Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 32: Her Response

Chapter 32: Her Response

Qin Lan asked me to go with her to the hotel for one night, actually this sounded rather naughty, after all, it was a lonely man and lonely woman in the same room.

But Qin Lan and I didn't think too much about it, I thought she was a friend, so I agreed to accompany her, and she had no friends and wanted to talk to someone, so it was okay.

That night I didn't need to go back to school, it was the weekend anyway, so I stayed with Qin Lan to talk.

It was getting dark now, Qin Lan didn't plan to go back to her rental house, and took me directly to a hotel. Originally, I really didn't think anything about it, and Qin Lan was also serious, but the proprietress who opened the hotel smiled strangely at us, which made us both embarrassed.

We're not kids anymore, we know what we need to know, and sleeping in a hotel with someone else is a little uncomfortable.

I pulled Qin Lan to say that we should go shopping, and talk like that. She stared: "What do you mean, talking while walking? Just get inside!

This also makes sense, I guess she wants to talk to me about her feelings, to talk on the street is indeed inappropriate. I didn't say much more, I got a room with her, and we both went in.

As soon as I entered, Qin Lan became uncomfortable, and I wasn't comfortable either. I agreed to talk to her, but the room was really open, and there was no topic that was brought up. It's so awkward.

I said why don't you take a shower first? She was shocked: "You want me to shower why? What are you planning to do?"

I said, "Shouldn't you take a shower? Take a shower. Then I'll take a shower and go to bed. She said, oh, then she went to take a shower.

I had to take a shower too, it was uncomfortable with all my sweat. So I waited, and for more than half an hour Qin Lan did not come out.

I yelled: "Whats taking so long? Your skin is being rubbed off!"

Qin Lan responded: "I just like cleanliness, you should care too!"

I waited for this clean person to come out, and after another ten minutes or so she finally came out with a girl's unique fragrance, and then looking at her face, her wet hair draped, and her pretty cheeks that are like polished jade.

I froze for a moment, she is really good-looking, before I did not seem to care much, now that she just came out the shower I can notice now, I hurried to look at her a few more times, Qin Lan side-glanced at me, whispering: "What are you looking at, you also take a bath, nasty."

This girl still can't change the habit of scolding people, even when shes embarrassed.

I pouted and ignored it, and decided to take a shower. As soon as I took off my clothes and trousers, I hung them on a nearby shelf, and then I was stunned because I saw a girl's panties on the hanger.

I immediately took two steps back: "Holy shit, Qin Lan, you didnt take your panties."

Qin Lan hurriedly came to pound the door: "You pervert!"

Why did I suddenly become a pervert? I told her that she didnt take it out, and she scolded me from outside: "What should I wear when it's dirty? Wash it for me and hang it up, and I won't wear it until tomorrow morning!"

My mouth twitched, women are troublesome, I try to act like the better person and dismiss it, but she is just too dirty.

I also ignored her, and went to take a shower, but Qin Lan seems very concerned about this matter, always fucking hanging around in the doorway, I saw her shadow.

I said what are you doing? She grunted: "You did not do anything bad, right?"

I said what could I do? I just took a shower. She still grunts, her tone seems a bit ashamed: "The hell knows how disgusting you men are, just like the landlord ...... hum, I won't say anything else!"

She finally went away. I can't figure out what the hell could I do that was bad?

After taking a shower neatly, I was going to put on my underwear, but Qin Lan yelled at me again: "Don't wear it, it's disgusting, wash it and wear it tomorrow morning."

As a result, I washed it, and we both put on our clothes and pants, but our underwear still had to be washed.

I started washing it and scrubbed it for a while, and wringed out the water, and hung it up. Qin Lan kept staring at me, like I was a prisoner.

Then when I finally finished, she also stared at me. I said why are you so strange? What are you looking at?

She hugged her hands and looked condescending and surprised: "Did you just wash my panties thinking about something strange?"

I said what strange things? What else can you think about when washing a rag? She immediately was annoyed: "Rags? You ...... forget it, you're so naive."

I didn't know if she was mocking me, so I rolled my eyes, "I'm not like the landlord."

She blushed and hummed and went to lie down on the bed: "Come here, listen to me, no sleeping until you finish listening."

You finally remembered what we were here for, I said, and laid down directly on her side, looking at her sideways.

In the end, she didn't let a single peep, and I said talk ah.

She glared at me again: "I'm still fermenting ah, what's the hurry."

Why the hell do you need to ferment? Well, I'll wait. I stopped looking at her, pulled the quilt over my stomach and waited for the news.

Again, I did not say anything, and only after I yawned Qin Lan finally spoke: "I do not know what to start with, you ask me questions."

I spat a little, I'm fucking done.

I then carelessly inquired, "Why did you bully my sister before?"

She was a little down at first, and it looked like she was thinking a lot, but when I asked this question, she immediately became furious: "It's Li Xin again!

I was speechless, she lightly hummed: "Why do I bully her? She is self-important, I just do not like her, at first I just tease her a little, she did not react, and was not afraid of me, it pisses me off!"

Just because of this? Li Xin kept a distance from strangers only, Qin Lan this bad temper is really out of control.

"I am disliked by my parents every day, and they sometimes even scold me, so naturally I have to find someone to take out my anger, she is so high and mighty, I liked to bully her, to see how long she can persist!"

The more Qin Lan said, the angrier I was, she looked at my face, and then hurriedly changed her mind: "I was wrong, I shouldn't have done that."

Her sudden apology made me confused for a moment, I said what? She froze and got angry: "Why were you making that face? I thought you were angry!"

I'm putting on a face? I couldn't help but laugh and change the subject: "Well, why do your parents dislike you?"

Since we are talking, it's natural to tell secrets, Qin Lan also did not refuse to tell, but she began to look vicious, I could see deep sadness in her eyes.

"My father was a cheater when I was a child, and he had a relationship with several women. My mother was a gambler, and she also got along with other men. They got into a dispute right now. In the end, they all hated each other and no one cared about each other. Me? No one cares about me and I'm becoming a bad person."

She said lightly, but going through that must have been very painful, if her parents were not good, what child can grow up to be kind?

I lowered my voice: "They are not human, how dare they ignore their own child."

Qin Lan gently squeezed her palm and smiled coldly: "I heard that they each have illegitimate children, so who cares about me"

I was stunned, no way, they even had illegitimate children?

"I heard my mother-in-law say, the illegitimate children were not young, but it does not matter, I have alimony on the line, I do not want my parents."

Qin Lan was still sneering, her face was cold. I think she is sad, she grew up being disliked by her parents, and now she is even more abandoned, although she can choose who to stay with, but neither of them want her.

I unconsciously went to take her hand, the two of us lying side by side, our hands touching.

Qin Lan's fingertips instinctively shrank, and then with slightly reddened eyes looked at me. She began: "I just ......"

Her words did not come down, she instead reached out and grabbed my hand, both of her hands were hot, some sweat gradually appeared in the palm of the hand.

"Cheap move, how- how dare.. you." Qin Lan squeezed my palm and warned. I rolled my eyes: "What do you mean, cheap? Why don't you pull away?"

As a result, we held hands and lay down for most of the day, and finally she jerked upwards: "Go to sleep!"

She always talks to me by yelling, I said well, your butt takes up too much space and I can't sleep.

She cursed: "You sleep on the floor, I do not want you to sleep with me!"

This is a hotel, sister, the floor is not a good place to sleep. I said it's okay, I'm not going to do anything to you.

She moved over to the other side: "If you dare to do anything I will castrate you!"

I really don't want to do anything, I'm tired, I stretch my legs and sleep, not too long until I fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, there was no one next to me. I got up and wiped the corners of my eyes and heard the sound of water in the restroom.

Qin Lan was already up, brushing her teeth and washing her face. Then she suddenly peeked through the door and looked at me.

I was a little confused, and she was blushing and retreated back to the restroom with a clang.

What's going on here? I wasn't awake, rubbing my head before I realized, she wanted to see if I was awake, if I wasn't she would shave.

I immediately gave a dry laugh and got out of bed: "I'll going to get some breakfast."

Qin Lan did not respond, I didn't even brush my teeth, I wandered around outside for half an hour before going back.

After returning she already took care of everything and was waiting for me to return with a calm face.

I'm really quite embarrassed, what happened this time?

I can't pry into it that much, lest she reveal her shyness and anger inside.

So the atmosphere has been very strange, last night the atmosphere was obviously very good, but now it's very strange.

I put Qin Lan in the toilet without saying a word for a long time, and then I went out to check something. Even when she finished the breakfast I bought, she still didn't say a word.

Her face had an imperceptible flush, and her eyelashes blinked restlessly, apparently fidgeting. I was very distraught, why did I grab her hair in the first place?

I don't know what to say, I sullenly went over to say goodbye to her, she moved, and in the moment before I was about to open my mouth she suddenly erupted like a volcano: "Why arent you saying anything? I'm just shaving, what are you embarrassed about?"

She roared again, roared until her face started to bleed red, I was stunned, the nerve of this woman, but to even point out the elephant in the room.

I can no longer be embarrassed, forcing myself to squeeze out a smile: "I'm not embarrassed ah, shaving is just- do what you need to do, ha ha ha."

She also hahahad, with a carefree: "Let's go."

I said, let's go, fuck this shit. She was very gung-ho, laughing and getting up: "Let's go..."

"Go" got halfway stuck in her throat, her voice abruptly stopped, because the razor from her small bag slipped out, snapped and hit the ground, ah, the beans were spilled.

The room was instantly dead silent, Qin Lan still maintained a brash expression, the corners of my mouth slightly twitched, half a minute later spoke in a whisper: "It's okay, it's just broken, we can still buy ......"

Qin Lan's whole face began to wrinkle, it seemed to be an expression of extreme shame, and then she wailed and threw me on the bed at once, hitting me with her fists and feet: "You bastard! Ill kill you!"

The powerful embarrassment was all turned into anger, and Qin Lan showed no mercy, beating me up and making me scream. But I couldn't fight back, because she was crying with shame, her eyes full of sorrow.

I don't know how long she beat me, but I was afraid to say anything because of my fear that she would be more ashamed.

Finally she sobbed twice and ran away directly, leaving me bruised and bitter.

My heart is sad and bitter, it's really a disaster.

I don't stay any longer, she ran away and Im leaving too. After she went downstairs, she disappeared long ago.

I am angry and amused, rubbing my face and going to the milk tea store.

In fact, I had nothing to do, I accompanied Qin Lan overnight, listened to her talk about herself, and also helped to enhance our friendship.

At this moment, I actually have hope when I go to the milk tea shop. I look forward to seeing Li Xin.

Just about to leave, Xia suddenly saw me, rushed to call me: "You come inside ah."

I said no need to greet me, I was just passing by. She threw me a blank stare: "There is a letter from Li Xin here."

I was stunned, then overwhelmed with surprise and rushed in at once: "She wrote me back?"

Sister Xia did not know about my letters to Li Xin, she just pulled out a folded letter paper and gave it to me: "She came to me early, said if I see you, to give it to you."

I couldn't wait to grab it and didn't want to look at it here, so I hurriedly excused myself and left. Sister Xia had another blank stare.

I took a ride back to school, and was anxious on the way, I could not wait to see what Li Xin wrote, but did not want to see it in front of strangers, I wanted to go back to the dormitory and read it secretly.

When I finally got to the school, I ran to the dormitory in a hurry, ran back to the dormitory and immediately climbed into bed, took a close look at a few roommates who were sleeping in, and then pulled the quilt over my body and secretly opened the letter.

The letter paper is smooth and white, a very ordinary notebook paper. I felt myself shaking a little, I didn't expect to be so excited to receive a letter back from my sister.

Take a deep breath and open the folded letter paper, two lines of clear words came into view.

"You stay out of my business with Cai Yu, and don't come to see me at school, don't send me anything, I am doing fine."

Translator Notes: OH NO MAzinjxsncjksnzxkmck oh god that could not have gone worse. Oh man how is MC going to recover from this () lets just all pray that Huang Mao gave her that letter to lie to MC aaaaa this is pain :((( see you all next time where we will hopefully clear this up

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