Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 76: The Sad Yang Han Lu

Chapter 76: The Sad Yang Han Lu

I ran out and thankfully didnt see anyone waiting for us, and Zhang Xiong urged me to hurry up so we wouldnt be found.

I left quickly and tried to find a motorbike. After leaving and coming to Takasu Middle School, I once again found that there was no one here thankfully, otherwise thered be a bloody battle.

Then I went to look for Li Xin, who was already working. I arrived and smiled at her, but she looked very angry.

I was surprised, then she grabbed my sleeve and pulled me into the inner room, and scolded me: "Your teacher complained about you again, saying that youve developed the habit of skipping class."

I was taken aback, damn, I was wondering why the teacher didnt scold me like usual, and it turned out it was because they told my parents directly, and my mother must have asked my sister to deal with me again.

I hurriedly gave an excuse: "There was an emergency, I didn't skip class on purpose." Li Xin nudged: "What was the emergency? You seem to be really always skipping classes, how do you plan to get into college?"

I didn't want to tell her about my feud with Yang Han Lu, so I promised to her: "Anyway, I didn't do anything bad, I did what I did for you."

She blushed and hit me lightly: "Did what for me? I don't need you for anything, so no more skipping classes."

Her blush was so pretty, even though we weren't a couple, I really liked how shy she looked. I said I would try not to skip class, and she nodded again, so I hurriedly changed the subject: "Has there been a short fat guy trying to find me here lately?"

She nodded: "Yes, and he was quite anxious." My heart was relieved, it seems that Yang Han Lu came back or something. I said my goodbyes to Li Xin: "I'll be back later to keep you company."

She lightly pouted: "I don't need your company... I am not a child."

I laughed and went straight to the landlord. The landlord was usually at home, as soon as I kicked in the door he opened it, and was finally relieved to see me: "Oh, you said I could go to the milk tea store to find you? But I searched for you several times and couldnt find you."

I said what? He pointed upstairs: "Yang Han Lu came back the day before yesterday, shes returned, but she's just been hoarded up in her room, yesterday I went to her room to check the faucet, and I found her so tired, it was a heartbreaking scene."

I rolled my eyes and went straight upstairs. The landlord tried to follow me, but I said, why are you following me? Go away, you'll just upset her.

He went back a little annoyed.

I went up to the third floor and knocked on the door and got no response. And Yang Han Lu definitely must have heard, I called out to her: "Yang Han Lu, it's Li Chen."

There was still no response, so I took out the key and opened the door.

As soon as I walked in, there was a strange smell. I guess she hasnt cleaned her room for days or something, and there were still some fast food boxes on the table, and the grease probably got all over the table.

Youre only destroying yourself by doing this. When I went to her bedroom it was locked. I didnt have the key to her room, so I just stayed out and said: Your sister asked me to take care of you.

Yang Han Lu finally responded, although it wasnt a nice one, she was probably angry now: Shes happy now, right?

After being humiliated by her mother, she probably was doing terribly, and self-deprecating. I frowned: Shes not happy, she wrote me a letter asking me to take care of you, but Qin Hao found out I wrote back, hey, now we cant talk to each other again.

Yang Han Lu let out a bizarre laugh: Good. My mouth twitched, you really are still gloating?

I kicked the door with force but nothing happened. I just leaned on the door and waited, while waiting I said: "Didn't you say we'd be friends? You aren't even opening the door for your friends?"

She ignored me and stayed in the bedroom sulking. I said I will go back to get your sister's letter, would you read it yourself?

She still didn't say anything, and seemed to agree. I sullenly went back to get the letter, what a nuisance, especially since I'm on a death clock.

But I went anyway, taking a car to go back, and I believe I left the letters in the dorm, so I went there.

As a result, when I arrived at the entrance of the school, I immediately saw people squatting and picking their teeth with toothpicks.

I avoided them quickly, and luckily there were many students coming in and out, so those few douchebags were inattentive and didn't find me.

I went back to the dorm with no problems and put Qin Lan's letter in my pocket.

But leaving was another problem, so I just climbed the wall, I had experience anyways. After climbing the wall I was on the residential street, so I had a lot of space to breathe. I also thought this was a good way to leave the school from now on, lets see how long those idiots would wait outside.

I was happy about this discovery, and I was in a good mood when I went to take the letter to Yang Han Lu.

I took a few breaths and shoved the letter in through the doorway: "Read it yourself, I had to go through a lot of trouble to get it here, and your bastard brother called a lot of people to attack me, and I almost got my ass beat."

I was obviously exaggerating, and I was hoping that she'd read the letter. Not much later I saw the letter being taken, because it was no longer visible through the doorway.

Thats good, I waited in peace for a bit, maybe about 30 minutes, and it was getting late, and she still hasnt responded.

Ah Jiejie, what's taking so long?

Fortunately, I only lost my patiences when she finally moved, seemingly like a cat and suddenly purred, and then came the sound of her crying.


I said don't you cry, your sister finally cares about you, you should be happy.

But when I said that she let the floodgates loose, and started crying even more. If someone else heard this they would be scared. And Im also a little scared and worried. Why would a beautiful girl cry like this?

And so, she cried until her voice became hoarse, and her cries were more powerful than last time at her house. At her house, she cried because she was overwhelmed and her tears were filled with resentment, but now she cried just because she wanted to.

I sighed, and just let her cry.

Finally when she thought she was done crying, and when her voice got quieter, the door handle moved a little, and with a snap, the door opened.

I pushed open the door and saw her sitting by the door, her head buried in her knees, her shoulders still twitching gently.

The letter was so wet that it was so crumpled that it made my heart ache. And this was a letter from Qin Lan to me

I sighed again, Yang Han Lu sat without even lifting her head. I looked at her again and found that her hair was messy and her clothes were wrinkled, the windows in this room were closed and the curtains were drawn, this could suffocate someone

I went to open the window, and a few rays of sunset immediately greeted us. This was a wonderful view of the sunset.

The room was immediately brightened up and fresh air filled the room. Her whole face was white and red, and her tears were about to fall again.

I patted by the window: Come, take a look outside. She couldnt stand up at all, she went to move, but stopped abruptly. I went over to help her, and her legs were shaking. How long has she been sitting like this?

She was trembling by the window, and the sunlight danced on her skin, she blinked a few times, and more tears began to spill out.

I stopped talking and let her look at the sunset alone, and I went to help her clean up her messy bedroom.

The sunset was gone now, and Yang Han Lu gently sat by the bed staring off into nothing.

Then I left, I let her keep Qin Lan's letter, she needed it more than I did.

Not long after it was dark, I ran to find Li Xin, now there were more customers, so I hurried to give her a hand.

And with this she rejoiced, and my eyes met with a gentle and shy smile, it was really fascinating, my sister really is a goddess, ah.

She worked until 10 o'clock, then she was going back to her dorm. I also finished with her and sent her back, and she told me: "Remember. You can not be dating anyone and no more skipping classes, or I will tell mother."

When I was about to explain myself again, she turned around and left.

I went back to school too, and went to look for a motorbike to go back. But I felt something was off, I looked towards my right and was petrified by fear.

I'm so stupid, I took a few steps back, what the hell? Then I regained my composure, she looked familiar, and wasnt that Yang Han Lus height and figure?

I frowned and walked over, but did not dare to go in all the way, and I went to the entrance and asked out loud: "Yang Han Lu?"

She gave a hint, her voice was hoarse. I suddenly relaxed, but also angry: "You bitch, ah, are you pretending to be a ghost, ah? You scared the shit out of me."

She did not say anything, I walked towards her, and the alley was quite dark, and I could not see what she looked like, but I saw her head hanging downwards, looking very sad.

I said what do you want? Were you looking for me? She exhaled very lightly: "Thank you."

I said don't thank me, your sister asked me to take care of you. She was silent for half a second, then tugged my sleeve: "Come to my house, Qin Hao is hunting for you? I'll see if I can help you."

Translator Notes: Thats all for today people! Once again a somewhat tamed chapter thankfully. Hmm, guess I dont really have anything to say here? But until next time, Ill see you all later, bye byeeee

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