Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 84 - Live Life

Jason thanked Tyreek immensely for giving him this opportunity. An opportunity like this was priceless and couldn't be described with monetary value.

Tyreek laughed after hearing Jason thank him so much "Yo chill bro. You don't need to be thankin me like that.

We ain't strangers. You done helped me out so many times that I lost count. Just treat this as me repaying some of those favors back.

And besides, friends look out for each other and that's just what did. I was just lookin out for one of my friends."

Jason's chest felt warm as he was touched by Tyreek's words. Jason smiled "I still have to thank you Tyreek.

This opportunity means a lot to me. But you're so close to jumping to the college level. Shouldn't you use this opportunity for yourself?"

Tyreek laughed "Trust me I would if I could dog. This is a training camp for 13 and under and I don't think I can pass off for a middle schooler haha."

Jason thanked Tyreek once again before they said their goodbyes as they both hung up the call.

Jason decided it was time to call it a night. He took a quick shower before getting ready for bed.

- - -

The next day. It was a bright and clear Sunday morning. Jason and Kyle were at the school's gym getting some shots up.

Kyle was shooting some shots with his awkward form as Jason gave him advice on how to improve his shooting mechanics.

"When you're shooting you want to line up your forearm and your elbow with the basket. You want to shoot it in one motion so that you don't end up with the hitch in your shot."

Kyle was listening to Jason's advice as he tried to fix his form. While they were shooting Kyle asked "Hey Jaya, Coach told us that we had this weekend off.

He told us to rest up so that we would be ready for the tournament next month. So why are we here getting some shots in?

I don't even shoot the ball that much during games. I either lay it in or dunk it. And how did you open the gym up without Coach Swendel?"

Jason answered as he continued to shoot "To answer your first question, I just had to get outside the apartment and play some ball.

I was starting to go crazy from the lack of basketball the last few days. And you're getting shots in because it's never a bad thing to try and add new things to your game.

I was watching a documentary on the sports channel the other day. Did you know that LeBron didn't really start playing from the post until he started getting older?

You would think that a dude that was 6'8 (2.03m) and 260 pounds (118kg) of pure muscle would be eating people up in the post.

But he mostly started playing from the post more often after he got to the Lakers. I guess it just goes to show that it's never too late to teach a old dog new tricks."

Kyle nodded his head "Okay. So that explains why I'm out here with you shooting the basketball instead of chilling under my Magical Girl Hikari blanket watching some anime.

But that doesn't explain how you were able to open up the gym and get to the equipment without Coach Swendel around."

Jason had a wide grin on his face as he pulled out a key card from his pocket "The principal gave this to me. Gives me access to the gym and all the equipment in the storage closets."

Kyle dropped the ball and walked over excitedly "Bro, no way! How did you get the principal to give you this?"

Jason gave the key card to Kyle so that he could hold it and take a look "It was back when the principal did the whole medal ceremony. 

After he gave his boring speech and the whole thing was done he asked if we could talk in private.

He said that it was an honor for the school to have such a gifted basketball player attending classes there.

He then asked what it would take to convince me to guarantee my return to Jefferson next year."

A worried expression appeared on Kyle's face as soon as he heard Jason say that "What did he mean? Is there any question about whether or not you would go to Jefferson next year?"

Jason laughed after seeing Kyle's worried expression "Haha don't worry bro. The principal was just worried because he had been hearing about all the different middle schools that were asking around about me.

My parents also got a ton of calls from schools that want to recruit me. But I told my parents that I want to keep going to Jefferson.

Anyways, even though I knew that I was going to go to Jefferson next year I thought that it was too good of an opportunity to pass up.

So I told the principal that it would be great if I had constant access to the gym and all the equipment so that I could get some practice in whenever I felt like it. That's pretty much how it went."

Kyle was impressed and after hearing Jason's story and his curiosity was satisfied. They went back to shooting the ball.

After a bit Jason stopped as he turned around and looked at Kyle "There was actually one more thing I wanted to tell you."

Kyle held the basketball in his hands as he looked at Jason "What is it? You want to ask me for another anime recommendation?"

Jason chuckled "Nah bro, I'm still chillin with that one show you told me about. Kuroko's basketball is pretty tight even though it's kina unrealistic."

Kyle cringed "I told you to use the Japanese name. Call it Kuroko no Basuke. I hope you're watching subbed. Otherwise I may have created a monster."

Jason laughed after hearing Kyle say that "Nah but for reals I got something I want to talk to you about.

I just recently got told that I would get the chance to attend a weekend long training camp hosted by an NBA legend.

I'm honestly really excited and I didn't know anyone else that I wanted to tell about this more than you."

Kyle walked over and hanged his arm around Jason's neck as he started ruffling his hair "Glad to hear that I was option number one.

Congrats Jaya, I'm sure you're gonna kick some major ass at the training camp and show out for Jefferson."

Jason smiled as he freed himself from Kyle "Hopefully man. I would hate to show up to the training camp and act a clown in front of an NBA legend."

Kyle hesitated for a moment but decided to ask "Hey Jaya, I actually had a favor that I wanted to ask you. It's probably not your cup of tea but I would really appreciate it if you would help me out."

Jason nodded his head "Whatever it is bro you know I got your back. All you got to do is ask."

- - -

Jason had a horrible expression on his face as he stood in front of a mirror dressed in a kimono with a pink wig on.

"I hate you Kyle. I regret agreeing to do whatever this is." Kyle laughed after hearing Jason's light-hearted complaints.

Kyle was finishing up the final touches to Jason's costume "I know that cosplaying really isn't your thing Jaya so thanks for helping me with this.

The contest I'm entering is for duos. My mom didn't want to help me and you were my last resort."

Jason sighed "Yeah yeah, just hurry up and get this over with. This pink wig is starting to get my scalp itchy."

After Kyle finished getting Jason ready he started a mini photo-shoot where he directed the poses and handled the lighting. 

As they were taking the photos Jason complained "Why do you get to dress up as the super cool half robot half demon guy while I'm stuck wearing a dress and a pink wig?"

Kyle continued to take the photographs with his camera and the button that he had in his hand "My character is Cadence. A failed rapper who finds himself transported to feudal Japan.

You're character is Hibiki Minoru. A wandering entertainer that uses his street magic to earn a living after being exiled from his clan after one fateful day leaves him with a different hair color. And that isn't a dress it's a Kimono."

Jason shook his head "Okay bro, I didn't need the whole backstory. Let's just hurry up and finish this."

Despite what Jason said he found himself having more and more fun as the session went on. They finished with a personal picture that wouldn't be submitted to the contest.

It was the two of them standing next to each other with silly grins on their faces as they both threw up peace signs.

- - -

Jason got a ride home from Kyle's place with his dad. As he sat in the passengers seat Jason went through the photos that Kyle had sent him.

Jason couldn't help but smile and laugh as he scrolled through the pictures 'I guess taking a break from basketball every once in a while isn't too bad.'

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