
Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Flying towards the tower, the group soon reached the plateau shaped peak before descending. Tizzy casually stepped inside the only door there followed by Li, the silver-haired beauty, and the old lady.

"Wow! I can't believe we are actually in the Imperial master's tower!" Said, Leyla excitedly as she kept glancing around left and right. Ron was more composed on the other hand while Addi seemed to be strolling in his backyard.

Walking inside the door, Omis was greeted with a long corridor that held dozens of armed guards with medieval-style knight armors that seemed out of place for their current world, they were all situated on the left and right sides of the hallway as they stood unmoving.

As the group passed by them, Leyla was unable to contain her curiosity as she kept jumping around between them while observing them with interest.

"Wow~ so these are the famed 'Underworld Knights'!"

Turning his head to Addi, Omis asked with a deadpan expression.

"Really? Who's making up these names?"

Shrugging his shoulders Addi answered back.

"Don't look at me." He then pointed with his head towards Tizzy.

"Huh, figures." Nodded Omis in understanding.

The group continued along the long corridor before eventually reaching a large luxurious golden door with all sorts of carvings that decorated it, scenes of celestials locked in battle against what looked to Omis like the Hive's minions. The battle was extremely detailed and vivid as it gave off an intense aura preventing one from looking at it for too long yet for Omis that did not pose any problem as he observed it in curiosity.

Two guards stood at each side of the door, seeing Tizzy and the group arrive made them give a quick military salute before the large door opened with a creak.

As Tizzy proceeded inside, Leyla momentarily halted as she looked at the battle scene on the door, a complicated look on her face. Her usual cheerful disposition nowhere to be seen as a faint trace of extreme bloodlust escaped from her eyes.


Patting her head, Ron spoke with a sigh.

"Come on kiddo."

Giving the carvings one last glance Leyla harrumphed before she turned to follow after the group.

"Who are you calling kiddo?" She growled with a frosty gaze.

"Haha, sorry, sorry." Laughed Ron as he waved her off.

Seeing the entire scene play out made Omis even more interested in what exactly happened in the years before he had 'Awakened'.

Once inside the room, the group was greeted by a surprisingly small and cozy office room. A wooden desk was situated in the middle with two chairs in front of it, behind it was a huge window that took up the entire wall as it overlooked the city below.

To the left, a large bookcase was placed as a small table for two was arranged in front of it, while the right side held a lone couch, above it was a painting of a middle-aged man with a lady smiling by his side.

"Li, Eva, leave us." Said Tizzy as he walked towards the desk before sitting down with a thud.

Giving a deep bow Li and the silver-haired beauty Eva left the room leaving the old lady behind alongside Ron, Leyla, and Addi.

Omis looked at them leave as the door closed behind them before briefly casting a glance at the old lady.

"Ah, don't mind her, this is Muriel she is my assistant." Added Tizzy while pointing at the Old lady who gave a gracious bow.

"Hmm..." Nodded Omis.

"Please sit, you too gentleman, young lady." Continued Tizzy.

Grabbing both Ron and Leyla by the shoulders Addi replied.

"It's okay, I'll be back. Come you two, let's give them some privacy."

"Eh? But the Imperial Master invited us to stay!"

"Just shut up brat and move out," growled Addi as he dragged her outside followed by Ron who gave a quick bow before closing the door.

"Well then, now that we finally have some privacy." Grinned Tizzy.

"Been a while my friend." Smiled Omis.

"Indeed it has."

"I see you are doing quite well for yourself." Said Omis as he dramatically pointed at his surroundings.

Waving him off Tizzy replied.

"Nothing worth mentioning."

Turning his head to look at Tizzy straight in the eyes, Omis's gaze hardened as he asked.

"So are you planning to tell me what's going anytime soon?"

Letting out a sigh, Tizzy opened his desk drawer and brought out a bottle of wine and two glasses.


As he opened the bottle the room was quickly washed in a strong aroma of alcohol. He then poured one glass for him and one for Omis before speaking.

"Where should I start, I'm sure Addi told you about the basics?"

"Basics?" Asked Omis.

"You know, how we all transmigrated over here no memories whatsoever, the Hive attacking the Heavens, the general situation."

Nodding in confirmation Omis replied.

"Yes, that I know."

"Well you see my friend since you are a God realm as well it's only natural for you to know this. During the battle, me, your guild master, and the other three God realm cultivators had to hold down ten God realm opponents! Ten!"

"Hold up, now listen Tizzy, I'm not saying I don't believe you, I know you are strong I remember how your guild was closely tied in power to ours, and I more then anyone know how strong our boss was as well, but five of you again ten other God realms? No matter how I look at it it would have been a massacre."

Nodding in acknowledgment Tizzy answered back.

"Now, now just wait. You do have a point, but that's where It gets interesting, the Hive's minions all had lower prowess than us."

"Well there are differences even in each realm still shouldn't make a big change considering they had double your numbers."

"Oh but it does! Muriel, come here." called Tizzy to the old lady who came over next to him with a respectful expression on her face.

"Be a dear and unleash your cultivation base for Omis would you." He asked with a smile.

Nodding in response, Muriel closed her eyes as she pushed her Qi outside of her body unleashing her cultivation base her control over her powers was extremely great that she was able to prevent her Qi from running rampant and destroying the room.

"Impressive." Praised Omis.

"Yes, Muriel over here is a third stage God cultivator."

"Third stage?"

"Indeed, I assume you had just broken through not long ago correct?"

Omis nodded in reply.

"You see, the God realm is a bit different. There are ten known stages in total yet no one seems to have reached that final realm. A third stage God like Muriel over here is already considered to be at the peak."

"So then that would mean I am a first stage, God?" Asked Omis confused.

"That would be correct but not entirely so."

"Explain." Bluntly responded Omis.

"You see 'we' and by that I mean us Transmigrators are regarded as the Originals. A first rank God Original has the power of a normal fourth rank!"


"To put it into simpler terms, a first rank original equals to a normal fourth rank, a second rank Original equals to a normal fifth rank, and so on."

"So what you are saying is us 'players' are inherently more powerful than the 'locals'?"


Clapping his hands with a wide smile Tizzy replied.


"This entire thing just got way more confusing." Muttered Omis as he rubbed the bridge of his nose with a sigh.

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