Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 44 - Danger

Jason came home and had dinner with his family. As they were eating they all talked about each other's day.

His mom was initially angry after she heard that her son had gone to the rougher parts of Riverside without first letting them know.

But Jason's dad was on his side saying that it wasn't such a big deal. After a bit of soothing from her husband Jason's mom eventually calmed down.

As Jason's dad was hugging and comforting his wife he secretly gave his son a thumbs up. Jason smiled as he returned the gesture.

After dinner Jason watched a little TV with his parents before getting ready for bed. As he laid in bed and stared at the ceiling he couldn't stop thinking about what he would do tomorrow.

'Fuck! How the hell am I going to convince a wannabe gang banger to get back on the straight and narrow?

Maybe I should try carrying a bible with me tomorrow. Have you heard of our lord and savior Jesus Christ?'

Jason smacked himself in the face with his pillow 'Get your head in the game Jason! What the hell was with that garbage idea? Think harder man.'

Jason tossed and turned in his bed. Eventually he kicked his blankets off 'I can't think of anything! Fuck!

Whatever. I'll just do what I do best and improvise. It's not like I ever know what I'm doing anyways.' Jason tossed and turned a few more times before falling asleep.

- - -

Jason got off the school bus with Matt and the rest of his crew. He told them that he had to do something really quick before class so he left them at the front of the school.

On the way to Jefferson Jason had sent Tyreek a text asking where his niece was. He replied saying that she was at the park according to the location of her phone.

So Jason decided to skip his first class and talk to Tyreek's niece 'No test today and no homework to turn in. There's actually no reason for me to show up. Fuck you Rivera.'

After about fifteen minutes of walking Jason could see the park where he played against Trell and first met Tyreek.

Jason looked around and found a group of kids hanging out at the picnic tables under the shade 'I guess she must be one of them.'

Jason made his way toward the group. One of the boys in the group was laying down on the table with sunglasses on.

He gestured for the group to look in the direction of Jason "Ay yo check it out. Anyone order any Chinese food? Or is this dude just in the wrong neighborhood? Hahaha."

The rest of the group started laughing. Jason tried his best to ignore the joke 'You punk ass bitch! You're lucky I have more important things to take care of.

Otherwise I wouldn't mind serving you up the 2 piece combo. With a complimentary black eye and busted lip.'

Jason smiled 'I'm actually just looking for Shania. Do any of you happen to know where she is? Tyreek told me I could find her here?"

Everyone became quiet as soon as Tyreek was brought up. They all turned to one of the girls that was sitting on the bench on the left side of the table.

Surprisingly it was the youngest girl in the group. She didn't look like she was older than 13 'I guess I did forget to ask Tyreek how old his niece was.'

She was a lot lighter skinned compared to Tyreek. Her complexion was similar to Kyle's and Trell's.

She had a slimmer build but she wasn't all skin and bones. Her black hair was braided into two long braids that went all the way to her shoulders.

She was dressed in basketball shorts and a plain white tee-shirt. She scratched her neck in annoyance "I swear to god. Tyreek don't know how to mind his own damn business."

She turned her head toward Jason "What the hell does Tyreek want now? I already told him I was skipping today. If I go to that damn school I might beat one dem bum ass teachers up. They be gettin on my nerves."

Jason didn't know what to say next 'I should have practiced some more. Why did I just go to sleep? Past Jason really screwed over future Jason.'

After a few seconds of silence Jason finally thought of something to say "Actually Shania Tyreek didn't send me. I asked him where you were. Would you mind coming with me so that we could talk in private?"

The guy that was laying on the table started laughing "Yo Shania. I think kung-fool over here got the hots for you. He tryin to get his egg roll wet."

Jason's face started to get hot after hearing what the guy said. He shook his head and his hands in denial "No! I just want to talk to her about something private. I swear."

Jason's reaction just made the other kids laugh even harder than they already were. Shania was slightly blushing as she frowned.

The guy managed to talk through some of his laughter "Why don't you give little mans a chance to shoot his shot Shania. Go talk with the dude."

Shania flipped the guy off "Fuck off Marcus." Then she turned to Jason with an annoyed face "And you. If you got somethin to say then say it. Cause I ain't going nowhere with you."

Jason wanted to slap himself and this girl 'Why! Why can't anything just be easy!?' He took a deep breath to calm himself down.

He smiled at Shania " Your uncle is really worried about you Shania. He doesn't want you to end up dead or locked up. Do you think you could stop it with all this gang nonsense?"

Everyone stopped laughing after they heard what Jason said. Marcus stood up and took off his sunglasses and put them on top of his head. Laying down on his tall flat top.

He had a serious look on his face "Listen little homie. It looks like you know Tyreek so in respect to his name Ima let it slide this one time.

But I better not catch you calling our street hustle nonsense again. Otherwise you might catch some heat. Ya dig?"

After he was finished talking he lifted up the corner of his shirt to show the handle of a gun that was tucked into his pants.

Shania ran up to Marcus and tried to calm him down "He probably didn't mean anything by it Marcus. Look at him. He prolly don't know nothin bout street life."

Marcus put down his shirt and smiled as he put his sunglasses back on "Now if you ain't got nothing else to say little man I think you best be going. We got business to talk about."

Jason had been scared out of his mind as soon as Marcus had shown his gun 'Fuck! That's a real fucking gun! Tyreek I thought you said your niece was a wannabe?

She doesn't look like it to me. She hanging out with real gangsters!' Jason had been around black people a ton in his past life.

But non of the black people he knew were gangsters or criminals and he had never been threatened with a gun before.

He started walking away as soon as Marcus had told him to leave 'Guess I'll just have to give up on the 2 missions.

You miss a hundred percent of the shots you don't take but you also don't make all the shots that you shoot.

At least I tried. It sucks for Tyreek but I don't know the guy that well for me to risk my life for him. I'm not trying to get shot today.

No sir not me. I like my body without any bullet holes thank you very much.' As Jason was convincing himself that he was doing the right thing by giving up he overheard the groups conversation.

Marcus was talking to the group "One of the OGs told me about a business opportunity that he wanted to share. He said that we're guaranteed to make triple our money back.

He put that on his momma. The only thing is that the buy-in is a little high. He said he needs a whole stack 1k if you want to get in on it. Is anyone interested?"

Shania wanted to jump on this opportunity badly. This would be the first real move that she would make in the streets. But she just didn't have the funds to buy-in.

As she was silently thinking of a way to come up with the money she heard a familiar voice "If you want the money Shania I think I can help you out."

She turned her head and was surprised to see that Jason was back "What the hell you still doing here son?

You need to go before you end up with a couple shells in your stomach and I ain't talking bout no damn tacos."

The group looked at Jason and then at Marcus. Marcus lowered his sunglasses as he looked at Jason "Let the little dude talk. I'm interested in hearing what he got to say."

Jason gulped 'I shouldn't be doing this. This is so fucking stupid.' He took a deep breath before smiling as he looked at Shania.

"I accidentally heard you guys talking about the business opportunity. It looked to me like you wanted to get in on it but you just don't have the funds right Shania?"

Shania didn't say anything as she just looked back at Jason. Jason chuckled awkwardly before continuing.

"Anyways. I think I can help you out. I just so happen to have the money that you need. Not on me of course but I can transfer it to you. You just need to do something for me."

Shania rolled her eyes "I ain't no prostitute so if you were hoping to get some poon poon then you just straight outa luck."

Jason almost fell over after hearing her say that "Girl you ain't even all that!. I wouldn't want any even if you were giving it away!'

Jason tried his best to keep a straight face "No! That wasn't what I was suggesting at all. I just heard you were kind of a basketball star before.

I was hoping to see your skills live. If you can beat me in a one on one then I'll give you the money. But to make things fair I have to get something if I win.

So my prize is that you stop all your street business and start living properly. No more getting in trouble and you have to try and do well in school. How does that sound?"

Jason nervously awaited Shania's answer 'Shit. Why is it that the only way I know how to fix things is with basketball?

I mean I guess it's because I'm not good at anything else but still! One of these days I would like it if things just worked out well for me and I didn't need to challenge people to pick up games.'

Shania thought about it for a second "Alright. You got yourself a deal. All of these guys are witnesses to the bet so you better not back down after I whoop you."

Jason laughed inside his head 'Hehehe I should be the one telling you that.' As they were walking to the court Jason used Heart's eye on Shania.


Free throw: A (S)

Lay Up: B+ (S)

Dunking: E

Close Shot: B

Mid Range Shooting: B (S)

Three Point Shooting: C- (B)

Dribbling: A (SS+)

Passing: B+ (A+)

Ball Handling: A (SS+)

Play Making: B

Post Scoring: B

Rebounding: C-

Post Control: C-

Perimeter Defense: B+

Post Defense: C+

Steals: B

Blocks: C

Athleticism: B+ ]

Jason gulped as he stared at Shania in amazement 'This might be a little harder than I originally thought.'

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