Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 83 - Good News

Jason was at home doing his personal training. He was in his room as he did squats, lunges, knee raises, and some cool down stretches.

As Jason was stretching he couldn't help but think about the past three months 'I can't believe it's already been that long.

I feel like it was just last week that I woke up as a twelve year old. But now it's November and the year is almost over.

So many things have happened since I got here. I'm on a TV show, I became the star player for Jefferson's basketball team, and I lead them to their first ever undefeated season.

And now the county tournament is gonna start next month. I already now that I'm the best player in the county heck I even have the hardware to prove it.'

Jason looked to the side where he had his RIverisde County MVP trophy sitting on a shelf 'But I wonder how well I stack up against higher level competition.

There's no point in being the big fish in a little pond. But then again I was a college level hooper back in my past life. It would be sad if I couldn't beat a bunch of little kids.'

Jason allowed himself to get lost in his thoughts as he stretched his body. After a while he opened up the system to take a look at his badges.

[Ironman(Silver): Gives you a tougher body. You will be less likely to experience an injury as well as recover from injuries at an improved rate. Effectiveness decided by badge rank.

Defensive Anchor (Silver): Your presence on the court inspires your teammates to do their best on defense. Your teammates will be more focused on the defensive side of the ball.

Your teammates will play defense with more energy and be less likely to commit small mistakes. Effect only applies to teammates while you are on the court.

Lock Down Defender (Bronze): Lowers the effectiveness of your opponents offensive badges and increases your ability to not fall for different fakes and moves.

Clamps (Bronze): Increases your ability to stick with your defensive assignment. Also improves your ability to recover after being broken down on defense.

Pick Pocket (Bronze): Increases your ability to steal the ball away from the ball handler. Decreases your chances of being called for a reach in foul.

Hustle (Silver): Increases your chances of success when diving/fighting for loose balls. Slightly increases rebounding.

Workhorse (Silver): Lowers the affects of fatigue on your performance. Allows you to play at your optimal level for short moments when low on stamina.

Ankle Breaker (Bronze): Increases the effectiveness of your dribble moves in breaking down your defender.

If you manage to make your defender fall or stumble you will get a momentary boost to your shot making.

Tight Handles (Bronze): Increases your ability to dribble through traffic without losing the ball. Decreases your chances of having the ball stripped away while dribbling.

Dimer (Bronze): Slightly increases your ability to throw accurate passes. Gives a slight boost to your teammates scoring ability if they attempt to score right after receiving a pass from you.

Pick and Roll Ball Handler (Bronze): Increases your ability to pass to the roll man during a pick and roll.

Also slightly increases your scoring ability momentarily after coming off a screen after performing a pick and roll.

Floor General (Bronze): Your presence on the court gives your teammates the confidence to perform to the best of their ability. Your teammates will be tuned in on offense.

Your teammates will gain a small boost to their offensive abilities and be less likely to perform small mistakes. Effect only applies to teammates while you are on the court.

Sniper (Bronze): Gives a slight bonus to your ability to make shots from the three-point line. Slightly lowers the energy used to attempt a long distance shot. ]

During the last five games of the season Jason was ecstatic as he had gained an insane amount of badges.

The badges Jason was most excited about getting were Floor General, Dimer, and Pick and Roll Ball Handler.

He was happy to unlock these badges because it helped to improve the team and not just Jason. The better his teammates could perform the easier his life would be.

After looking at all of his badges and going over them Jason had a bit of a problem 'I wonder if I should change the badge that I'm using for my core?

Defensive Anchor was a no brainer back when I didn't really have any other badges to choose from.

But now I have so many badges. I wonder which one would make for the best core? I need a badge that will have a big impact whenever I activate it.'

After arguing with himself for almost an hour Jason decided to stop thinking about it 'Fuck, I'm just giving myself a headache.

Defensive Anchor has been working fine so far. Maybe I don't need to change it. I can't recklessly make any decisions.

If I change the badge that I'm using for my core then I won't be able to change it for a month. I should only change it if I need to.'

Jason then opened up the system again. This time to take a look at his skills.

[Free throw: SS+

Lay Up: S (SS+)

Dunking: E

Close Shot: S (SS+)

Mid Range Shooting: SS (SS+)

Three Point Shooting: SS (SS+)

Dribbling: SS (SS+)

Passing: SS (SS+)

Ball Handling: SS (SS+)

Play Making: SS+

Post Scoring: B (A)

Rebounding: B (A)

Post Control: A (S+)

Perimeter Defense: SS (SS+)

Post Defense: A (S+)

Steals: SS (SS+)

Blocks: B+ (A+)

Athleticism: B ]

Jason was happy that his athleticism had gone up from a B- to a regular B. And with his improved athleticism the limitation for his other skills also loosened up a little.

Jason was most excited about the improvement in his three-point shooting and his ball handling.

The improvement in those skills combined with the badges that he had unlocked should prove to play a vital part in their success in the coming tournaments and games.

Jason was about to go back to stretching but then he heard his phone ringing. So he got up and picked up his phone from the bed.

Jason smiled after seeing who was calling on the caller ID. Jason answered the call "Yo Tyreek. What's up?"

Jason could hear Tyreek chuckle before he began to talk "Nothin much Young Buckets, nothing much.

I just called to congratulate you and the boys on bringin Jefferson its first undefeated season. It ain't everyday you get to make history ahaha."

Jason laughed after hearing Tyreek say that "Thanks Tyreek. Congrats to you and the rest of the guys from Newberry. I heard that you guys did pretty well yourselves."

Tyreek responded with some more laughter "Haha yeah we did pretty aight. But we ain't do the same as y'all and go undefeated.

Boy I wish we did though. I heard that y'all get to skip the first two rounds of the tournament, that true?"

Jason answered "Yeah it's true. Going undefeated ended up getting us first place in the regular season rankings which got us the top seed.

Because of that we get to skip the first two rounds of elimination. But to be honest my body is itching to play ball man.

It's kinda hard to go from having games and practice be a part of your daily routine to not playing for a month and waiting to see how things go."

Jason took a seat on his bed as he continued to listen to Tyreek speak.

"Hahaha I knew you was like me bro. We both hoop junkies that need to get our fix. I bet it's driving you crazy not bein in the lab and workin on yo game.

That's why I went ahead and did a somethin a little extra. I thought it would be a great chance for you so I signed you up for somethin. I think yous about to have a blast man."

Jason chuckled "According to how psyched you sound I'm not sure if I should be excited or worried. Spit it out Tyreek. What did you sign me up for?"

Instead of just answering Jason's question directly Tyreek began by telling a story "So me and Hash were at this function down in Riverside.

We was dancing and spittin our game at some pretty young thangs and enjoying the night. Usual celebration type shit right?

Then all of a sudden I see one of my homeboys that done moved to MoVal right? I start dapin him up and sayin what's up.

We catch up with each other, I see Hash gettin shot down by all the girls he walks up to, the usual shit.

Then all of a sudden my dude from MoVal tells me that a NBA legend is coming back to the ol stompin grounds to hold a quick training camp.

He told me that the registration lists were full but that he could get you in using some of his connections."

Jason was speechless 'An NBA legend was going to host a quick training camp? And I'm getting the chance to go?'

Jason was thrilled at the idea of picking the brain of someone that not only made it to the league but was able to be successful enough to have been labelled a legend.

But he was also curious as to who it was 'Tyreek said that he was coming to Moreno Valley to check out the old stomping grounds.

Who's an NBA legend that's from Moreno Valley?'

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