Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 45 - Jason Vs Shania

As the two of them walked onto the court Shania borrowed a ball from some of the people that were taking a resting on the side.

Shania looked to be about three inches taller than Jason so she must have been around 5'7 (1.7m). Jason looked at her "How old are you?"

Shania was stretching and warming up. She answered without stopping "I don't know why its any of yo business but I'm 13 alright little boy.

I'm also in 8th grade in case you was about to ask. Just thought I would save you the hassle of having to open yo damn mouth and start yappin again."

Jason rolled his eyes as he turned away from her and started doing his own stretches to warm up 'Sheesh you don't have to be such a bitch. Looks to me like somone needs to go to anger management.'

But as he was about to rotate his hips he heard Shania's voice "Hold up. Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Jason didn't want to piss of the wannabe gang banger.

He quickly responded "No! Of course not. You must have imagined it hehehe." After hearing Shania not pursue the matter Jason wiped the sweat from his forehead.

'Damn this chick is scary. How the fuck did she notice me rolling my eyes? I could have sworn she wasn't looking.'

After a few minutes of stretching Shania looked over at Jason "You ready?" Jason nodded his head "Yup."

Shania was about to walk to the free-throw line to start shooting for the ball but Jason interrupted her "Let's do three-pointers instead."

Shania didn't want to agree right away. She knew that even when she was actively playing on a team that three-point shooting wasn't her forte.

But Shania felt confident that her three point-shooting was still good enough to beat a normal person 'He probably can't even hit the rim.'

She agreed to Jason's idea. Jason was cheering in his head 'Don't blame me for using your weakness against you. It's not my fault that I have the Heart's eye skill. Besides you could have said no.'

After carefully setting up and aiming Shania made her first three-pointer. She turned to Jason with a smug smile on her face.

But that smile quickly disappeared as soon as Jason started his shooting motion 'No fucking way.' She was surprised by how good Jason's jumper looked.

His release was perfect as the ball swished through the net. He turned to Shania and smiled "Your turn."

Shania and Jason went at it for another round but Jason won the first possession as Shania failed to make her third shot while Jason drained his.

Shania glared at Jason as she held the ball in her hand "You dirty ass liar." Jason looked at her "What do you mean? I don't remember lying about anything."

Shania squeezed the ball between both her hands "You know what I mean! You hustled me! I didn't know that you was a baller when I made that bet."

Jason shrugged his shoulders "I didn't hustle you. You were the one that didn't ask. Besides it's a little too late to back out of the bet don't you think?"

Jason pointed to the side where Marcus and the group of kids had moved to watch them play "You agreed to the bet in front of everybody. If you back out now won't it ruin your street cred?

I can't imagine that you would be able to keep playing gangster if everyone finds out that you don't keep your word."

Shania threw the ball at Jason as hard as she could "Fuck you! Skinny noodle lookin ass bitch! All I need to do is beat you. Don't get cocky just because you got first possession. That don't mean nothin."

Jason caught the ball while trying to look casual 'Fuck! That shit was this close to smacking me in the face. Ouch! And now my hands hurt.'

He looked at Shania "Ones and twos, losers ball, first to 21 wins. That sound cool?" Shania responded "Whatever. Just get started. I ain't trynna waste my time whoopin yo ass."

Shania got up close and started pressing Jason with her body as she tightly guarded him "This dude prolly only knows how to shoot. Let's see how you like this.'

Jason didn't feel anything unusual at first. He had been pressed like this many times before. This type of defense was nothing new to him.

But then he caught a whiff of a pleasant tropical and flowery smell. And then he could feel his arm making contact with something very soft that he had never felt when he played against boys.

Jason blushed "Hey! Quite it!" Shania smiled smugly "What can't handle a little bit of defense?" Shania kept up her defensive pressure.

Jason turned around thinking it would solve the problem but then he just felt the softness touch his back 'Fuck! Don't think about anything other than basketball.

Forget that she's a girl. Just treat her like a dude Jason. You can do this. Don't get in your own head.'

He turned back around and ripped the ball from left to right. Then he jabbed like he was driving right.

As soon as Shania saw this she shifted her weight and went towards the right to stay with Jason. This was what he was looking for.

Jason then used a spin move to change directions to the left. He used his foot to seal Shania's foot and prevent her from making a quick reaction.

Jason's spin move was so smooth that Shania was till going to the right by the time Jason had spun around her.

Shania ran with everything she had as she tried to catch up with Jason who was a few steps ahead of her.

She saw Jason stop and get into his shooting motion so she jumped and tried to block his jumper.

Unfortunately for her she had just fallen for Jason's pump fake. As soon as she flew by he shot his actual shot.

Jason turned to Shania after he saw the ball fall through the net "Loser's ball right? I guess that means it's your turn."

Shania ground her teeth 'Oh you acting tough just cause you made one basket? Let's see how you feelin after I drop 21 straight.'

Shania didn't bother using the triple threat. She went straight into her dribbling. Her handles looked tight and under control.

She sized Jason up as she dribbled. Left, right, left, right, Jason was watching her every move. He kept his hands up and to the side as he made small adjustments according to Shania's movements.

Shania did a small crossover to the right. Jason watched and as the ball got to the lowest point and Shania positioned her body to go right.

Jason moved to the right to stay with her. But then Shania brought the ball back up from its low point and did a big crossover.

Jason was shocked as one name popped up into his head 'AI!?' Her crossover was identical to one of basketballs greatest legends.

That's not to say that it was executed to the same level as Allen Iverson's but the overall style was very similar.

Shania managed to create a little bit of space as she drove to the left after her big crossover. Jason turned his hips and immediately went after her.

Shania saw Jason approaching. Before he could catch up she dribbled once and stepped to the left and back before shooting a mid-range shot.

Jason angled himself at the best position possible as he threw his body toward her and extended his arm out to contest the shot.

He had his hand in Shania's face as the ball flew out of her hand. Shania didn't think of anything as the ball was leaving her hand. But after it was in the air a few thoughts filled her mind.

Shania was surprised by how quickly Jason had recovered from her signature crossover. She had gotten rid of many defenders in the past using that move.

Most of them were lucky if they didn't have their ankles broken. And not many would have been able to recover and contest her shot.

Shania had to admit that Jason's defense was just as commendable as his offense. But there wasn't a shred of doubt in her mind as she watched the ball fly through the air.

With how the ball felt as it was leaving her hand and how her body felt as she was executing her move she was filled with confidence 'It's going in.'

As the ball swished through the net She smiled brightly before turning around to Jason. Jason was standing still as he replayed the previous play over and over in his head.

'That crossover was pretty crazy. The execution was at a level way higher than I've seen from any middle schooler so far.

But what was even crazier was that stepback jumper. I have to admit that she was able to create a little bit of separation but my contest was still pretty solid.

Was it just luck? Or is she a tough shot maker? I guess I'll just have to find out.' Jason was pulled back to reality after he heard Shania's voice.

Shania had a big grin on her face as she threw Jason's own words right back at him "Loser's ball right? I guess that means that it's your turn now."

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