Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 33: Slicing a Great Deal

Chapter 33: Slicing a Great Deal

Li Xin's letter was brief and concise, and she told me to stay out of her business.

I was so full of joy that I thought she would forgive me, but I didn't expect her to be cold and resistant.

I tore off the quilt and felt a little dazed. I was extremely disappointed in my heart. The letter was also squeezed into a ball by me unconsciously. When I calmed down, I quickly flattened it and folded it.

What was I expecting? This obviously wouldve happened.

I sighed and placed the folded letter under a mat, then sat down again to dwell.

After I finished my daze, I went back to class to finish my homework and work on the article I was going to submit. I didn't bother her because Zhang Xiong was pestering her and she didn't seem to be disgusted.

I was a little lost after all, feeling like one of my best friends had cut me off and now she accepted Zhang Xiong.

I stayed for a while longer and then left in silence, the few people in the classroom didn't pay attention to me, when I walked out of the classroom door and Lin Yin Yin seems to have turned her head towards me, I looked back at her but saw that she was sitting upright, did she look at me?

I secretly scolded myself for being a bitch. Did I want her to stop me from leaving? Continuing to leave silently, Lin Yin Yin turned her head again, as if she was looking at me.

But she didn't turn around. It was just a delusion.

I didn't know what to do after I left the classroom, I didn't think Li Xin's letter could cause such a big blow to me, maybe because I was expecting too much, and as a result the higher I hoped the harder I fell, and now I'm still a little bit too energetic.

Finally I wandered around aimlessly, then took a deep breath and left the school.

Li Xin's letter made it very clear that she did not want to get involved with me. But I still had to do my job even after my loss, to take care of her, to protect her, to make money for her.

I tried to pick myself up and go to Takasu High School. Li Xin said in her letter that she didn't want me to go to school to see her, but I can't go into the school now because I didn't have food to deliver.

I also don't want Li Xin to dislike me for this. I waited outside, maybe she will come out, and it is very dangerous outside, Huang Mao is roaming around, and now there is Da Qiang, if Li Xin comes out I must follow her secretly.

It is noon when the sun is the hottest, and only a month into Fall, and it was not cool anywhere.

I start sweating and stare at the school gate, a little far off, to avoid being discovered by Li Xin.

During lunch, some students came out. It is rare for a good student to come out on weekends.

I looked towards a place with shade, and a shadowy figure came into view, it was Li Xin.

She wore a school uniform, and looked clean, like a cloud flowing through the crowd. My heart is confused on how it should feel.

And I'm also a little worried, she doesnt often leave school like this, and she doesnt seem to be eating anything, so she must have an appointment.

I guess it was Sister Xia who asked her to go out. Li Xin is very calm and indifferent, with maturity that does not match her age, and her appearance is very simple, like a child who doesnt not know whats going on in the world. I know she's mature inside, she's more mature than anyone her age, the kind of maturity that's forced out, since she doesn't have a childhood.

While thinking about it, I saw that she suddenly started walking away from the gate. I was startled, why didn't she go to the milk tea shop? Wasn't it because Sister Xia made an appointment with her?

I immediately tensed up and hurried to follow her. Li Xin also did not go far, she stopped at the end of the alley, where there are not many people, because students are not willing to walk on such a long path.

I looked at her from a distance, suspiciously. But soon I understood, because Huang Mao appeared.

He came alone this time, obviously he came with Li Xin to have private words with her. I gritted my teeth, this idiot is really shameless, Li Xin tried to get rid of him, but he does not know shame, he really thinks my sister is his horse?

I walked forward a little, they did not find me, and I could barely hear their conversation.

Li Xin spoke first, her voice helpless and apologetic: "Cai Yu, let's take a break, thank you for taking care of me for so long, but I really don't have that kind of feelings for you."

I am happy, well said!

Huang Mao's original smiling face had darkened, he was embarrassed and depressed: "Your feelings still need to be cultivated, I'm not in a hurry."

This son of a bitch is just wants Li Xin's beauty, hes talking like an infatuated lover.

I really want to stab him, my eyes also froze up. Li Xin gently shook her head, and also sighed: "I just want to study properly, you do not pester me in the future, okay?"

It seems that Li Xin is also very annoyed. It is rare for her to be annoyed. Huang Mao is arrogant but ignorant, and he smirked humorously: "I'm not sure you will pester me in the future, why do you care so much? Let's continue, and stay in our relationship."

Maintain your ass!

Li Xin seems to be annoyed, not even looking at Huang Mao: "Cai Yu, I do not need someone to take care of me as much as you think, you take care of yourself first."

This is a bit difficult for Huang Mao to understand and he grabbed his hair and thought for a while and patted his thigh: "You want me to make money to support our family? Let me tell you, I will go to the Pearl River Delta with my friends after a while, and I promise to make money for us. Then, I will drive a luxury car to pick you up when the time comes." (TN: Pearl River Delta is like a uh, where a lot of businesses are, and a lot of industrial activity is in.)

He was triumphant, as if he could prosper if he went to the Pearl River Delta. I am also happy, is he going away to work? This is good, hes going to leave, and I'm always so annoyed when I see him.

Li Xin was also a bit surprised, then asked: "To work in the factory? With whom?"

Huang Mao waved his hand: "Do not worry about me, I will be fine, it is my friend's father's factory, I can go to get a free job, just wait for me."

Li Xin gently shook her head, but also did not know what to say. Huang Mao, on the other hand, intended to be magnificent, as if he was someone important, he also grabbed Li Xin: "Why don't you go with me, so we don't miss each other."

This makes me spit, and the fire in my heart immediately bubbled, I'll fuck you dumbass, let Li Xin go with you to work? Are you fucking brain-dead? Let a middle school girl go to work?

Li Xin obviously will not agree, she directly refused, and then said for him to go. Huang Mao shouted: "Studying is useless, it is better to find a good man to marry, I will be good to you for life. It's okay if you don't want to go, wait for me to come back in my BMW."

Li Xin still shook her head, with a helpless look. I saw her coming this way hurriedly as she walked, directly walking next to the store pretending to look at things.

Li Xin did not see me, she quickly went back to school. Huang Mao watched her fondly, waiting for her to go and suddenly scowled and grunted, seemingly very unhappy.

I raised an eyebrow and bought a watermelon knife and went out. Huang Mao drove his motorcycle to the alley, I quickly chased him up, thinking to follow him to see if I could find what he was plotting.

Not long afterwards, I saw him parked in the residential building between the avenue, cross-legged and calling someone.

I could hear it clearly, he was talking to someone about Li Xin: "That girl is so fucking hard to get in, and she's studying hard. I've had bad luck recently, and I'm getting more and more impatient, shit!"

My heart became colder and colder, and he said, "When she matures, she will not give in. To put it bluntly, she thinks that I am poor."

Think you're poor? I laughed coldly in my heart, this fool is hopeless.

He continued to yell on the phone, after a while before hanging up, his face still upset.

I'm not happy either, I'm angry to the max. Now I'm not afraid of anything, now that I'm not happy what do I do? If I'm not happy, I'll find something to be fucking happy about!

Grabbing the watermelon knife and walking behind him before he looked back at me. I smiled out of the corner of my mouth, and the watermelon knife was moved towards his head.

He was so scared that he rolled off the motorcycle, and then the motorcycle was unstable and smashed his leg, I do not know if it was because he was scared or in pain, but he wailed like a grieving mother.

I shook the watermelon knife and grinned, "It's just the back of the knife, at the most itll barely hurt."

His hand has touched his head, and found no injury, and then got angry: "I'll fuck you, you dare look for me?"

I said why not? I'm not happy, so I'm looking for you in order to be happy. I swung the back of a knife down again, he raised his hand to block, his bones were almost broken, so painful that snot and tears came out together.

I continued to use the back of the knife and cut him a dozen times in a row, he was shaking with pain and had the strength to push the motorcycle away, but now it was difficult to move.

I laughed heartily: "Are you impressed?" He turned blue: "You better get the fuck out of here, I've let you go!"

I didn't fucking let you go! Another swing to his head, he was screaming: "What the fuck do you want?"

You see, the gangster is nothing. He was bullied by me with a watermelon knife and couldn't even get up. He was scared.

I laughed, today it is rare to catch him alone, can he not do anything by himself?

I sighed, I used the back of the knife to slap him in his face: "You're going to make a lot of money ah, go early now? I'm waiting for you to come back."

I said sinisterly and coldly, Huang Mao was almost crippled by me, a dozen knife swings is not a joke, even the back of the knife is enough to hurt him to not move.

But he is quite strong, I shrugged: Just go to work early to make a lot of money, I have nothing to say, and Im warning you, if you want revenge, come to me at any time, but I will also fight back, and I like to eat soft rice, Qin Lan will help me. (TN: By like eating soft rice it's slang for relying on your girlfriend.)

His originally gloomy eyes shrank, and he didn't say anything. I was sure that he would definitely take revenge and call people to beat me up, but when I said Qin Lan, he suddenly quieted down.

I know Qin Lan is amazing, but I am still a little surprised. What is Qin Lan's background? Isn't she just rich enough to buy thugs? Why is Huang Mao so afraid of her?

But I will not ask, lest he think I am not familiar with Qin Lan. I just smiled profoundly: "Well, good luck making a lot of money."

I turned around and left, Huang Mao stared at me fiercely, but didn't do anything.

I'm out of anger today, and I'm not disappointed anymore. This kind of stupid bastard needs to be beaten, and he won't dare to do anything if you beat him enough.

After that, I didn't leave, and I was still doing nothing at Takasu Middle School. Huang Mao never showed up. It seems that he gave up on his revenge.

I laughed, this wimp.

In the evening, I was going to leave to find Qin Lan. This guy kept sending me so many messages, and I couldn't even count it on my fingers back, so I should just go and talk with her.

But I did not take two steps and I suddenly saw Li Xin walking out fast. I could not help but be surprised, it was almost dark and she came out for what?

I hurried to follow, but I saw her go outside to the main road stop sign side waiting for a bus.

Not long after a bus came she immediately got on.

I was even more surprised that the bus was headed to my town, that is to say, Li Xin 80% is going home.

It's not right, the monthly leave is only next week, and even if Li Xin is on the monthly leave, most of them will not go home, but now she suddenly goes home, which is not right. Is it because our parents are forcing her to go home?

My heart immediately restless, and what happened?

I don't dare to think about it, I hurry to find a motorcycle guy to drive to town, I must go back to see.

Translator Notes: Aaaa sorry for being so out of control yesterday was a bad day for me so I couldnt really translate but Im feeling better so dont worry!! Anyway we see our MCs insanity and rage defending his sister so hopefully that comes into use!! And there appears to be trouble brewing next chapter so Ill see you thenn bye byeee

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