Regarding Those Matters of Me and My Little Sister

Chapter 77: Making a Fortune

Chapter 77: Making a Fortune

Yang Han Lu actually wants to help me?

Im currently dealing with Qin Hao, so it wouldnt be kind of her to do this. I said are you sure you want to help? She nodded, she was very calm: In return help me if you can, but if you really cant then its fine.

This chick seems to be very calm now, did she really change this fast after being like that a moment ago?

I thought about it, since she took the initiative to help me, then I naturally can not refuse, I can't pretend like I don't need it. I said well, do you have any influential friends? She said no, she was paying people before.

My eyes lit up: "That's actually good, everyone is a slave to money, those idiots would take the money easily. Could you lend me some money first?"

I felt like this could work, although she has the money, she might hire the wrong people, so I want to do it for her.

But Yang Han Lu shook her head: "I have no money, my mother ......"

Her mother did not give her money. I was depressed, and said then we have to figure out what to do together.

She also pondered and suddenly spoke: "Do we have to discuss it here? Do you not want to go back with me?"

I was taken aback, and said Im not sure, if you want, I can head back with you.

She turned around and left, I followed, she was apathetic, but it seemed like she wanted someone to comfort her.

I went back with her to her room and I was finally able to see her face, because the entire time we were walking she was at the front.

Her face was still the same, very beautiful and pretty, but she no longer had that false expression and smile from before, she seems to have been transformed.

I thought shed want to talk and get closer, but all of a sudden she became distant.

It's a bit awkward right now, she and I seem like strangers. I said what do you plan on doing then?

She didnt say anything, but then said that shes tired and shes going to bed. My mouth twitched, did you just want me to accompany you?

But she didnt look like she was going to do anything else, whatever. I also had to admit, I also felt like I was just coming over to accompany her. So I said lets sleep then, she already took a bath, and when I went to lie on the bed: You need to take a bath first.

This is very awkward, but I still went and took a shower, after I was done, I went to lay down on the sofa to sleep. Suddenly I saw her standing next to me with disheveled hair: "Sleep with me."

Thats pretty concerning, rubbing my chest and laughing bitterly: "Jiejie, I simply cannot, it's not good for your reputation."

I froze for a moment, I absolutely cannot do this, or Qin Lan will obliterate my balls. Although Yang Han Lu didn't mean anything by it, it was still odd for a man and a woman to do that while not being related.

I still declined her, she gently pursed her lips, and silently went back to sleep.

She didnt react at all, it didnt seem like she was sad, and she didnt force me to, maybe she thought of me like a teddy bear or something.

I sneaked over to take a look at her, and her back was faced towards the door, her shoulders were shivering.

Is she crying again?

What happened to her...? Well I can't help it, I went in and coughed: "You wanted to sleep with something, didn't you?"

She turned her head to peek over at me and nodded gently. I lay down and stuck my arm out: "Go ahead."

She froze for half a second, then gently wrapped her arms around me and went back to sleep. She is really well behaved, but now I can't sleep, it's too uncomfortable.

But she seemed to be at ease, and it seemed having someone to sleep with actually calmed her down.

Then I also drifted off to sleep, and when I woke up the next day, I was alone.

I got up to look around, but no one was there. And it looked like someone had cleaned the room or something.

I frowned, where did Yang Han Lu go? We had a week off, so there's no need to get up so early.

I couldn't figure out what was wrong, so I washed up and left. And I immediately bumped into the landlord, who was so happy that he was singing with joy.

I said, what are you doing? He could not hold back his excitement and grabbed me and spewed out: "I'm going to be rich haha, Yang Han Lu and I are working together!"

What? I was stunned, said working together to sell underwear? The landlord swallowed his saliva: "You missed it, she came to me early in the morning and said she knew I was selling panties, and she was willing to provide me with a 70-30 split."

I was in disbelief, was Yang Han Lu willing to do this kind of thing? I know she's usually somewhat promiscuous, but I didn't think she'd be willing to do something like this.

I was amazed and asked her how she knew you sold that stuff. The landlord was embarrassed: "One time I was taking a pair from someone else and she caught me......"

You got found out this easily again? I am speechless, the landlord was still very excited: "She went to my other female tenants, and was going to convince them or something, wow wow wow, I'll finally have money to marry a young girl!"

I was stunned again, then pondered. Yang Han Lu acting like this was odd, she seems to urgently need money, but she is certainly not in a hurry to use the money, that means shes getting the money for me?

I scratched my head, this was ...... a little embarrassing.

I am quite embarrassed, Yang Han Lu came back carrying this bag back, with a flat face, very elegant.

The landlord rushed towards her, fawningly rubbing his hands: "Jiejie, how was it?" Yang Han Lu handed him the bag: "They all agreed, you go collect once a day, they just want to give them 50 yuan." (TN: About 8 USD.)

The landlord was so happy that he was about to explode, and it looked like the bag was filled with his products.

I really admired Yang Han Lu, she took care of this easily. I looked at her, she looked at me, still blank, and then spoke to the landlord: "Take some pictures of me, of my legs, feet and breasts, send them to your customers to see, let them buy them but sell only one a day, and get the money first."

I was surprised, and the landlord was also surprised, I frowned and spoke: "No need to do that, forget about the photos."

Yang Han Lu said in a quiet tone: Its fine, its just a bodypart let them buy it, at a high price too, we can sell socks too, and shoes too.

The landlord looked at me gingerly, I was reluctant to do this, she's going to hurt herself like this, nothing good comes from this.

Yang Han Lu spoke again: "Once we get enough money, we'll quit."

I did not say anything, the landlord made up his mind: "Okay, come and shoot."

And Yang Han Lu took a lot of photos, almost every part of the body was shot, her whole body was beautiful after all, these kinds of photos fascinated people.

The landlord's mouth was watering, I was uncomfortable, and I didn't know what Qin Lan would think.

In the afternoon after the photos were taken, the landlord began working, sitting in front of his computer for more than an hour, and then let out a maniacal laugh: "It looks like there are more than a hundred people willing to buy this, moneys flowing in endlessly! Damn, this is exhausting."

I was taken aback, damn Yang Han Lus trick was too good, over a hundred people wanted to buy this stuff, and it even was sold at a high price, did this man make tens of thousands of yuan?

I couldnt believe it, but Yang Han Lu was very calm: Give it to the offer that pays the most, and make the ones who want all of the photos have to pay more money, so that they fight over it.

Shes really ruthless, with so many people offering money, the more people there was the more money we got in return.

Of course this was all on the basis that the landlord actually had hundreds of customers willing to pay, otherwise it would not sell well at all.

Yang Han Lu was extremely beautiful, and people would be attracted naturally, even if she didnt make money.

But the landlord was a little worried: "This is not good, I have known them for more than a year, its not right to cheat them like this."

Yang Han Lu said coldly: Theyve been buying girls underwear for more than a year, what good are those people? Since you took the underwear of the other tenants, just say it's all mine.

The landlord smiled wryly, about to give an excuse. Yang Han Lu didnt care at all: Youre already doing something horrible, dont try to redeem yourself like this by saving your friends like this.

The landlord finally relented, he also realized that he would lose money if he didnt do what she said.

And like that, the final seal in the deal was made. I was watching the entire time, and I didnt really want to do this, but we needed money, because you know what they say, money makes the world go round.

The landlord went out that night and came back holding a bag full of bags, very excited.

"Here is fifteen thousand, you take it first." He gave the money to Yang Han Lu, who looked directly at me: "Take it, now let's go find someone." (TN: 2,174 USD holy)

I took it, and it was heavy. Yang Han Lu didn't care about me and went away.

I followed her, and we didn't say after a while. Finally I thanked her uncomfortably, and she responded in a light voice: "You deserve it, no need to thank me."

She has become such a person, I don't know why I feel a little guilty, I quickly hopped twice towards her in order to walk side by side with her: "We are friends anyway..."

That's all I could say, Yang Hanlu was silent for a while, and walked faster, as if trying to hide her expression.

Translator Notes: Thats all for todayyy, this chapter was a biiiiiit weird iim not going to lie I the photoshot scene was a bit odd but anyway we learn that Yang Han Lu is a cuddler and wanted to hug MC like a teddy bear, oh also arghhh I was hoping MC stopped her from doing the photoshop but ahhh they wouldnt have money, hopefully they find an easier way at making money but until next time, ill you see you all later!! Bbye bye!!!

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