Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 20: Stirring Up Trouble

Chapter 20: Stirring Up Trouble

I do not pay attention to Qin Lan, she loves doing whatever she wants.

I just ignore her, and I follow the yellow-haired man. He's with a group of punks and I don't know what to do, but I feel something is wrong, he is connected to Li Xin, and I need to focus on anything relating to Li Xin.

I hesitated a moment to go into the alley. But they drove fast, quickly went through the alley and the residential buildings, and they were gone in a flash.

I was anxious, frowning and thinking, fuck, what the hell is he going to do?

Fortunately, there are many residents on this side, I hurried to find someone to ask about the motorcycles, they pointed me towards them, I just barely caught up.

They did not go far, according to the random person I asked, they went to the back of Takasu High School.

There are many tall buildings and many residents around here. They stopped right there at the entrance to smoke and talk, and there seemed to be a few hints of a murderous aura.

These youthful kids are still a bit intimidating, but if they do not mess with me I will not mess with them. And the yellow-haired man seemed to have a problem with me, so I did not show up, to not cause a fuss.

I'll watch them from a distant street corner to see what these idiots want.

About 20 minutes later, I was impatient, and they were impatient, all yelling at the yellow-haired man about something. The yellow-haired man raised his voice, "Is waiting going to kill you? He will be here soon."

He is waiting for someone? It looks like he wants to beat someone up. I frowned again, beat up who?

My eyes scanned the surroundings and then I realized, and got the chills.

This is the back of the school, and a lot of nearby buildings are actually classroom dormitories, and there was a sign above saying that some of the teachers lived at the dormitory.

An instant and I realized, this yellow-haired bastard is here to beat Li Xin's homeroom teacher! Holy shit, this idiot!

Earlier he said he wanted to ask someone to kill Li Xin's homeroom teacher, I thought it was talk, but I did not expect him to do it. I was sweating, I wouldn't care if either of them lived or died, but what about after he was done?

The young kids beating up the class teacher to avenge Li Xin is a big deal, no one should belittle the school, and the police are not allowed to come.

Of course, I do not care about them, I only care about Li Xin, once the class teacher was beaten, Li Xin would be blamed for it, she is the one who is the most suspicious.

I no longer dared to stay, and I rushed to find the big fat homeroom teacher. What happened next was horrible, I only ran two steps and then he appeared, a fat piece of meat walked over.

This is a straight long road with no cover. The yellow-haired man is expected to see me, but his attention was immediately drawn to the big fat man, then he yelled: "That's the son of a bitch, my chick's homeroom teacher!"

A few rumbles, and the motorcycle all started, and flew past me. The big fat man was slightly surprised, and frowning at the punks.

I knew it was too late, I just prayed the yellow-haired man would not to stupid and for him to go home, and to not mention Li Xin, and to run away after the fight.

"Damn bitch, you think punishing Li Xin is fine, right? Stupid teacher, I'll kill you!"

The yellow-haired man exploded with rage, my lips twitched, I - fuck - you - mother! I've never seen such a dumbass!

I really wanted to kill him, to cut him into pieces. The big fat guy already understood, and was quite upright: "You're the one who sent flowers to Li Xin? She is still a student, do not drag her down."

The yellow-hair man mocked: "Oh I should study with her, shut the fuck up, motherfucker."

And soon, more people had arrived, a few gangsters surrounded the big fat man and threw a punch. The big fat man was shocked and hurriedly ducked with his head in his hands.

But he is too fat, more people came to his other side, not even a minute later he was beaten and was screaming, and fell to the ground, his body was entirely bruised.

I clenched my teeth and shouted, "You're crazy, Cai Yu, you idiot!"

I was not trying to save the big fat guy, I was trying to save the situation. The yellow-haired man and his gang looked at me, and two even ran over: "Who the fuck are you?

The yellow-haired man snickered: "Sister Xia's friend, it seems you want to steal my girl ah."

He obviously did not give me any favor, but I didn't have any with him either. The punks divided their hands to clean me up, I slowly backed up, frowning. It seems that I can not help it, but I need to beat up the yellow-haired man too.

I can't beat these punks, but I don't want to run, I want to fucking kill this yellow-haired idiot!

In the nick of time, in the back of the alley a girl came out, grinning mockingly: "You really love getting your hands dirty, ah." (TN: Honestly so far I really love Qin Lan heehee.)

I was stunned, it was Qin Lan's voice. I turned around to see if it was her. The yellow-haired man and his gang obviously know Qin Lan, and are quite concerned.

The yellow-haired man directly no longer cared about the fat man and stared at Qin Lan: "Lan-jiejie, long time no see my queen, I heard that your parents do not want you?" (TN: Okay I dont know why the MC keeps referring to him like that even though we know his name so Im just going to call him Huang unless it actually mentions his name.)

My heart tensed, Huang is testing Qin Lan to see if she's still ruthless, those jerks probably have heard of rumors.

I was secretly shocked, Qin Lan is now weaker than me, she can not pretend to be a strong lady.

But she is really impressive, and not afraid: "Who did you hear that from? My family's divorce is just two good things, tomorrow they will be divorced, and each month they pay me five thousand yuan, then I invite you for some tea." (TN: By inviting you to tea, Qin Lan probably doesnt mean it in a friendly way, Chinese officers typically use this invitation, to interrogate you if they think you did something suspicious. Basically it means youre in trouble Oh! Also 5,000 yuan is about 756 USD!)

She is quite intimidating, in the ears of ordinary people is really a lot of money, but what Huang is worried about is that, that amount of money can find a lot of henchmen.

I saw Huang and his gang were obviously uncomfortable, then Huang dryly smiled: "Lan-jiejie is a really rich woman, haha."

Several punks complimented each other, and then Huang led the way and said goodbye.

I breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to see the big fat guy, he was beaten and had a swollen face, and was already bruised enough to be unable to open his eyes.

He also had blood on his body, trembling with pain. I said are you okay, he gasped: "My God, it hurts!"

I hurried to explain, my tone was even a bit of a plea: "Those few are stupid people, Huang was stalking Li Xin, making her suffer. Teacher, you have to be reasonable."

He nodded weakly: "I understand, but this matter still has to be resolved by Li Xin, she can not have a relationship with that man ...... By the way, who are you?"

He struggled to open his eyes to look at me, I was suddenly speechless, I do not want him to know my identity, I'm afraid that he will tell my sister.

Qin Lan laughed behind me: "He also likes Li Xin, really a poor soul."

The big fat man froze, then sighed: "Children nowadays are really ......"

I glared at Qin Lan, she did not care. The big fat man did not break his bones, so he sat for a while and stood up.

I kept helping him to the dormitory and begged him not to involve Li Xin. He still sighed: "I will not call the police, after all, the school's reputation would be, but Li Xin must come forward to solve all of this, you can rest assured that I will take the right measures to fix this."

My heart slowed down a bit, this teacher is very unstandable.

It can only be done like this, I bitterly scratch my hair, and curse that Huang. Qin Lan has been following me like she's mocking me.

I said what do you want ah? And why are you following me?

She clasped her hands in displeasure: "If I had not saved you, you were going to be killed, you really are not grateful."

I could not help it, and said hurry up and leave, careful of Huang and his gang they find you and cause trouble, after all, you tricked them.

Qin Lan suddenly laughed: "Lied to them, what?" She looked like she was baiting me to speak, and I just fell into the trap: " Lying to them, hah you are very dense ah."

She laughed even louder and was so pleased with herself, "I'm not lying, I do get 10,000 yuan a month because of the divorce starting tomorrow, gahhhhh." (TN: Holy moses, MC got cheated hahah, and 10,000 yuan is 1,492 USD.)

I was stunned, crap, it's true?

I instantly felt weird, this poor thing turned into a rich person. I'm a little uncomfortable, Qin Lan looked at me with a smirk: "What's wrong?"

I said nothing, congratulations. She laughed again and then came closer to stare into my eyes: "Don't pretend, you're afraid haha, afraid that I will retaliate against you, right? You pretended to be stronger than me, ah!"

I'm not afraid, I just don't want to fight with her anymore, who knows if she actually will.

I shrugged and said you'd better not hang out with those people again and make a few close friends later on.

She still laughed, no matter what I said she laughed, and finally she concluded, "After all, you are afraid of my revenge, go on, I will quietly watch you act."

Shit! What kind of person is this!

I was speechless, too tired to care about her and started walking away. She chased after me: "Hey, I have no friends now, and I have to find a house to rent, so help me out."

I said your parents kicked you out of the house? She hummed lightly: "No, they just came to me a while ago, said I would go with my mother, and I can go to her home to live. But I'm tired of seeing my mom's stinky face, so I'd rather find a house to live in, which she's happy with anyway, and the alimony is paid on its own."

This situation is genuinely rare, both parents are sick of their daughter, they don't even want her after the divorce, their relationship is too bad, right?

I asked, how do you live in that family? She suddenly stopped, her smile was gone, and then she impatiently said: "None of your business, you help me find a house, buy furniture, and feel free to use my card."

I said I was not available, she smirked: "I'll pay you five hundred yuan." (TN: 74 USD.)

My God, that's a lot of money. I immediately agreed, but I still have things to do for the time being, I asked since your money arrives tomorrow, what are you going to do for today? I'll look for you tomorrow, you should sleep in the hotel first.

She thought about it, and then said in a nonchalant tone: "I'll just go back home first to pack some things, then see you tomorrow in front of the school."

I agreed, and she left.

I was now worried about Li Xin, and I didn't know how things would turn out. Big Fatty still has to recover from his injuries, and I went to the milk tea store to sit for a while.

Once I went to the milk tea store and I told Sister Xia about Huang and his gangs' beatings. She was taken aback: "I asked him not to fight, he also promised ah, how ...... I have to scold him!"

The more I think about it, the angrier I am, and I begun to speak without mercy: "You should've told him not to pester Li Xin, he is not worthy of Li Xin, not at all for Li Xin, he is a stupid cunt!"

Sister Xia was a little embarrassed, saying that I was a little biased. Biased, my ass, he is a fool!

We continued to talk for a long time, my anger finally came down. Seeing that it was afternoon, I went to the school again, intending to see how things were going.

As a result, I saw my parents from afar, and a motorcycle carrying them came.

I was shocked, what happened? They are here again. My heart was chilled, it's over, the big fat man improperly handled the situation, and caused Li Xin to suffer, he certainly does not understand my family's attitude towards Li Xin.

I did not dare to dwell for a moment, and hurried to go over the wall into the school. I was very fearful inside, I even prayed that my parents do not hit Li Xin, I was careless and fell down the wall, twisted my foot and my eyes teared a little.

Fuck you wall! Gritting my teeth to bear the pain and run over, my sister must not be okay, ah.

Translator Notes: We find out that Qin Lan is loaded!! And personally, I found her really endearing in this chapter ehe(`)anyways MC might FINALLY have an interaction with Li Xin!!! Woo hoo! And Ill see you all there! Also woo hoo Chapter 20!!!

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