Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 27: Theft

Chapter 27: Theft

Translator Notes: Ackkkkk.... yesterday I finished this chapter... but totally forgot to upload it... and I was so proud of my 2 updates yesterday (;`) another chapter is coming up in a few hours... sorry everyone...

I know I'm in big trouble, Cai Yu is a gangster, in the past I certainly would not dare to mess with him, but now I have experienced a lot of things, and he pestered my sister, I gave him his chance and he fucked it up! Let's see what he can do!

I was not afraid, and Qin Lan said to hurry up and buy a bed, just forget about him for now. Qin Lan was a little upset: "You still seem to be angry, you sound really harsh."

I froze, do I? I said it's fine, Qin Lan walked in front of me: "As soon as you get involved with Li Xin you get worried and waste time, and with me you are always hurrying?"

In fact, I was really in a hurry, I was upset about what happened to Li Xin, and I wanted to go back to nap, but Qin Lan kept pestering me, how could I not be impatient?

But it is better not to say such things, I forced a smile: "I was angry with Huang Mao, let's go."

She squinted at me, and a cold hum: "Next time you dare to talk to me in that tone, just wait to die."

This fucking pisses you off? I was speechless, Missy is Missy, I said okay, fine.

She led the way to buy a bed, but we were not in a good mood all the way, I do not know what Qin Lan is angry about, even if my tone of voice is bad, but I am not scolding her, so what's making her angry?

Enduring a headache, we finally bought the bed, people are moving it upstairs, it was very busy, I saw it was getting late, and now it's probably going to take a while to go back.

I said I had to go, Qin Lan didn't think it was important: " Go on, I'm not keeping you here."

That's fine, I hurry up to go, but at the door Qin Lan was surprised: "Where are my underwear?"

I frowned, what is she trying to play again? Is she actually missing it, or is she trying something again?

I looked back at her, but she was very serious about it, looking for something on the balcony. She seemed to be putting her clothes away and her panties were missing.

I said it's gone, the wind blew it away. She turned around and glared at me: "If you're in such a hurry, just go, you can just leave."

Damn, I just left. Behind me I heard her cursing.

I rushed back to school, but I was still late, and was caught by the residence manager, I could not help it, the manager noted me and deducted points, I was angry and had to gnash my teeth.

I was a little distracted in the afternoon class as usual, thinking about what happened at noon. I appeared in front of Li Xin at noon, but she did not react, perhaps she was disgusted and disowned me.

I grabbed my head and sighed lightly.

After school I was going to go to Takasu High School again, because I was afraid that Huang Mao, that idiot, would continue to fool around.

But Lin Yin Yin called me, she was very confused, asked me what I was busy with, and how come I didn't even write an article.

I said I was too busy today, let's do it tomorrow. She seemed quite upset: "It's rare that I'm kind enough to help you, but you always ignore me."

I said I was really busy, she grunted: "Then forget it, it seems that you are not available to go singing on weekends, so the appointment is null and void. I'll go with Zhang Xiong."

I was stunned, and said you'd go with him? She rolled her eyes: " Some students want to go together, he is always annoying me, if I don't go, he will pester me to death."

I said, okay, you guys have fun. She frowned, glared at me and walked away

I did not think much of it, and was busy going to Takasu High School.

As usual, I went to the corridor to spy on Li Xin, she has been focused on learning, and I did not see Huang Mao appear.

But the girl I asked at noon surprisingly approached me, carrying that thermos: "Here you go."

It was already empty, and I couldn't help but rejoice: "Did Li Xin eat?" The girl shook her head: "She doesn't like to eat greasy food, but she gave it to us to eat, it was quite delicious."

I was stunned, then a sigh. She really did not eat. I carried the thermos for a while, dumbfounded, and then left.

Huang Mao probably did not have the face to come, but he will certainly screw me. I am now very lost, he wants to come to rectify what happened.

As a result, walking to the milk tea store, he really fucking emerged, with a few brothers around me: "Fuck you still dare to show up?"

He was as angry as Guan Gong, I frowned, he wanted to fight? To be precise, I was surrounded by his group.

But there was no fight, Sister Xia rushed forward: "What's wrong? Cai Yu, what are you doing?"

Cai Yu's entire face was full of gloom and he stared at me, and then drove his motorcycle away: "Next time I see you, I will definitely kill you, but today I have to let you go."

I shouted, stupid!

Sister Xia let me into the milk tea store, and was also very distressed: "You messed with him again? He will not necessarily give me face, Li Xin did not come, so he does not often come, I tell you secretly, they use white powder, you must not mess with them."

I can't say anything if it's about Li Xin, I don't mess around. I shook my head, then put the thermos in here with her and said I'd come to get the food again when I had time.

She also agreed, with a little sad face.

Next I left, thought about it and went to find Qin Lan. She took my phone, I guess it was charging, I'll go get it back.

I walked downstairs to her, but I saw the short, sharp-voiced landlord smiling downstairs, seemingly especially happy.

I frowned and called out to him: "Landlord, supposedly someone had died here, ah."

He shook his head: "How is it possible? It's all those nasty women's nonsense. A tenant was in a coma and was taken to the hospital and then moved out, so they insisted that someone had died. I have explained it to the girl earlier, she still agreed to live here."

He didn't look like he was telling lies, and I couldn't be bothered to pursue it, so he walked away with a happy expression on his face.

I'm a little chilly, this landlord is very strange ah, fucking with the dead like a weirdo.

I don't care about him anymore, so I went upstairs to find Qin Lan.

She has come back, I knocked on the door after she coldly opened the door, without a good face.

I am speechless, why are you so vindictive? I spoke kindly: "There is no need to be angry again, right? My tone was a little bad at noon, but I'm not angry with you."

Qin Lan bristled: "I'm just not happy with what happened? Can't I be upset?"

Can can can, it seems she needs to be quiet. I also do not intend to go in, I said I just came to get my phone, was it fully charged?

She laughed coldly: "I decided not to give you the phone, you who treated me badly."

What the hell is this? What the hell did I do wrong?

I'm really impressed, I don't give a damn, I'm leaving. I turned around and left, Qin Lan was furious: "You're leaving?"

I said what else would I do? She sneered again: "Go away, go away, anyway, I have been alone, we should just stop talking, from now on I will never look for you."

This is quite a desperate thing to say, but I am just depressed, so you play childish tricks, what?

I didn't even stop, I took a big step and walked away, women are really troublesome, anything tiny is on the line, is it not annoying?

I left here directly, but as I walked my heart also calmed down, I was thinking about Qin Lan and felt sorry for her, do I really want to cut ties with her?

In fact, I understand that she treats me as a friend, she just has a harsh mouth. The more I think about it, the less angry I am, why am I so petty? She just has a short temper.

I went back to look for her, and knocked on the door about half of the day, but there was no response. I shouted from outside at her: "Qin Lan, I'm not going to cut off my friendship with you."

Still no movement, I stood for half a second, maybe Qin Lan may think I left, she opened the door.

The two of us look at each other, her face is cold again: "What?"

I squeezed in, pulling down my face to give her a kind words: "I was in the wrong at noon."

Her mouth curled upwards and she went to sit on the couch with her hands in her arms, "What does it matter to me?"

I sighed and apologized again. She finally showed a smile and I could see that she was in a better mood and inquired, "Actually, I still don't know why you're angry? Can you tell me? So I don't have to anger you again."

She squirmed, muttering for half a second before saying, "Looking at you being so good to Li Xin I'm not happy, don't you agree?"

What's wrong with that? I said what makes you unhappy? She got up and walked towards the balcony, seemingly reluctant to answer positively: "It's just not cool, just stop talking so much nonsense."

Okay, I said we're not cutting it off, so give me my phone, I'm going back to school.

She immediately looked at me again and then got depressed: "Don't go yet, I told you at noon that my panties were missing, they really were missing."

I rolled my eyes and said it was blown away by the wind. She is a little anxious, pointing to the place where the clothes are hanging: "I have two panties that were blown away, wouldn't the wind blew it all away? How come you don't see them all blown away? it would be more likely if they all flew away, right?"

I said then what do you mean? She lies on the balcony to look up and down, quite angry: "Each building's balcony is not that far away, using a rod you could be able to take my clothing."

I choked and said you think someone stole your underwear? You're out of your mind.

She stared at me hard: "What's so strange about that? There are so many perverts, you just haven't seen them yet."

This I do not believe, who the hell is so disgusting ah.

Qin Lan saw that I did not believe, ran to her room and took another pair of panties out and hung them directly on the top of the rod: "Now let's go out and come back later to see."

I had no choice but to go along with her nonsense. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing.

I said when are we going back? I still have to go to my evening class. She was annoyed: "Someone is stealing from me, and you're not with me? I don't give a shit about evening classes."

She was so domineering that I couldn't do anything about it and tried to find an opportunity to get out.

What ended up happening was I was dragged along shopping, and she eventually forgot about the panties and we ended up strolling around a lot.

I was tired and sweaty and reminded her many times that it was time to go back. The last thing she did was stop and drag me to her home.

But this moment came to trouble, we went back when we met Huang Mao.

Huang Mao and a few punks seem to have just come back from the waves, and smell of alcohol.

This kid is angry when he sees me, calling people to beat me. Qin Lan coldly scolded: "What again?"

Huang Mao finally still had some worries, but he scolded me hard: "You dog bastard thing, you just know how to rely on women, get yourself into trouble as a shrinking turtle, it is only a matter of time before I get you killed!"

This kind of bullshit does not bother me at all, I called him stupid a few times and didn't give a shit about them.

Qin Lan dragged me away again, and Huang Mao and the others cursed and left.

I do not care, can they even kill me? Qin Lan looked at me a couple of times, and suddenly lightly hummed: "You have a lot of guts, you used to be afraid of girls."

I shrugged my shoulders and said there was nothing to be afraid of, I even cleaned you all up, so am I really afraid of them?

Qin Lan immediately pinched my waist: "I was generous enough to let you off!"

I begged for mercy, she said as she walked away, "You still have to be careful, you've gotten a little cocky lately, it'll be no fun to piss them off."

I said, what can I do? Can't I just hide? Qin Lan pondered for a moment and said: "You should carry a knife with you in the future, they may not be taller or stronger than you, but the fact that there are many of them makes it very frightening. You need to bring a knife if you're forced to fight with them."

I said you do not want me to die ah? She kicked me: "When the group is like that, forget about it."

Well, I believe, later Ill bring a knife for myself.

Without much fuss, we rushed back to the rented room, Qin Lan ran to the balcony to take a look, and then exclaimed: "Sure enough, it's gone again!"

I was also secretly surprised, fuck, someone really stole her underwear?

I went to the balcony to look around, the building is quite dark, the landlord of that floor is lit, but the landlord is downstairs, it is impossible for him to use a rod to poke Qin Lan panties.

The left and right sides are feasible, but no one seems to live there ah.

It is surprisingly a bit scary, next to that dark balcony it makes me feel a unsettled.

Qin Lan pulled my arm: "I'm a little scared."

Translator Notes: Apparently thats all there is for this chapter anyways I bet its somehow that landlord thats stealing her clothing, he was a little suspicious in the first place Ill see you all in the next one

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