Coach Swendel gathered up the boys "Listen up, I have some unfortunate news.

I don't know how it happened but the committee has just told me that Jaya is ineligible to play tonight because of suspicions of PED use.

When he gets back he can explain the situation to us. But what matters the most right now is the game we're about to play.

Just because we're down a man doesn't mean that we'll roll over like dogs. I want you guys playing with even more heart tonight to make up for what we'll be missing with Jaya out.

Is that understood!?" All of the players yelled out in unison "Yes coach!" While all of the other boys were fired up one of them was completely silent.

Donte was gripping his fist as he clenched his teeth 'Jaya isn't playing tonight? Who's going to step up in his place?'

Without him realizing it sweat was rolling down his face as his heart raced.

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