Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 26: Cursing Huang Mao to Death!

Chapter 26: Cursing Huang Mao to Death!

Sister Xia's suggestion is still worth a try, and at least I have a reason to enter Takasu High School.

After making up my mind I went to buy a thermos, this thing can be filled with soup and vegetables, it is very convenient.

It is also very late, today still have to go to class, I took the thermos back to school just in time for the early study session.

I didn't go back to the dorm last night, and although I explained to my parents, I still had to report to the teacher, the teacher does not like me much, after all, I have been quite troublesome, but fortunately I have excellent grades, so she did not make it difficult for me.

I went back to class after I went to my teacher, and once I got back I found Lin Yin Yin looking at me in a rather chastising way. This loli for some reason likes to control me, I laughed bitterly, and start studying.

But I couldn't get into it, I thought about what Lin Xin's reaction would be when I went to deliver vegetables to her at noon.

The morning was uneventful, and I ran outside as soon as school ended. There wasn't a lot of time to spare, and it could be a problem if I didn't do it quickly.

I first went to the restaurant to buy some good food, and then filled the thermos. The dishes were carefully selected by me, and it cost a lot of money.

I finished everything I needed and ran to the Takasu Middle School, but when I ran to the door and saw Qin Lan looking around.

I was stunned, I forgot I needed to accompany her to buy a bed today. I was depressed, she found me and ran over: "I called your phone, why didn't you answer?"

I took out my phone and saw that it was dead. I said the battery was dead, and I couldn't charge it at school. She grabbed it: "Let me charge it in my room, I want to be able to call you at any time."

I have no choice, I said wait, I still have some things to do. Her eyes were fixed on my thermos, and was puzzled: "Who are you sending dishes to? I won't eat that, I'm too ashamed to."

Of course you won't eat it, Missy, and I didn't send it to you. I said it was for my sister and she blinked her eyebrows, "Li Xin ah, you seem to be too kind to her ah."

What kind of words are these? Don't you have to be kind to your sister? I half-heartedly took two steps towards the school, the doorman immediately stared at me, I said I am going to send food to my sister, and he let me in, Qin Lan touched her chin and also followed: "Speaking of which you and Li Xin's relationship seems very strange ah ......"

This fellow is very smart, well, I do not want her to interject herself into this, and said you will wait for me at the door, there is no need to always follow me around.

This seems a bit derogatory to her, she bit her mouth and with a grunt: I wasn't even following you? Hurry up and get out."

I ran to Li Xin's classroom, although everything is ready, I am still nervous to go inside the classroom, how do I give her this thermos?

There are still many people in her class studying, and it is estimated that the dining hall is quite crowded at this time. I also saw Li Xin studying, she seems to be very dry and clean, this makes me very happy.

I take a few peeks and sigh lightly in my heart, I do not know why I am sighing.

I shook my head not to think about it, and called a girl in the corridor and asked her to help me give the thermos to Li Xin. She is quite surprised: "She is in the classroom ah, just call her out."

She also made a gesture to call her over, I was shocked, and said no, I'm short of time, just help me pass it on.

The first time I saw her, I was a little nervous, I wanted to see Li Xin's reaction, but I was afraid that she would find me, and how many times I wanted to talk to her face to face, but when it came to it, I wimped out.

But this time I didn't run, I thought I would wait in the corridor for her to look at me a few times, to at least let her know that the food is edible, if I run away she will not dare to eat.

So I waited, but the girl entered the classroom, and up the stairs Huang Mao came out in a stride, caught a boy next to me and gave orders: "Call Li Xin out."

I was taken aback, this is fucking Cai Yu ah! How come he also came? I looked at him carefully, he actually also carried a thermos, holy shit, this kid also came to deliver food?

I was immediately furious, but he didn't notice me, smiling and looking at the classroom door.

Takasu High School does not allow students to dye your hair yellow, so when this young man appeared, the whole classroom was surprised, and all the people looked at him, confused at who he was.

The son of a bitch didn't even care, smiling that smile, thinking he was slick.

The boy who was ordered by him has gone to call Li Xin, while the girl who helped me transfer the thermos stopped.

Li Xin then saw Huang Mao.

This situation is indescribable, a rogue gangster came to deliver food to my sister, but is also here basically posing, without feeling ashamed of themselves.

I do not care if he is ashamed, I care about Li Xin's feelings. All normal girls would not accept this kind of disgusting man.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing.

Gossip filled the room like the wind, the long boring honors students could not help but gossip, and some girls were already snickering.

Li Xin fidgeted, her head hanging low. Huang Mao that was not bothered, but also quite smug: "Xin'er, I've come to bring you food."

My angry heart was lit on fire, you fucking stupid idiot do not drag my sister ah, you are so blind, how can my sister still go on? Being laughed to death?

Li Xin and Huang Mao's relationship is good, but after the previous incident they have not met, I can see that Li Xin is very embarrassed and panicked at the moment, I even feel sorry for her.

I gritted my teeth and planned to drive Huang Mao away, but Li Xin stood up at this moment and ran straight out of the classroom.

All of a sudden, all of them made a strange booing sound, I gritted my teeth, Li Xin is still too kind, why did she come out?

Not surprisingly, she came out slightly anxious to persuade Huang Mao to leave quickly, but her tone was soft, so soft that I was jealous.

All of them are laughing, the kind of strange laugh at first glance, they obviously think Li Xin and Huang Mao are a couple.

It is not a unique thing to fall in love early, but Li Xin fell in love early with an off-campus adult gangster which was shocking.

However, Huang Mao is showing off his own greatness, I'm sure he is showing off, whether it's his expression or smile, it was all smug, with the narcissistic megalomania characteristic of those punks on the streets.

The girl next to me whispered: "Li Xin couldn't be tricked, why would she like him?"

Another girl snickered: "Who knows? She doesn't have any friends, so maybe she's lonely and empty."

I clenched my teeth and whispered shut up, the two of them were shocked and hurried away from me.

Huang Mao is still narcissistic, Li Xin was anxious enough to cry, but Huang Mao tried to pull her hand: "Let's go eat under the tree, I will bring you food every day."

The strange sounds in the classroom are getting louder and louder, Li Xin is at her wits' end, and she can only bear the comments of others.

I'm fucking furious, at this moment nothing matters, sister, if you see me, you see me, I have to strike!

Striding over, I opened my mouth and cursed, "Cai Yu, what the fuck is wrong with you?" (TN: WOOO YOU GO!!!)

I can hardly explain whether this is impulsive or what, but the words have already been said, nothing matters.

Many of the students' attention turned to me, Huang Mao was shocked and immediately blackened his face: "You want to die?"

I didn't look at him, my gaze stayed on Li Xin. She looked at me in shock, and then quickly lowered her head, and was actually distinctly calm: "Cai Yu, you need to go."

She was suddenly apathetic, Cai Yu was a little confused: "Xin'er, together let's eat dinner ah ......"

I cursed, eat shit! I didn't have time to think much about Li Xin's reaction, now I had to save Li Xin's reputation and not let her become a joke to her classmates.

I then loudly scolded yellow hair: "Cai Yu, my sister has said to you how many times? She won't fall in love with you, can you stop being as shameless as a rogue dog?"

Once these words came out, the atmosphere in the classroom obviously changed, and those students murmured, apparently the situation has changed.

I breathed a sigh of relief and continued to scold: "There are a lot of female hooligans waiting for you outside, go find them if you are in love, don't pester my sister, my sister is kind by nature, she can't bear to hit you, however I will tell you the truth, you are a dick!" (TN: GET HIM!)

A surge of anger supported me, perhaps unfavorable things happening to Li Xin fuels me, I will never allow Huang Mao to tarnish her reputation again.

Perhaps I scolded him well, many students were with me to go against him, although they did not say anything, but looking at their faces, obviously they do not want to look at him.

Huang Mao directly glared, and only half a second said back: "Fuck you, you're really fucking looking for death? Why is Xin'ers and I's business your business? Fuck you, you get that you fucking onion?" (TN: By onion Huang is probably referring to spring onions which grow easily in China and are typically deemed as cheap or lowlife so thats what he probably means.)

He was obviously a bit anxious and shouted anything to save face. I sneered, "I'm Li Xin's brother, I can easily teach you a lesson. Get out now!"

Some students made fun of Huang Mao, I won this farce. But Huang Mao is not going to easily admit defeat, and looking at him it looks like he wants to beat someone.

He then frowned at Li Xin: "Xin'er, this is your brother?"

My heart suddenly stopped, I just pretended to be a hero, but now I've suddenly become weak, for some reason I'm especially afraid of Li Xin's answer.

I also looked at Li Xin, this is the first time I really appear in front of her, looking at her and in her eyes she had this look of sourness and guilt, and she did not look at me.

Huang Mao eagerly pursued her, she suddenly turned back to the classroom, and did not say a word.

Huang Mao also wanted to keep up with pace, I was extremely relieved, if she did not speak it was fine, I was afraid she would deny that I was her brother.

I then scolded Huang Mao again: "Go away, what else do you want?"

He pointed at me with a blue face, then dropped a harsh word and walked away, probably to get me killed.

I took a soft breath and turned my head to look into the classroom, Li Xin had sat down in silence. I had some unspoken loss in my heart, and then saw the girl from earlier handing her the thermos.

My throat was clogged, I rushed to hurry away, damn, in the end I'm really a wimp, I didn't even properly give her the food, why should I wimp out? Am I afraid she won't eat?

I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get the job done with Qin Lan.

I don't have time to be silly with her, I said just go buy a bed, I have to go back to school.

She lightly hummed: "Really good brother, I'm afraid you're in big trouble, Cai Yu had such a nice face, and you're not dead or disabled."

Translator Notes: Uff I probably shouldntve asked that was a whole situation, and I also was worried hed be disowned by his own sister too. Maybe Zhang Xiong or Lin Yin Yin will cheer MC up. See you in the next one.

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