Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 77 - No Rest For The Weary

Jefferson continued their scorching hot streak as Jason lead them on their dominant stretch of games. The game against Tustin would be the last time they played a game that close.

Ever since then Jefferson had been blowing their opponents out of the water. At least that was the case up until now.

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It was Friday evening. Jefferson was hosting Nashton academy, a school that ranked third in the county last season, after what could only be considered a packed week.

Jefferson had played games on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and now they would play their fourth game of the week against their toughest competition yet.

Trell was tying his shoes as he sat on the bench. He looked to Coach Swendel "Hey Coach! Why we playin so many games this week? Shouldn't we be gettin a chance to get some rest?"

Coach Swendel helplessly put his hands up "Sorry Trell but there's nothing I can do about it. The schedules were made before the season even started.

Every school has a week like this where they have to play multiple games. We're just unlucky that our opponent after such a tight week is such a strong school."

Udonis came over and slapped Trell on the back "You tired already dog? Man, what's the use in all dem big ass muscles if you gettin gassed that easy?"

Trell rolled his eyes "Don't hate on me just cause you jealous UD. If you stopped eating like you was Jaya maybe you'd have some more muscles too instead of all that blubber."

Udonis rubbed his stomach "Hey! I'll have you know that I did lose some weight aight? It's not that I'm fat I'm just big boned."

Udonis took a look around and saw that only one person was missing "Hey speakin of Jaya, where the heck is he? We got like three minutes before tip-off."

Trell smirked "If you talking about our big star then he out front taking pics with the principal. Instead of Young Buckets we should start callin him Young Hollywood hehe."

Just as he finished saying that Trell heard a familiar voice "I heard that." Jason walked into the gym dressed in his jersey and shorts.

He took a seat next to Trell and started changing into his game shoes "Just so you know, Young Hollywood doesn't sound too bad. It kinda has a nice ring to it."

Udonis and Trell started laughing. Udonis asked "Since when did the principal turn into yo biggest fan? Ain't it like the fourth time he took you to take some pics with him this week?"

Jason finished tying his shoes and started fixing his hair and headband as he answered "Honestly I lost track. But I think you're right.

Considering that this is the fourth news station that's asked for an interview piece it would only make sense.

I just wish that they would stop asking to do these types of things right before the game." Jason turned to Coach Swendel.

"Hey Coach, I thought you were going to talk to them about doing a better job scheduling these types of things.

It's kinda hard to get focused and to get in the right mindset for a game when you have to go out and do an interview with the principal and take a couple pics."

Coach Swendel looked at Jason apologetically "Sorry Jason. I'll make sure to talk to the principal again. Let's just do our best and get through tonight."

The clock soon buzzed as Jason and the rest of the starting five lined up and shook hands with the opposing team before getting into position for the tip-off.

This was the first time that Kyle met someone that towered over him like this as he faced off against Nashton academy's Center.

Kyle took a deep breath as he recalled the team meeting they had yesterday after their game.

- - -

Coach Swendel wheeled a TV into the locker-room "Thanks for staying behind guys. I know that we've had a busy week so far and that you're all tired.

But I thought that this little meeting would help a lot with our game tomorrow against Nashton academy.

Last year they finished third in the county and this year they are on pace to have an even better record.

And a lot of their success both this year and last has to do with their star player." Coach Swendel turned on the TV.

On the screen was a large kid with a dark bronze skin tone. He was tall standing at 6'4 (1.93m) and his wide frame made it hard to believe that he weighed anything less than 230 pounds (104kg).

A video of Nashton academy started playing as Coach Swendel spoke "Trinity Diaz aka 3D. He's the starting Center for Nashton academy as well as their star player.

He's the focal point of their offense. Every possession they start off by feeding him in the post. He's currently the top scorer in the county averaging 30 points a game.

He also has pretty decent court vision. He typically finds the open man when he get's double teamed.

He's also a pretty decent rim protector. He doesn't have the bounce to get up and block shots but he is tall and he seems to know how to position himself well in order to deter shots at the rim.

But his biggest strength outside of his scoring is his rebounding. Which is another stat that he's leading the county in with over 15 rebounds a game."

Coach Swendel turned at looked at Kyle "If we want to win tomorrow against Nashton academy the battle to control the paint is going to be vital."

He then turned to Udonis "The team's success is going to depend on our front court tomorrow. Get some good rest tonight because tomorrow you're going to be in for some real work."

- - -

Kyle's eyes burned with determination as he locked on to the ball in the referee's hand. He followed it as it rose higher and higher into the air.

Just as it was about to reach it's apex Kyle launched himself into the air. Kyle and Trinity had jumped at the same time.

But even though they left the ground at the same time Trinity was still on his way up while Kyle had already knocked the ball over to their side.

The ball was knocked toward Udonis who then quickly passed the ball to Jason. Even without Jason's command Kyle was already running toward the basket.

But it seemed as though Nashton academy had done their homework. As soon as it was clear that they had lost the tip-off they sent a player to run with Kyle and to guard him.

Jason saw that they wouldn't be able to get an easy bucket so he dribbled the ball up the court and called out a play as soon as everyone else was in position.

Matt ran from the corner all the way to the wing using a screen from Udonis to try and get open.

As soon as he saw that he didn't generate enough separation from his defender he ran to Jason and set a screen for him.

Jason drew the attention of Matt's defender as well as his own as he pretended to attack the paint.

After he saw that he drew them far away enough he kicked the ball out to Matt who was wide open. As soon as he caught the ball Matt let the ball fly as he shot the three-pointer.

The referee raised three fingers as the ball fell through the net. The crowd erupted cheered for Matt as Jason ran up to him for the high-five.

Their was a clear sense of tension as Nashton academy dribbled the ball up the court. Strangely enough everyone's attention wasn't on the player with the ball.

Everyone was focused on the largest person on the court. He didn't have the ball yet but the battle had already begun.

Kyle was trying his best prevent Trinity from establishing good post positioning. He was putting his entire body into it and yet he could feel himself being pushed back.

'This is like pushing a concrete wall! I thought that UD felt heavy but he can't even compare.'

Finally it was time. As soon as Nashton academy's Point Guard crossed half-court he passed the ball to the wing where they then passed the ball to Trinity in the post.

Kyle tried his best to prepare himself mentally 'Here it comes Kyle. You can do this. Just pretend that he's a bigger UD.'

But once Trinity started backing him down Kyle knew that he was in for a tough fight. With every collision Kyle could feel his entire body shaking to the core.

But Kyle didn't give up on the fight. He was bracing his body and pushing forward with his own bumps and pushes.

Without him realizing it they were already under the basket. Kyle saw Trinity picking up the ball and his dribble and knew that he was about to make his move on offense.

Trinity jumped up with the ball in his hand. Kyle jumped up as well and tried to reach for the ball to block the shot.

As he was on his way up Kyle felt himself getting bumped by Trinity's shoulder. The impact was enough to push him out of the way.

The referee blew his whistle as Trinity laid the ball into the basket. After making the shot and drawing the foul he smiled and high-fived his teammates as he walked toward the free-throw line.

Kyle was looking at Trinity with a complicated gaze. Jason saw this and sighed 'I can't believe it's actually him. I almost forgot about 3D. We're going to be in for a long night.'

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