Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 6 - Trouble On The Blacktop

After class finished Jason picked up his bag and was about to walk out when he felt someone grab onto him. Jason turned around and saw Samantha holding on to one of the straps of Jason's backpack.

She looked at Jason with a concerned expression "Hey Jason. You okay? Maybe you should talk to the teacher?". Jason smiled "Nah, it's no big deal. But thanks for looking out. You might have earned yourself an invite to my birthday party. Bouncy house and everything"

Samantha lightly shoved him "Yeah right. You're gonna have to try harder than that if you want to get me to show up to your party." Jason chuckled and then waved goodbye "Alright, I'll try again some other time. See you around Sammy".

As Jason walked out the door he saw Kyle waiting for him "Well look who's here. I thought you forgot all about me?" Kyle apologized "S-sorry Jason....I couldn't sit next to her."

Seeing Kyle's sorry expression Jason couldn't stay mad, he sighed "It's okay. I get it. You probably didn't want to deal with the jealous ass hats. I don't get it. If they like her so much just sit next to her and talk. It's not like she's gonna eat you up or anything... although she is a bit cheeky."

The next two classes went by fast. However that didn't mean that nothing exciting happened. In one class the teacher almost tripped while he was looking over everyone's work. He nearly spilled his hot coffee onto Jason, luckily he had the reflexes to move away in time.... by falling out of his seat.

In the next class a baseball crashed through the window and knocked Jason upside the head. Luckily for him it made for an excellent excuse to take a nap... in the infirmary.

Now it was lunch time. Jason and Kyle were carrying their bags and walking to the cafeteria. Kyle looked at Jason with a strange expression on his face "I don't mean anything by it but Jason... Are you usually so-"

Jason interrupted "What? Unlucky?" Kyle shook his head in denial "That's not what I- I mean, yeah. Your luck seems pretty terrible.".

Jason shrugged "Nah, I'm usually not like this. Something tells me that this is more of a one time thing." Kyle nodded "If you say so. Even if you do have bad luck I'll still hang out with you. I don't exactly have that many options."

Jason turned to Kyle "Gee, that warms my heart. Good to hear that my bad luck won't run you off as long as I'm your only friend". Kyle scratches his head in embarrassment.

The two of them made small talk as they waited in line for food. There were only a few kids left in front of them when Jason was pushed to the side.

Jason caught himself and stepped back to where he was. He looked to his side and saw Trell with a few of his goons. Trell opened his mouth "Thanks for saving my spot short shit"

Jason retorted "Back off Twizzler dick. I only save spots for the ladies and I don't think an ugly bitch like you counts"

Jason then stepped forward which caused Trell and his crew to step back. Seeing their reaction Jason smirked "Besides, I'd hate to make that ugly mug of yours any uglier"

Trell's swollen and bruised up face contorted in anger "You just got lucky bitch! I can beat your ass with my eyes closed" Jason could feel the attention from all around the cafeteria starting to focus on them.

Jason tilted his head to the side pointing out the custodian "Cool it Trell. I thought you wanted to settle this after class? There's too many eyes here. I'm sure even you don't want deal with unnecessary problems."

Before Trell could respond Jason pulled Kyle to the open spot in front of the lunch lady. Jason grabbed a tray for himself and he shoved a tray into Kyle's hands. As the both of them walked away with lunch trays Jason put his hand in the air and threw a peace sign out without looking back "See ya later Trell"

Jason found an empty table and put his tray down while taking a seat. Just as he was about to shovel some food into his face Kyle grabbed him and started shaking him "What are you doing Jason!? Are you out of your mind!?"

Jason's face twitched in annoyance as he then proceeded to remove Kyle's hands "I should be the one asking you that. You just made me spill perfectly good food." Kyle then took a deep breath in an attempt to calm down "What I meant was back there, with Trell. What was the use in pissing him off like that? You just made things a hundred times worse."

Jason took a bite out of the burger on his tray "Everything has a point Kyle. You're worried about pissing Trell off? The same guy that was beating the shit out of you this morning? I hate to break it to you but it can't get much worse. Me acting soft would just encourage him to make our lives miserable"

Kyle was still sweating and shaking "But then what about the part about making a scene? You told Trell to back off because you didn't want to cause another scene but then it almost seemed like you were trying to get everyone's attention back there?"

Jason continued eating "I actually did want to get their attention. The more witnesses there are the less likely Trell will go overboard and do something crazy. I just don't want the school faculty seeing anything and getting me in trouble. Besides, I wanted to eat before getting into another fight"

Kyle watched on as Jason devoured the school lunch. After finishing the food on his tray Jason then pulled out the lunch his dad had made him as well as the lunch he won from the bet this morning.

The sandwich made by his dad was tasty just from the appearance. Two slices of roasted beef sat on two pieces of homemade white bread that was toasted on a buttered pan. There was a thin layer of mayo on the bread that helped keep the slice of cheese in place. The sandwich that he won however was two pieces of bread with ketchup in the middle.

Kyle was surprised "You sure you can handle that? You might end up in the infirmary with a stomach problem before you get beat up by Trell." Jason rubbed his hands together as he prepared himself for the food "I gotta eat a lot. Not everyone is lucky to be tall for no reason like you. Besides, who said that it was our side that's gonna take the beating? You gotta be more confident man."

Lunch quickly passed. Kyle was twitchy and nervous while Jason seemed unbothered and carefree. Eventually the bell rang signaling the end of the last class. The students were busy as usual packing their things. But instead of rushing home they were running to the gym located at the back of the school.

Kyle stood behind Jason, his back drenched in cold sweat and his hands shaky. There was only about five feet separating Trell and Jason as they stared at each other. Trell had five other boys behind him "So short stack, you ready to get beaten to a pulp?"

Jason looked at Trell then began shifting his gaze to the crowd around them. They were standing in front of the gym with kids all around them. He stopped at smiled as he waved to a familiar face "Why don't we make things interesting Trell. Just straight up fighting is getting kinda old, I had my fill from this morning."

Trell sneered "What are you trying to say?". Jason looked back at Trell "How about we settle this with some ball. 2 on 2, first to 21 wins."

Jason continued "You win and I'll let you beat me whenever you want for a week. I won't even raise a hand. But if we win then you and your goons are gonna be our personal butlers for a week."

Trell laughed "Haha. And why should we go through all that trouble instead of beating your ass right now?"

Jason shrugged his shoulders "You could try. But just ask your face how good I am at throwing hands. You sure you want to get another taste?"

Trell clenched his teeth "Alright" He then turned to the crowd around them "You heard it here. Pick up game, 2 on 2 first to 21. If I win I get to beat this little shit without him so much as lifting a pinky for a week. And if by some miracle they win they get to boss us around for a week. Whoever goes back on their word is a massive bitch that doesn't have any pride"

Jason couldn't help but let out a chuckle "Hehe, you're the one who said it. You better not regret." Jason and Kyle moved to inside the school gym, Trell and everybody else followed them. Kyle tapped Jason on the shoulder "Alright Jason good luck with the game. I'll be rooting for you"

Jason looked at Kyle with a confused expression "How are you gonna do that? It's gonna be hard to root and cheer while you're playing." Kyle pointed at himself "M-me? You want me to play?" Jason nodded "Who else would I pick to play with me in a 2v2? You are literally the only other guy I know. And as much as I think Trell's a bitch I don't think I could beat him if I played with a girl."

Kyle stood still but Jason pulled him onto the court "Let's go man, you can do this. Besides, even if you suck I'll just pull a Lebron and carry you." Jason bounced the ball around a bit before asking Trell "Lets shoot for it. First person to make a free throw gets first possession."

Jason passed the ball to Trell. Trell caught the ball and walked to the free throw line. He took a breath and readied himself for the shot. Jason couldn't help but laugh in his mind 'Hehe, look at Trell's ugly ass shooting form. I'd be surprised if he could make anything further than 3 feet with a shot like that'. The ball flew out of Trell's hand and hit the right side of the backboard.

Trell shouted "Damn! I felt like that was going in for sure." Trell turned to Jason with a condescending look on his face before passing him the ball "Well at least you'll get a chance to touch the ball short shit. Consider yourself lucky that I missed"

Jason caught the ball with one hand and he smiled as he walked towards the free throw line "Why don't you save the trash talk for after you make a basket Trell, that is if it ever happens.". Jason bounced the ball before he started his shooting motion. He bent his knees and aligned his arm and hand to the basket. His body sprung back up and before he reached his apex he let the ball fly.

The ball flew in a high arc towards the hoop, it seemed almost as if it was floating its way there. The ball had yet to touch the rim but Jason knew 'That one felt good. It's going in for sure'. Jason looked at Trell before shifting his gaze to the crowd watching him "Looks like it's our ball Trell" Jason's voice was shortly followed by the sound of the ball swooshing into the net.

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