
Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Seeing the sudden change in the mood after his question gave Omis a bad feeling in his stomach, he turned towards Addi with a questioning gaze before asking.

"Mind explaining?"

Letting a sigh, Addi replied.

"Let's first get somewhere more comfortable."

Hearing that Leyla jumped up and down enthusiastically before adding.

"Yay! Are we going to the city? Yes? Of course, we going to the city!" She asked and replied with a voice full of excitement as she kept dancing in the air above the cliff.

"City?" Asked Omis confused.

"Here in the underworld?"

Smiling, Ron tapped his shoulder before answering.

"Things have long since changed. The underworld is not as you may have remembered it to be."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Muttered Omis visibly confused even more.

"Let's go, you'll understand once you see it yourself," responded Addi as he took flight followed by Ley and Ron before Omis let out a sigh and finally joined them. The group soon made their way across the underworld's dark sky, four beams of light illuminating it.

As they flew across the sky, Omis's divine sense was unleashed as he swept the entire area surrounding them in curiosity. The underworld was indeed different then he remembered it to be, It was more barren than before...

The underworld from the game was an entire plane filled with all sorts of wonders, from spirit pounds and rivers to trees that were thousands of years old, it was certainly very diverse before.

Yet now, looking at the rocky plane below him, the random bursts of fire, and the extremely hot temperature, Omis found himself wondering, what exactly happened that caused such drastic change? Was it the death of the God Makesis or the disappearance of Krumona his sister, or was it both?

Is it because of their absence that the Underworld ended up looking like a real Hell? Or is there some other reason he didn't know?

Scratching his head, Omis let out a tired sigh. His questions seemed to be growing more and more yet the answers were yet to be found. He turned his head to look at Addi who flying next to him them Ron before his eyes fell on Ley who seemed to be the only one that was enjoying herself as she danced across the sky, gracefully spinning around them.

As Omis was deep in his thoughts, Leyla's voice soon brought him back to reality as she exclaimed excitedly.

"We are here! Look! Look! You can see it! The city!" She said as she moved closer to him before grabbing his hand and speeding forward even faster, causing Addi to just shake his head while Ron smiled lightly.

Omis on the other hand was dumbfounded as his jaw hung wide open. Right there in the distance, was the so-called city.

Pillars of rocks pierced through the sky almost reaching the ceiling of the underworld. They laid there almost resembling a real-world city? The pillars were made of black rocks found across the plane, some small others enormously tall.

There were four that stood a shoulder above the rest in the middle of the city, the materials they were made of were not that of black rock but of some sort of white shiny ones that seemed to glow a faint white light, gently illuminating the area.

As he extended his divine sense across the city, Omis was shocked to find the thousands of celestials all from different levels, the lowest seemed to have a cultivation base of Half-Immortal while the highest was that of Immortal Venerable yet he was not able to sense a lot of those.

Moving his divine sense towards the four towers, Omis was quickly faced with barriers that blocked him from prying any further, the level of the formations protecting the pillars was astonishingly that of a God realm expert!

"What the..." he muttered in surprise.

"Hehe! I knew you'd be surprised!" Grinned Leyla as she looked at Omis's bewildered face before she turned to look at Ron.

"Ron! Ron! Look, he's shocked! I told you he'd be shocked!"

"Yes, Ley you are once again correct." He replied with a gentle smile


As the group quickly approached their destination, they were soon welcomed by four individuals that stood in the air right outside the city.

All four of them were surprisingly God realm entities. From the left was a young man that looked to be in his twenties his face was average and could easily blend in with a crown he had short brown hair and honey-colored eyes.

Next to him was another jaw-dropping beauty with silver-colored hair tied in a ponytail, her eyes however seemed to be vacant similar to that of Addi, turning his attention to the person next to her an old lady with long grey hair tired eyes, and a hunched back.

Bringing his gaze towards the last person, Omis's eyes widened as a smile slowly made it's way to his face. The person was a middle-aged man with dark black eyes and long raven hair that flew freely behind his back, an easy-going smile was plastered on his face as he noticed Omis.

As the group came closer, the brown-haired young man moved to the front and intercepted Ley and Omis before asking in an extremely proud tone.

"Stop! Who are you and what's your purpose in coming to 'The Immortal'?"

Ignoring him, Omis turned his head to Ley before asking.

" 'The Immortal?' really?"

Hearing that, Leyla scratched her cheek as she let out an awkward laugh.

"Don't ask me I had no part in choosing that stupid name."

Seeing them completely ignore him, the brown-haired man's expression turned into an extremely dark one as his aura soared to the sky.

"You dare ignore me!" He growled.

Turning his gaze towards him, Omis raised his eyebrow at the hostility shown to him before he looked at the black-haired middle-aged man and pointed at the young man that seemed ready to rip him to shreds.

"One of yours?"

You! You dare address the Imperial master with such tone!" Hearing Omis talk so casually, the brown-haired man flipped as he summoned his flying sword.


The sound of the black-haired middle-aged man slapping the back of his head made everyone present turn their eyes in surprise, the old lady's tired gaze turned sharp as her back straightened.

"Stand down Li. This one over here is one of the Originals."

Hearing that Li's expression visibly paled as he looked at Omis before quickly putting his sword back to his spacial storage. The silver-haired beauty also seemed to be surprised as she glanced at Omis in curiosity while the old lady's face hardened.

"I-I apologize for my rudeness! I did not know your esteemed self was an original!" He said as he hurriedly bowed his head.

"Original?" muttered Omis before he turned to glance at Addi who had an enigmatic smile on his face.

"Well, well, nice of you to finally join us Omis." Grinned the black-haired man.

Letting out a smirk, Omis replied.

"Good to see you too Tizzy."

"Come, I'm sure you have a lot of questions." Said Tizzy with a smile as he flew towards one of the white towers in the middle of the city followed by Omis and the rest of the group. Flying above the ground, Omis was able to make out a number of below Ascension cultivators which only served to make him more curious. The weather here was extremely unsuitable for none-celestials yet here they were.

Looking at Tizzy's back then at Addi who was flying next to him, Omis once again found himself with even more questions and no answers.

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