Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 85 - Start Of Camp

The week quickly passed as practices were the only thing that took up Jason's time. With more free time in his schedule Jason made an effort to hang out with Kyle and Samantha more often. 

They went to the mall and watched movies. As well as went shopping with Kyle for different things he could use in his cosplaying.

After doing that they spent the rest of the day putting on different costumes and wings as Kyle taught Samantha and Jason more about cosplaying and anime.

And somehow on one of their hang out days Samantha managed to drag both Kyle and Jason into one of her favorite alternative lifestyle stores, The Dirty Ditch.

She told Kyle and Jason about the latest bands to pop out of the underground scene as they looked at relics of the past known as CDs.

And she had Kyle and Jason try on different outfits. The two of them put on all sorts of different things from ripped black pants to chokers and chain bracelets.

Samantha had so much fun that despite Jason and Kyle's strong refusal she ended up buying the outfits for the two of them.

After Jason told the rest of the guys from the team that he would be attending a short training camp hosted by a former NBA legend they were all excited for him.

They cheered him on and told him that he would do a great job of representing Jefferson middle school.

- - -

It was Saturday morning. There was a bit of fog as Jason rode with his mom in the car. His dad had to go open up the diner so he wasn't able to come drop him off at the camp.

As his mom parked in front of Canyon Springs High School she couldn't help but look at her son with a worried expression.

"Make sure you eat your regular three meals alright Jaya? And don't forget your snacks in between. I know that you get real hungry waiting for the meals.

Don't forget to brush your teeth in the morning, after lunch, and before you go to bed. And try not to wear the same clothes for too long because then your skin will get irritated and-"

Jason smiled as he cut off his mom with a hug "I know mom. Thanks for driving me out here and thanks for being so worried.

But I promise that I'll be okay. I can take care of myself. And besides, the camp is only for two days. You'll be back to pick me up tomorrow night."

Jason's mom wiped the corner of her eyes as tears were beginning to form "I know that sweety but I just can't help but worry.

You've never been away from me or your dad for this long before. I know that you're ready to spread your wings and fly off but I don't know if I'm ready."

Jason laughed as he patted his mom on the back "You're making it sound like I'm moving out. I'm only twelve mom.

I'm only going to be gone for two days. And after that you'll have me at home for at least a couple more years okay?

So don't get all sad with the goodbyes. Or you might start to make me cry." Jason's mom pulled herself away from his embrace so that she could take one last look at her son's face.

She smiled brightly before pulling her son into one last hug before dropping him off. Jason had his bright white Nike duffel bag hanging off his shoulder as he looked at the school.

Jason had bought his new bag using some of the money that he had made from the show. It was packed with all of his clothes and other things.

As Jason looked on he saw other kids arriving and waiting in front of the school like him 'Hmm? Wait a second, some of these guys don't look like middle schoolers?'

After seeing a lot of kids who looked like they were in high school Jason decided to walk over and ask some questions.

He found a kid that looked to be around his age and decided to approach him "Hey man. My name is Jason."

The kid turned around "Sup man, my name is Ju-Holy shit! You're Jaya!" He was normal for a split second but as soon as he recognized Jason he seemed to have lost his senses.

Jason smiled as he put his finger to his lip as a gesture to be more quiet "Haha yeah it's me. But do you think you can keep it down a notch?"

The kid noticed that everyone else was starting to look at them and whispering among themselves.

He shook his head in embarrassment "My bad, I just lost my cool for a second. My name is Justice and I'm a huge fan."

Jason shook hands with him. Justice looked to be about 5'6 (1.67m). He had a solid frame and wasn't as thin as Jason.

He had a short flat top and was about the same skin tone as Udonis as the both of them leaned a little more on the darker side.

Jason laughed "Thanks man, I appreciate the support. Hey do you know if this training camp is for thirteen and under?"

Justice seemed surprised by the question but he answered anyway "You don't know where you're at?

This training camp happens every year around this time. It's open to all ages but not just anybody can get in. To attend the camp you need an invitation."

Jason was stunned after hearing that 'Did Tyreek get invited but then decide to give this opportunity to me?'

Jason decided that he would ask Tyreek later. He smiled at Justice "So do you know how long we'll have to wait out here?"

Justice nodded his head "It shouldn't be too much longer. They're just waiting to the end of the hour to give any late people a chance to show up."

Justice and Jason made small talk as they waited for the final people to arrive. As the clock reached nine o'clock a man made his way to the front.

He was tall at 6'7 (2m). His hair was done in clean and stylish cornrows which have yet to show any signs of graying. 

He was dressed in simple black sweatpants and a hoodie but he had this undeniable aura around him.

The first thing Jason noticed was his long wing span and his huge hands 'That wingspan is crazy! And those hands are no joke. They look like they're at least ten inches long!'

The man grabbed a microphone before letting out an awkward and mechanical sounding laugh.

"Huh heh HAEHH heh. Good morning to all of you. It's a honor and a privilege for me to be able to come back to the place where I grew up and to help raise the young talents of tomorrow."

As soon as Jason heard the laugh he instantly recognized who it was 'It's Kawhi Leonard! I'm actually attending one of his training camps!' 

Jason was a huge fan of Kawhi even though he never got to see him play while he was still in the league.

Jason studied hours of Kawhi Leonard's game footage. He wanted to model his game after Kawhi's because of how similar their stories were.

Kawhi was first seen as a defensive specialist when he was drafted. Scouts didn't think that he would ever develop into a lethal offensive weapon.

Kawhi won his first championship and Finals MVP at the young age of 22. Although that year he was mostly a role player and won Finals MVP because of his great defense on LeBron James.

Kawhi Leonard showed flashes of potential. He showed signs that he could be a franchise level player.

The years after that he would continue to build upon his game until he became an MVP caliber player and one of the best two way players in the world.

Unfortunately for Jason he wasn't able to emulate Kawhi's success as he struggled to develop on the offensive side of the ball.

It wasn't until years after college that Jason was able to develop a semi reliable jumper and offensive moves that worked against high level competition. 

But by then Jason was already too old to be desirable for any NBA franchise and his lack of athleticism and size made it hard for him to appeal to any organizations. 

Jason listened on as Kawhi gave a speech in his same monotone voice. Luckily for everyone there Kawhi didn't attempt to crack anymore jokes or laugh.

Kawhi added a few last words as he ended his speech "I hope you all work hard this weekend.

Don't be upset with yourself if you don't see the improvements that you want to see. It takes time to build a stable foundation.

Now we'll start the camp by having you all go inside so that the trainers can take your measurements."

Jason was pumped up as he stood in line to get in the building 'Training camp starts now. I need to learn as much as I can!'

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