Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 82 - The Season

Jason stared at Shania nervously. She flipped her braids over her shoulder before she began to speak.

"I need you to talk to Tyreek. He keep tryin to get me to go to another all girls private school. I already told him I don't want to go but he keep buggin."

Jason breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that it wasn't anything serious. He looked at Shania "Your uncle is just trying to do what he thinks is best for you. Why don't you just go?"

Shania put her hands on her hips "I didn't come here to ask for your two cents. I came here so that you could talk to Tyreek and get his bum ass to stop buggin me about going to another private school."

Jason rolled his eyes "Why don't you just tell him it's too expensive? I heard that he quit his warehouse job. I can't imagine that he can afford to pay the tuition prices with the $300 a month he gets from the show."

Shania answered "You think I didn't try that? Too bad for me that the school actually wants to give me a sports waiver for the tuition.

This private school goes from middle school to high school. They want me to play for their high school team next year."

Jason shrugged "Well that sucks. I wish there was something I could do. But if Tyreek is dead set on sending you to a private school then I don't think I can change his mind."

Jason turned around and was about to walk away but he felt someone grab on to the corner of his jersey.

He turned back around and saw Shania holding on to his jersey. But instead of her usual fierce and intimidating expression she seemed like a nervous and worried girl.

Shania bit her lip before looking at Jason "Listen, I know I've been a real bitch to you. And I know that it isn't your fault, you were just listening to my uncle.

But please I'm begging you. Talk to my uncle and convince him to let me stay at my school." Jason was surprised by Shania's change in attitude. He had never seen this soft and meek side of her before.

Jason struggled in his head 'Why does it look like she's terrified to go to a private school? I would imagine that the people she deals with on a daily basis are ten times scarier than any preppy rich girls she would have to put up with.

And why should I get involved? This isn't any of my business and the system didn't give me a mission. I am staying out of this. I just want to focus on basketball.'

But despite what Jason had told himself he kept feeling a nagging pull at his heart as Shania looked at him with a pleading gaze.

Jason sighed "I don't get it. You're a tough girl Shania. What about going to a private school has you so scared?"

Shania let go of Jason's jersey as she looked down. After a moment of hesitation she began to speak.

"Yeah I'm a tough girl that grew up in the streets. But that's the problem. I don't fit in with them. I'm not like those preppy rich girls.

I don't want to go back to that. Having to be somewhere you don't feel like you belong. Having to pretend that you don't notice that you're different from everyone else every day.

I was able to trick myself into thinkin that I could do it back when my Pops was around. But I can't go back to that.

The streets might be more dangerous but at least I don't feel like an outsider. I get to feel comfortable being with other people that are like me."

Jason felt bad for Shania after he heard her explanation of why she didn't want to go to another private school.

If anyone understood what it was like to be somewhere you felt like you didn't belong it would be Jason.

From high school all the way to college Jason was the only Asian person on his basketball teams.

In a sport that was predominately Black Jason never seemed to fit the mold of a basketball player.

All the times he was told that he should switch to a different sport or that he should try going overseas to one of the Asian basketball leagues.

It just worked to reinforce the thought that he didn't belong. That he wouldn't make it as a pro down here in the US.

Jason shook his head to clear his thoughts. He smiled kindly at Shania "Listen Shania, I know what it's like to feel like you don't belong.

I'm a scrawny Asian kid trying to play basketball. I can't go to a single game without someone bringing that up.

When most people get trash talked it's usually along the lines of 'You suck' or 'You got no handles' but when I get trash talked eighty percent of the time it has to do with my eyes or something about China. Even though I'm not even Chinese.

My point is you can't live your life caring about what those unimportant people think. The only opinions that should mean anything to you are the ones from the people you really care about.

Why don't you just give this whole private school thing another shot? This time you have to go into it with a 'I don't care' attitude."

Shania sighed "That's easy for you to say. You can just show everyone that you're good at hoopin and they'll have to take back the shit they say. How am I supposed to do that?"

Jason thought about Shania's situation 'She needs someone to teach her to not care about what other people think.

It can't be me because honestly I am a bad teacher. At least when it comes to life. It would probably be easier if it was another girl....'

Jason clapped his hands as an idea popped into his mind "Shania I know someone that might be able to help you.

You just need to talk to her and she'll teach you how to stop caring about what other people think."

Shania had a hesitant look on her face. Jason put his hand on her shoulder "You won't know if it will work or not until you give it a try.

There's a pretty popular sports' saying 'You miss a hundred percent of the shots you don't take.' You won't know if you'll make or miss the shot until the ball leaves your hands.

Now you tell me. Down by one with five seconds left on the clock. Will you crumble under the pressure as time is winding down? Or will you rise up over your defender and take that shot?"

Shania looked at Jason "You sure you can't just talk to him?" Jason scratched the back of his head before responding.

"If you give this a shot and it doesn't work then I'll talk to your uncle about transferring you back to your old school. But you gotta try first."

Shania nodded her head "Fine. But you have to promise me that you'll talk to my uncle if this doesn't work."

Jason nodded his head "I promise."

- - -

Saturday afternoon. Jason, Kyle, and Samantha were sitting at one of the tables of the food court in the mall. 

In front of Jason were two trays jam packed with all sorts of different foods. It looked like he made a stop at all the different food places in the food court.

While Kyle and Samantha only some burgers and fries on their trays. Jason unwrapped a huge burrito before taking a bite out of it "Thanks for showing up Sammy."

Samantha smiled "You're welcome. I wouldn't pass on a chance to hang out and get out of my house."

Kyle took a bite out of his burger "I don't know why you hate staying inside your house Sammy. With an entertainment set up like yours I wouldn't mind being locked up for a few years."

Jason and Samantha laughed after hearing Kyle say that. They ate and talked for a while as they enjoyed each other's company.

As Jason was getting close to finishing the food that was on his tray he looked at Samantha "Listen Sammy, there's actually something I wanted to talk to you about."

Samantha was sipping some soda from her cup. She put it down and smiled at Jason "Shoot for it. I'm all ears amigo."

Jason told her about Shania and how she needed someone to teach her to not care about what other people thought.

Samantha scowled at Jason "I should have known that you needed something. You never invite me to just hang out."

Jason smiled apologetically "Sorry Sammy. I swear we'll start hanging out more. The seasons almost over and we'll just have the tournament left. Please can you help her?"

Samantha took a french fry from Jason's tray and ate it "She doesn't need help learning how to now care about what other people think.

She needs to learn to be comfortable with who she is no matter what situation she's in." Jason nodded his head "So will you do it?"

Samantha thought about it for a second "You're lucky I'm such a nice person. Fine, I'll do it. But you so owe me for this."

Jason nodded his head as he smiled at Samantha "Sure Sammy. Thanks for doing this. It really means a lot."

Samantha smiled "Now that we got the business out of the way. Let's go enjoy the rest of our hangout day."

- - -

Time passed by quickly. Jason, Kyle, and Samantha went to a Halloween party hosted by one of the popular kids at Jefferson.

The media coverage on Jefferson intensified as Jason lead them to an undefeated season for the first time in school history.

They dominated all of their opponents in their last five games of the season. As they outscored all of their competition by at least twenty points.

In the gym of the school all the students were gathered as the principle gave a short speech before congratulating the basketball team.

Jason bowed his head as the principle placed a medal on him. For others this might have seemed like a momentous occasion in their life.

But Jason only had one thing on his mind at this moment 'The county tournament starts now. And after we win it's straight to the state championship.'

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