Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 21: Kill Me!

Chapter 21: Kill Me!

My parents had gone and returned, no doubt the big fat man contacted them, and I could guess what happened next.

I ran towards the teaching office with the pain in my foot, running while in a cold sweat, but I couldn't care less. Quietly, I went around the ditch again and peeked inside through the glass gap.

My hands are clenched and have drawn blood, in the morning I only tapped the window, because I did not want to start a conflict with my parents, but now I'm afraid I'll have to start a conflict. (TN: YES FINALLY)

I looked through the gap, the big fat man still blocked most of my view, and I heard loud swearing.

My parents were standing on the opposite side of the table, cursing at Li Xin, who was standing next to the big fat guy, who was trying to protect her.

I was relieved that this big fat guy saw our family's bad relationship, and he was trying to protect Li Xin, otherwise my parents would have beaten her to death.

My anxiety eased a bit, my parents did not hit Li Xin, I quietly waited.

The cursing inside went on for a long time, and Li Xin never said a word. Then the big fat man explained: "The gangster from the outside of the school pursued her, which she cannot be blamed for, after all, she is just a child, the gangster is very strong, so Li Xin probably was too afraid to refuse him."

The big fat man said good words, my parents can only give respect to that, lowering their tones, and then asked Li Xin about what happened.

Li Xin put her head down: "He is more impulsive, so he hit the teacher ......"

She is obviously defending that Huang, I know Li Xin and Huang are friends, Huang is also very good to her, but I am just angry, why would you defend him?

My father is obviously more angry than me, openly scolding: "You still defend him? You really want to be with him?"

Li Xin was busy shaking her head, and my mother pointed at her and screamed: "Do you still want to shame us? You are a teenage girl, how can the people in town look at us? You make us look terrible!"

Three years had passed, and the only thing that remained the same was my parents' malice. I didn't understand why they were so good to me, but not willing to give my sister a shred of warmth.

My throat felt constricted, and I felt heartache, and I prayed in my heart, don't scold her anymore, that's enough.

But my parents still scold her, the big fat man helplessly eased the stage: "Stop, I called you here to tell you how to deal with this. I did not tell the authorities, so you can rest assured."

The parents reluctantly calmed down, and then said that they would listen to him. The big fat man also did not delay any longer, and gave an idea on how to handle the situation: "Li Xin go to talk to that punk to make it clear, cut off his delusions, if he still pesters, you guys call the police, it will always scare him."

I pursed my lips, the big fat man's idea is good, but he simply does not understand the relationship between Li Xin and Huang Mao, he simply thought that Huang Mao is harassing Li Xin.

And my parents are equally ignorant, just nodding in agreement. The big fat man then looked at Li Xin: "Li Xin ah, you are a good child, this is not your fault, now we will go with you to find that punk, we will be there too, you do not have to worry about it."

My parents immediately scolded her to hurry to agree, Li Xin was calm and aggrieved: "He did not bully me, I will talk to him, you do not have to go with me."

"Shut up, this nice man is offering you help and you still say good things about him, do you have any shame!"

My mother scolded, and Li Xin no longer dared to speak. I took a deep breath, inside the big fat man stood up, they really intended to go to Huang.

All the way to the school gate, Li Xin was walking in front with her head down, while the big fat man pacified my parents. I followed far behind, and several times I wanted to run up to stop them, but gave up. (TN: YOU BIG WIMPY WIMP)

I know what will happen, my parents will not listen to me, if Li Xin does not break up with Huang, this matter will not be closed, I can only prevent my parents hurting Li Xin.

Still following them, they were coming near the milk tea shop, and Li Xin slowly walked past, she stopped several times, but was forced by my parents to continue walking.

Not much time, until they reached the corner, and several motorcycles came out, it was Huang and his gang.

Both sides were stunned, and then the big fat man coldly said: "Boy, stop."

Huang consciously stopped, he was hostile at first, but after seeing Li Xin suddenly calmed down, and then he looked at my parents, knowing that something was wrong, his brow furrowed.

My mother couldn't wait to speak up: "You're the one pestering my daughter? You are crazy!"

Huang squeezed out a pleasant smile: "You are Xin'er's mother? Hello there." (TN: The er at the end of the name usually signifies closeness to someone, like a best friend or lover.)

"Shut up, I'm warning you, don't pester my daughter again, or I'll see you at the police station!"

My father interjected, he was from the countryside and had a fiery temper. Huang was confused and did not know what to do, he was surrounded by his smaller punks who were upset, it seems they wanted to fight, but Huang obviously would not hit Li Xin's family.

He then looked at Li Xin, very softly: "Xin'er, I am sincere to you, please talk to your parents ah, so I can marry you immediately."

This not angers me, but my parents too, but they did not scold Huang, instead scolded Li Xin: "I see how courageous you are, so many years I have raised you for nothing!"

Li Xin kept her head down and silent, the big fat man was busy calming my parents, anxious and sweaty, and Huang was also angry: "Why are your parents so unreasonable? What, raised her for nothing? You raised her? This year Xin'er has never bought new clothes, never shopped, her pocket money is earned by her own part-time job, what kind of parents are you?"

At this time, Li Xin looked up at Huang Mao, as if to stop him from continuing.

The big fat man suddenly realizes: "I heard that Li Xin has been working part-time, you were working when you met? No wonder you pestered her, Li Xin, can you quit your job?"

Li Xin was still silent, but my parents were concerned, and then asked Li Xin: "What kind of job are you working, to know someone like him, is it a shady job?"

My parents' disgust for Li Xin seemed to have reached the extreme, and any normal parent would never talk like that.

I was so angry that my body was shaking, but Li Xin was still silent, she wanted to avoid the question. But Huang explained to them: "Shit, she is just working in the milk tea store, what do you mean odd jobs, what kind of bullshit parents are you?"

Big fat man again tried to get our parents to calm down, parents were very angry, big fat man then turned around and asked Li Xin to quit her job to study.

Huang was anxious, and said she couldn't quit ah, why all of a sudden, was it not all good?

My mother scolded him, and my father told Li Xin to speak. Li Xin finally looked up, tearing up: "I will quit my job, just go."

Her voice trembled, no matter how calm she was on the surface, she finally cried out.

Huang hurried to comfort her, my father gave a kick, forcing him to step back, and the punks were stupid enough try and start a fight.

My mother grabbed Li Xin's arm and went to leave: "Teacher, thank you, in order not to cause you trouble we need to first take our daughter back home for her to reflect for a few days."

The big fat man nodded: "Good, Li Xin is in a bad state of mind, please go home and rest for a while."

They directly ignored Huang. And Li Xin agreed to everything, breaking off relations with Huang, quitting her job at the milk tea store, she agreed to everything.

My heart stung, the sense of powerlessness made me frustrated, my parents took Li Xin and left, scolding her all the way.

Huang and his gang were angry as hell, and the big fat man left on his own, also sighing.

Not long after they all walked away, Huang was kicking the wall cursing, I walked over, he saw me, came over, and cursed at me: "How dare you fucking show up?"

I said, you fucking idiot, it's all your fault! He pointed at me and yelled: "I did it? If it wasn't for Xin'er, I would have killed them!"

I was furious and wanted to curse him to death, but he was an idiot who couldn't think about things at all, so it was a waste for me to curse him.

I took a deep breath to restrain my anger, I also walked away. He was right behind me insulting me, giving me the courage to fight him.

Fight him my ass!

I found a motorcycle to leave. My parents would have taken Li Xin to the public transport, I wanted to use that too, but I was too anxious to be near them, so I just asked the motorcycle driver to take me directly to town.

The driver was okay with that, and he drove with a few roars.

It took us forty minutes to get to town, I had to give him all the money I had, but there was no time for heartache, and I rushed home. (TN: No way, MCs gonna man up????)

It's been half a month since I've been home, and the town is still the same, with a lot of people far and near.

As soon as I walked over to the house I heard several older women whispering: " That was Li Xin, right, it's been a long time since I saw her ah, how did she get caught and come back, with blood everywhere too."

My eyes shrank and I rushed madly toward the door of the house. I had ignored the possibility that my parents couldn't do anything in the presence of the fat man, but now that they were home, they could teach Li Xin with no fear.

I even got scared, my mind remember what happened before, the cries, the weak screams, the hanger blows, broken teeth, trying to suppress the sound of the crying ...... a scene from three years ago flashed through my mind, my arm seemed to be in vague pain, Li Xin the marks left on my arm was like a spell, and this spell began to torment me again.

I ran to the door, my thoughts were gone, all sounds were also gone, but my breath remained, but suddenly all sounds returned again, the sound of my parents' scolding, my sister's painful cries, my violently beating heart.

With my leg raised high, I kicked at the door, it was not the slightest bit heroic, I even almost bounced off the door and fell to the ground.

But I steadied and continued to kick, my eyes wet and I was shivering all over.

By the time I kicked the fifth time after my mother had asked three times who it was, she opened the door and she cursed angrily in shock: "Li Chen, what are you doing!"

I looked past the door, and Li Xin was curled up on the floor twitching, my father was still beating her with a coat hanger: "Do you know how hard we work? Every year we earn so little money to pay for your education, where is your money from your part-time job? What about the money from your part-time job? How come you don't know how to save!

My heart felt like it was going to burst, and the bloodstains all over Li Xin's body made me go crazy like a fierce beast. (TN: ><)

Everything that happened in the past, everything happening now, all together, I was almost torn apart. I instantly yelled, ran over and hit my father with a crash.

Li Xin was still convulsing, and her cries were already weak. She couldn't even open her eyes, and my tears continued to fall as I held her tightly to me.

My mother and father were both shocked and ran over to scold me for what I was doing. My father raised up the coat hanger to hit again: "Li Chen move, you're crazy, aren't you?"

I was crazy, I was completely fucking crazy, I looked up and stared at him fiercely, like a murderous demon: "Kill ME!"

Translator Notes: Sad Chapter ( _ _||| ) on a good note I guess he finally mans up, and helps her directly although at the cost of Li Xin hopefully MC rescues her and brings her to a safer place :(

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