Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 76 - A Different Lifestyle

Jason and Kyle were silent for the first few minutes of the ride. But even though he was silent Kyle was scanning the inside of the limousine in amazement.

Kyle started fiddling with the control panel at his side and pressing different buttons. After he pressed a random button a small TV came down from the ceiling "Awesome."

Jason laughed "You don't look so scared anymore." Kyle shook his head "Nope. I'm definitely scared still. But there's no point in being scared and uncomfortable."

After saying that, Kyle put his feet up as he started drinking a can of soda that he got from the mini fridge beside him. He then started watching some anime on the limo's TV.

Jason opened up the mini fridge and pulled out a bottle of water as he joined Kyle in enjoying the comforts that the limo had to offer.

After about ten minutes Jason moved his attention away from the anime that Kyle had playing as he looked out the windows.

Jason was stunned for a moment. After a few seconds he finally came back to his senses as he called out "Kyle.... look outside the window."

Kyle noticed the expression Jason was making and became confused. But after he looked out the window he understood.

The limousine was in front of a majestic looking gate that had a gold plaque that read "Pueblo de Oro."

The road leading to the gate was a mile long (1.6km) and was lined with palm trees that looked to be about 70 feet tall (21.3m).

The limousine was stopped at the guard station in front of the gates. Victor rolled down his window and showed something to the guards.

After seeing whatever it was that Victor showed them the guards opened up the gates as the limousine made it's way in.

As they passed by the gates Kyle read the plaque "Pueblo de Oro? I wonder what that means?"

Jason had taken spanish in high school and in college "Pueblo de Oro means the town of gold. Or the golden town."

Kyle nodded his head for a second before pausing "Wait, how do you know that?" Jason was caught off guard by Kyle's question.

Jason lifted his phone as he answered "Google translate hehe." Kyle seemed to have been satisfied by Jason's answer. Jason let out a sigh of relief.

Jason and Kyle were in awe as they passed by houses that looked like they belonged to millionaires. These properties were huge in size and had various designs.

They pulled into the driveway of a house. The driveway was 4 cars wide and was long enough to be a decent warm up if you jogged up and down it once.

Victor parked the limousine and opened the door for Jason and Kyle. As soon as they stepped off of the limo they were stunned by two things.

The first was the guards that were patrolling the property. The second was how beautiful the actual house was.

The front was painted all white and the architecture was very modern and chic. Samantha opened the all glass doors and ran toward them.

"What's up guys! Welcome to my humble abode." Kyle chuckled "I don't think you can really call this humble..."

Jason nodded his head "Yeah, this would probably be the least humble abode that I've ever seen. If anything it would be a fancy smansy abode."

Samantha brought the two of them past the guards and lead them inside. The inside of the house was decorated with various pieces of modern art.

From deformed and warped sculptures, to confusing splashes of paint on pieces of canvas, to a banana that was taped to the wall.

Kyle and Jason felt completely out of place as Samantha took them to the living room. There were more pieces of modern art and a projector TV that used the whole wall.

Samantha seemed pleased with Jason's and Kyle's reactions. She smiled at the both of them "So what do you think? Pretty cool huh?"

Kyle started crying "Is that the Yamata 36g projector?" Samantha thought about it for a second "I think that's what it's called."

Kyle gulped "8k resolution and the fastest refresh rate on the market. I think I'm in heaven. Just imagine all the different games you could play, all the different animes you could watch...."

Jason shrugged his shoulders "Sounds cool. So are we gonna start with practice or do you guys wanna get something to eat first?"

Samantha rolled her eyes "You just saw a super dope entertainment set up and all you can think about is food?"

Jason nodded his head "Sounds about right." Samantha couldn't help but laugh at Jason's response "Geez, fine. Let's head to the kitchen."

The kitchen was right next to the eating space which made it possible to sit and watch as the food was being prepared.

The kitchen itself seemed to be of the quality of a high class restaurant. Awaiting them in the dining area was Victor.

"Miss Doyle, what will you be having for dinner?" Samantha thought for a second "I think I'm in the mood for some tacos ooh and a milkshake. How about you guys?"

Kyle asked "What does he know to cook?" Samantha paused "You know what? I've never asked. I always just tell Victor what I want to eat and he makes it."

She turned to Victor "Is there anything you don't know how to cook?" Victor looked at Kyle and Jason before returning his attention to Samantha "No."

After hearing Victor's bold claim Jason felt the urge to play a small prank. He leaned toward Kyle and whispered something to him.

Kyle chuckled a bit before nodding his head. He turned to Victor "I'll have some Takoyaki and a bowl of katsudon."

Jason then gave his order "I want a bowl of Jajangmyeon and some soondubu." Jason was laughing in his mind 'Even if you know how to make those I doubt you would have the ingredients on hand.'

Victor nodded his head before walking into the kitchen. Samantha turned to Kyle and Jason "You guys want to get some practice in? It'll probably take some time for Victor to finish cooking."

Kyle and Jason nodded their heads in agreement before following Samantha deeper into her house.

Samantha opened a door and walked in. Jason and Kyle were once again stunned. The room looked like a professional grade recording studio.

Jason's voice quivered just a bit "Oh wow, this-this is pretty cool. Why do you have a recording studio in your house?"

Samantha answered in a bored voice "Oh my dad decided to put one in after he heard that I liked to play guitar. I told him it was overkill but he said that it wasn't."

Kyle was looking around and appreciating the quality of the room "Dang Sammy! You and your Pops is loaded.

Why do you go to Jefferson if you're so rich? Shouldn't you be going to one of those fancy private schools?"

Samantha's smile dimmed down as she took a seat and leaned her head on her arm "Jefferson was the middle school my mom went to.

I went there because she said it was a great school. When my mom passed my dad wanted to move me to a private school but I didn't want to."

Kyle panicked "My bad, I didn't mean to bring up any bitter memories Sammy." Samantha looked up and smiled.

"It's okay. Jason did the same thing when he rode around the limo for the first time. I know you guys are just asking questions. And that's how friends get to know each other better."

Samantha jumped back to her feet "Now enough with the sad stuff. You guys ready to practice? I had Victor buy a keyboard just for this."

From the way Kyle reacted it must have been a high end keyboard. He was hugging and cleaning it non stop.

Everyone got into position. Samantha picked up her guitar, Kyle sat down in front of the keyboard, and Jason picked up a mic.

Jason looked around "So what song should we do for the talent show?" Kyle raised his hand "We should do the opening of Puffy Puffy Magical Girl Hikari."

Jason then looked to Samantha "Please tell me you have a different suggestion." Samantha smiled "We should do some punk rock or some alt rock. I know a bunch of classic songs that are easy."

Jason rolled his eyes "What makes you think we can do rock? You have to remember that Kyle is playing a keyboard not drums."

Samantha answered "We can just do a version with piano instead of drums. It shouldn't be too hard to rearrange a song.

And besides, alternative rock should be easy for you. You already kinda have the high pitched voice of a Kellin Quinn. We just gotta work on your screaming."

Jason had been more of a hip-hop kind of guy in his past life. He mostly listened to classic rappers such as Kendrick or J-Cole.

He had never listened to alternative rock before but he was already starting to get nervous "Screaming? Why would I need to work on my screaming?"

Samantha had a mischievous smile plastered across her face "Don't worry about it. It's gonna be fun. You'll see."

Jason's hour long suffering would begin there as he was forced by Samantha to switch between singing and screaming throughout the song.

After a little more than an hour, but what felt like an eternity for Jason, Victor opened the door "Dinner is ready Miss Doyle."

Jason felt like he found new life after hearing the word 'dinner'. His energy was instantly refilled as he followed Samantha back to the dining area.

Kyle and Jason were both surprised to see that the dishes that they had asked for were actually on the table.

Jason looked at the bowls carefully 'I can't believe it. He actually cooked these? How the hell can he cook Korean food so well?'

After Jason and Kyle took their first bites they were already impressed. Jason used the pair of metal chopsticks that were placed down for him to scoop some more noodles into his mouth.

'The taste is on point! It's almost as good as my dad's. I guess Victor does know how to cook everything.'

Jason smiled at Samantha "You know what Sammy? I think I might have been wrong. I don't think that practicing for the talent show is gonna be that bad."

And that's how practicing for the talent show became another part of Jason's routine 'Nine games done just 11 more to go until the tournament.'

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