Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 5 - A Long First Day

Kyle dragged Jason through the hallways as he ran. Jason was reading the details from the system.

Body configuration points could be used to increase the body's potential to develop in certain areas but they wouldn't show immediate effects.

For example if Jason's body was a cup the body configuration points could make the cup bigger and could make the water flow into the cup faster but they didn't immediately fill it with water.

Jason could use the points to increase his body's potential for height but he wouldn't grow to 6'5 overnight.

Jason didn't hesitate for a moment, he invested all the body configuration points that he had earned into height. 'In my past life it was my height that kept me out of the league'.

Jason was pulled back to reality when he realized that he was being dragged by Kyle like a toddler dragging a teddy bear "Yo chill out bro! Where are you even going?"

Kyle stopped running after hearing Jason's voice. He let go of Jason and scratched his head in embarrassment "S-sorry, I kinda panicked"

Jason shook his as he looked at Kyle "Well, it's okay I guess. You did get me out of there while I was zoned out, so thanks"

Kyle smiled after hearing Jason "No problem! I should be the one thanking you. You don't even know me but you stood up to Trell and got beat up because of me"

Jason frowned and pointed at Kyle "I didn't get beat up ok? I let him punch me on purpose. It was all strategy, it was part of my plan."

Kyle nodded as he listened to Jason talk. Jason sighed "Besides, why would you let Trell beat on you without defending yourself? You're a big ass dude. You should've knocked his ass out."

Kyle looked down with a sad expression "I want to, but I can't. Whenever people make fun of me I want to say something back but my head blanks and I stutter like I forgot how to talk."

Kyle continued "And whenever people start getting angry or aggressive my hands get sweaty, my back gets cold and it feels like there are dozens of needles stabbing me. I-I just can't do anything"

After hearing that Jason couldn't say anything back. After a awkward moment of silence he ruffled his own hair in frustration "Well whatever, you can just stick with me. I don't think Trell will mess with you while I'm around. And even if he wants to he'll have to deal with me"

Kyle looked up from the floor and smiled again "Sure. I have my own spot we can go to for lunch" Jason nodded "Sounds good".

Jason saw the time on one of the clocks in the hallway "Shit! We are so late for first period!" Jason ran off and Kyle began running after him.

Jason stopped right outside a door before looking to his side "Why did you follow me?" Kyle was panting for air "I-I wasn't" Kyle then pointed to the door "I have this class to"

Jason silently opened the door. A man of ordinary stature was standing in the front of the class. Luckily the door was next to the back of the class and the man was focused on writing something on the whiteboard.

Jason and Kyle tiptoed into the class. Jason pulled out a seat from one of the tables and was about to sit down when a loud crashing sound caught the entire classes attention, including the teacher.

Jason turned to the direction of the noise and saw Kyle next to a flag pole that had been knocked over. Kyle nervously turned and looked at Jason "Sorry".

The bell rang and the other children packed their bags as they left for their next class. However Jason and Kyle simply stood up and waited by the teachers desk.

Mr. Rivera was a stylishly dressed man in his late 20's. His brown hair was styled in a short faux hawk and he had a comfortable smile on his tanned face.

Mr. Rivera looked at Jason and Kyle with a kind smile on his tanned face but Jason was swearing in his head 'You fake ass bitch'.

In his past lifetime Jason had thought that Mr.Rivera was a kind and understanding teacher. And when the bullying first started Jason confided in Mr.Rivera, unfortunately that would be the last time that Jason would reach out for help.

20 years ago during Jason's first life. A young Jason stood in front of Mr.Rivera with a nervous expression on his face. Jason opened his mouth "Trell and his friends have been bullying me for a few weeks now. Before it was just name calling and pranks but lately they've started hitting me"

Mr. Rivera smiled and looked at Jason "I'm sorry to hear that you've had to go through that Jason. Trell and his friends are certainly in the wrong for doing those things but have you thought that maybe you did something wrong as well?"

Jason was surprised to hear that. Mr.Rivera continued "I noticed that you always have a unpleasant look on your face. If you try to be friendlier maybe Trell and his friends will stop bothering you? I know you're a good kid Jason. You should be like the other asian kids, I'm sure you don't want to make any problems for your parents right?"

And that was how a young and naive Jason was told that he should be like the other asian kids and be a silent and good student. Jason was told that if he kept bringing up the issue of bullying it would just be a burden for his parents.

This was the start of Jason bottling up his feelings and wearing a mask. All because of one teacher that didn't want to deal with his problems.

Back to the present Jason was glaring at Mr.Rivera "Listen guys, I'm not too strict of a teacher. I don't mind if you're late but could you guys at least sneak in quietly?"

Jason thought in his mind 'Of course you don't mind us being late. Even if we skipped class you would still mark us as present so that your attendance would look good. Fucking fake ass bitch'

A notification popped up in Jason's vision.

[Mission: Release the anger that has built up in your heart over the years. Use your words and actions to insult Mr.Rivera. The higher you raise his blood pressure the greater a reward you will receive. Penalty: Have bad luck for the rest of the day]

Jason was tempted for a second but then he gulped and buried any ideas of completing the mission 'No matter how much I hate the guy it just isn't worth it to get in trouble and make problems for my parents'

The penalty didn't seem too bad and Jason didn't want to do anything too over the top on his first day. That doesn't include beating up Trell, in Jason's mind that was perfectly within bounds.

The gap between classes weren't too long so Mr.Rivera had to dismiss Jason and Kyle. The two of them left the classroom and started heading towards their next class. After a bit of walking Jason turned to look at Kyle "Don't tell me you have the same class again?"

Kyle sheepishly looked at the floor with a slight smile on his face "If you have English with Ms.Yuller next then I guess we do have the same class". Jason stuck his hand out "Hand over your schedule" Kyle obediently handed Jason a piece of paper.

Jason looked over Kyle's schedule while they walked 'This makes no sense. He has the exact same schedule'. It wasn't odd that the both of them had the same schedule. The odd part was that Jason had no recollection of Kyle from his past life.

'Well whatever' Jason decided to stop thinking too much about it. There was no point in being fixated on it if nothing came to mind.

Jason ignored the notification about him failing the mission as he and Kyle made their way to their next class.

Although slightly out of breath both Jason and Kyle were able to get to their next class on time. But by the looks of it they were some of the last ones, almost all the seats were taken.

Kyle pushed past Jason in a hurry as he raced to an open seat in the back corner. Kyle sighed in relief but then turned and looked at Jason with an apologetic expression.

Jason looked at the class. The only seats available were the seats right next to a girl. Dressed in a graphic Tee of a band and ripped up Jeans. Her curly red hair covered part of her beautiful face and reached past her shoulders which were just as pale as Jason.

Although Jason didn't know her to well in his past life he knew about her. Samantha Doyle, she was one of the most popular kids back in high school. But it looks like her looks are too intimidating for these middle schoolers. A lot of kids at this age were either too shy or not great at interacting with the opposite gender.

Jason made his way towards her and pointed to the chair next to her and asked with a polite smile "Mind if I sit here?". She looked at him for a second before responding "What would you do if I said yes?". Jason pointed to the other chair next to her "Then I would ask if you would mind me sitting there".

Samantha's eyebrow raised slightly as a mischievous grin appeared on her face "And if I said yes again?" Jason put his hands up helplessly and answered with the fakest sad expression you could imagine "I guess I would have to sit on the floor"

Samantha giggled as she pulled the chair back from the desk "Go ahead and sit down Mr. Funny pants. I wouldn't want you sitting on the floor, especially so close to me. People might think you're my dog or something"

Jason put his bag down next to his feet as he sat down. He turned and looked at Samantha "Isn't that a little much? Even if I sit on the floor I don't think anyone could mistake me for a dog"

Samantha shook her head and cheekily said "Nope! Your face and your vibe are just like a dog. You remind me of my sweet little Chunkers" she then proceeded to pull out her phone.

She held her phone in front of Jason showing a picture of a very..... well fed corgi. It's fur was black and white and it was lying comfortably on a coach. Jason didn't want to admit it but there was an uncanny resemblance between him and the corgi.... especially the eyes.

Jason lightly brushed her hand holding the phone away "You're just seeing things. It's impossible for a human and a dog to look alike. They are completely different"

Samantha put her phone back in her pocket "Or maybe you're just in denial. Well whatever, my names Samantha but you can call me Sammy" She then stuck her hand out towards Jason.

Jason reached out and shook her hand "Nice to meet you Sammy, I guess. I'm Jason, no nickname unfortunately. I'm new here."

Jason and Samantha enjoyed some small talk until the teacher arrived. In his past life Jason was a shy kid but now he has already experienced swimming in the social pools of adult life. If he still felt shy in front of a bunch of kids it would be a travesty.

As the class went underway Jason couldn't help but think 'And here I was getting worried about the bad luck penalty from failing the mission. Everything is going great so far.' And that's when it started.

Jason felt something small hit the back of his head. He felt around his hair and found a wet spitball 'That is so fucking gross'. Whenever the teacher would turn her attention away from the class, a flurry of spitballs would find their way to Jason.

'This must be the bad luck huh? at least it's not too bad' Jason tried his best to ignore their childish antics. He was following the teacher as they read a chapter from a book when he felt something a lot heavier hit his head.

He started rubbing the back of his head 'Ouch! that fucking hurt!' Jason angrily turned around and saw one of Trell's lackeys with a smirk on his face. The lackey pointed at the ground. Jason looked at saw a paper ball.

Jason picked it up and removed the paper. The thing that was inside that gave it so much weight was an apple that now had a huge indent in it. Written on the paper was a note that read 'Meet me after school in front of the gym. If you flake out you and your sidekick are dead meat'

Jason crumpled the paper up and threw it away 'Today's gonna be a long day'

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