Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 313 - Start Of The County Title Game

Since he was ineligible to play in tonight's game Jason stayed in his regular clothes instead of heading to the locker room and changing into his uniform.

He headed straight to the court and saw Coach Swendel as well as the other guys all getting shots up and warming up.


But somehow they all seemed to have sensed Jason's arrival as they all stopped what they were doing and gathered around him and Coach Swendel.

Coach Swendel patted Jason on the shoulder "Wish I could say that it's nice to see you, but considering the current circumstances that would be kind of hard."

Jason let out a small sigh "Seeing how you're all looking at me with worried faces you guys must have heard the news?"

Coach Swendel nodded his head "Yeah, someone came by and gave us the news while you were out for your talk.

This is completely crazy. You on steroids? If that was true then it would have to be one of the worst PEDs to have ever been made.

No offense, but look at you. You're practically a stick, how could anyone possibly believe that you're taking some sort of illegal drug."

Jason rolled his eyes "Gee, thanks so much for your trust Coach. At least I know that I can always count on you."

After he was done taking a shot at Coach Swendel Jason took a look at all of the boys gathered around "Sorry guys.

I'll be honest, even though I'm not on actually on anything this is still kind of my fault. There was an option that I could have taken that would have allowed me to play tonight but I didn't take it."

He then heard Kyle's voice "You don't need to apologize Jaya. If it's a decision that you made then I'm sure it was the right one."

Vince laughed heartily as he added "Ay for real tho, I can't remember the last time Jaya ever decided to do something without thinkin of the team.

This the same dude that asks if the colorway go with the uni before he cop a pair of kicks." Matt chuckled "He hit you up too huh?"

All of the guys started laughing after hearing what Matt said, even Coach Swendel. Seeing their reactions Jason felt a weight be lifted off of his chest.

Even if he did make his decision while thinking about the team their was no way for him to control how they would react.

So the fact that they didn't seem to hold anything against him really showed just how much they trusted him.

Once their laughter died down a bit he spoke out "Listen up guys, I know that it might sound goofy coming from seeing as how I can't even be out there with y'all.

But I know that you guys got what it takes to win this. I might have been leading you guys this year but all that means is that I was a few steps ahead.

We still walked the same path, fought the same battles, and got the exact same dubs. So don't go thinking that the team ain't the same no more just cause I ain't out there with y'all.

I am not what makes this team what it is. Nah, the special thing that makes us Jefferson is still going to be on the court tonight."

Jason stepped forward and lightly punched one of the seventh graders in the chest "That's what makes us Jefferson. 

We got more heart than any damn team in the county, the state, and the country. All we gotta do tonight is show that to the rest of the world."

Jason stuck his hand out "Who's with me?" All of the boys around him began to pile their hands on top of each other.

"ONE! TWO! THREE! JEFFERSON!" They all threw their hands up into the air after their cheer. The excitement and spirit clear in their voices. 

- - -

By the time that Jason's parents were able to arrive at UCLA it was close to the start of the game. Thankfully they had parent tickets so their spot was relatively good.

Because even though this was just the county title game it seemed that almost all of Riverside City was in attendance tonight.

After finding their way to their seats next to the other parents Jason's mom was surprised when she glanced at the court.

"Huh? Baby, do you see this? Why is Jaya still dressed in his regular clothes? The games about to start right? Shouldn't he be in uniform?"

Jason's dad turned his attention to the court after hearing what his wife had said "Hmm? You're right Mimi. Why doesn't he have his uniform on?"

One of the parents sitting close by heard them. She turned to the two of them "You two just got here so you probably missed the announcement.

The committee has decided to do a surprise drug test on Jaya because of suspicions of PED use. Because he still has to be tested he's ineligible to play tonight.

Jason's mom immediately slammed her fist on the armrest of her chair "What do you mean Jaya's under suspicion for PED use?

He doesn't even take Tylenol to help with his body soreness, let alone use something like steroids!" Jason's dad nodded his head as he turned to the other parent "What exactly happened?

Jason has never done anything remotely close to using PEDs, why would the committee suddenly think that he was?" 

The mom that they were talking to shrugged her shoulders "Beats me, we all thought it was crazy too when we heard the announcement.

But apparently the one's who put the request for the sudden drug test was the AAU."

Jason's mom instantly understood what was happening the moment that she heard the other mom finish talking.

She turned to her husband. Her face clearly showing her anger, she had to push the words out of her mouth as she ground her teeth.

"Those fucking pieces of shit!" Jason's dad had a cold look in his eyes "Yeah, I think things are exactly what you're thinking.

Don't worry baby, we won't take this laying down. And I'm pretty sure Jaya won't either."

- - -

With Jason out Jefferson had to put out a different starting lineup. Their starting five consisted of Donte at Point Guard, Matt at Shooting Guard, Alex at Small Forward, Danilo at Power Forward, and Kyle at Center.

Because of Jason's absence Alex was forced to slide up and play Small Forward while Donte was moved from the bench into the starting lineup to act as the primary play maker for the team.

As the two teams began to lineup for the pregame handshake a few familiar faces revealed themselves.

Isiah smirked as he shook hands with the guys "What happened to your team captain? I don't see him anywhere.

Oh that's right, I forgot. He got kicked out of tonight's game because he's all doped up right? Haha I would have never thought that a skinny kid like that was on roids."

All of the players from Jefferson frowned when they heard Isiah running his mouth. Donte squeezed his hand with all the strength that he had.

"Shut your fucking mouth. Jaya isn't on anything, and after he passes the drug test the whole world will know that."

Isiah laughed before putting more power into his grip "That's cute. You think you have what it takes to hang with me?"

As Donte felt his hand getting squeezed tighter and tighter he ground his teeth as he tried not to look weak.

But it was clear that he was in pain. Isiah smirked before tossing Donte's hand aside "Haha, Jaya didn't have much power but at least he wasn't a bitch like you."

The two teams began to walk away after the handshake. Kyle walked up to Donte "You okay?" Donte nodded his head.

"I'm alright." Kyle still had a worried look on his face but he just patted Donte on the shoulder "Okay bro. Don't let that jerk get into your head.

Talking shit is all he can do because he knows that there's no way he could ever beat us. Last time we played Nashton Academy they couldn't even hang with us for a quarter."

Donte nodded his head "I'm good. The only thing I'm focused on is winning tonight." Kyle was slightly surprised by Donte's passionate voice.

Normally he spoke as though he was bored and his words were always short. Kyle smiled as he ruffled Donte's hair.

The tipoff happened as everyone thought it would. Kyle easily tipped the ball over to his team's side as Donte began to push the ball down the court.

Nashton Academy prioritized sticking a defender to Kyle as soon as the tipoff was done in order to prevent an easy first basket.

Seeing that there wasn't an opportunity for a fast break scoring opportunity Donte held the ball. After crossing half court he was surprised to see that Isiah was the one guarding him. 

Donte called for a screen from Kyle. He made his way down from the low block out to the perimeter as he set a screen on Donte's left.

Donte began to drive in that direction forcing his defender into Kyle's screen. Isiah fought through the screen as he chased after Donte.

With a step of separation between them Donte began to drive toward the paint. Even though Nashton Academy saw this they didn't collapse their defense.

Thanks to his advantage in the athleticism department he was soon able to catch up with Donte as he began to tail him. 

With Isiah on his hip Donte was now approaching the paint. He picked up his dribble and was about to euro step when all of a sudden he felt something crash into his face.

The referee blew his whistle "Kick ball! Jefferson's ball." Out on the bench Jason stood up furiously as he yelled out "That was a foul ref!"

He and Coach Swendel were both complaining about the referee's call. And so were a bunch of the people who were sitting in attendance.

Back out on the court. Isiah stood over Donte "I guess Jefferson isn't so tough without Jaya. How the hell did you even make the varsity team? You wouldn't crack JV over here short shit."

Donte was sitting on the floor with blood dripping down his nose as the referee was going over footage of the play at the scorers table.

Donte ground his teeth before looking up at the opposing player "Shut your fucking mouth!" He pushed his hands against the ground as he stood up.

He stared the other boy straight in the eyes "Jefferson is the only County champion here. Everyone else is just a warmup for the state tournament."

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