
Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Finishing the wine jar, Omis and Tizzy made their way back to Tizzy's tower on foot while enjoying the city sites, while it was not as pretty nor colorful the 'immortal' still had its charm.

As the duo reached the tower's giant door, two guards spotted them before they hurriedly gave a military salute to which Tizzy gave a slight nod.

"Now that I think about it we need to get you your own tower as well!" He said as he turned to look at Omis.

"Hmm? Do you mean one of these?" Replied Omis while pointing at the four white towers with his chin.

"Yes! As the fifth God realm cultivator and an 'Original' at that, you definitely need one!"

Looking at the area surrounding Tizzy's tower Omis was able to see that three of the four towers were placed surrounding Tizzy's as if they were protecting it.

"Where would I place it?" Asked Omis in curiosity, having a little place to call home sounded nice.

'Well, technically not so little.' Omis chuckled as he looked at the giant skyscraper in front of him.

"We can build it right next to mine!" Answered Tizzy with a voice full of enthusiasm.

"Wait where did you say Addi's dwelling was?" Asked Omis suddenly recalling his friend.

"Ah, Addi..."


A few hundred miles away from the 'immortal' city, was a huge mountain range that surrounded a vast lava lake, surprisingly all sorts of strange creatures could be seen swimming in the lake of fire.

At the foot of a certain mountain was a small cottage made of white shiny rocks that seemed to almost illuminate the area surrounding it.

A distance away from the shack was Addi who sat down cross-legged on a rock, a fishing rod in hand. Both of his eyes were closed as his body seemed to occasionally blur as if it did not exist on the same plane.


Suddenly a beam of golden light appeared in the sky making its way towards him before it landed in front of the little cottage.

"Oh, so this is where you stay." Said Omis as the golden light disappeared revealing his figure. He walked around the hut with interest as he observed it before occasionally tapping it with his finger before nodding and making his way down towards Addi who was sitting near the lava.

"Damn it Addi, it's boiling hot in here," Omis complained as he sat down next to Addi who still had his eyes closed unmoving.

"You little bastard, you know you could have just told me everything right?" Said Omis, his eyes staring at the lava lake in front, hearing that Addi's body suddenly trembled yet his eyes remained closed as he refrained from speaking.

Letting out a sigh, Omis raised his head towards the gloomy ceiling of the 'Underworld' before speaking.

"To be honest Addi, I don't know what to do. I don't know if I have the courage to do what the boss did and attempt to break through the next stage...or if I should just continue living as a first stage God..."

To that, Addi who had his eyes closed all along sudden open them, his white eyes seemed unfocused for a second as he spoke.

"It took me thousands of years to find that courage, I think meeting you was the final push that I needed."

Turning to look at his friend, Omis asked confused.

"Wait, Addi you mean?"

Nodding, Addi answered back. "I'm going to attempt breaking through the God realm."

Gulping down, Omis was momentarily unable to find anything to say.

Addi continued speaking as he stared at the distance with a complicated expression.

"Take your time my brother, there is no need to rush. Give it a few hundred years at least, if anything time Is one thing we have." He chuckled bitterly.

"If you say that, then why would you risk it? You are, no we are Immortals! Why would you seek death with your own hands? Isn't it better to continue living?" Asked Omis.

Letting out another bitter chuckle, Addi answered.

"Heh, continue living? What's the point of eternity if it's spent alone? What's the point of living if it's only to suffer?"

"You are not alone Addi, not anymore!" retorted Omis.

Smiling, Addi slapped Omis's shoulder before speaking.

"Getting all sentimental on me now eh?"

"Shut up."

Turning to look at the lava below, Addi continued.

"*sigh* Thank you brother, really. But I have already made up my mind, some people can ignore the unknown, they can continue living peacefully. I envy them really, as they say, ignorance is a bliss, but I...I don't have that luxury anymore, not after Lana...I need to know Omis, I need to know, I can't let it go, her face still haunts me after thousands of years! I can't forget her nor can I forget the name she muttered before she died, I have to know!" He said as a tinge of madness seemed to take over his eyes before he forcefully calmed himself down.

"Addi...I-I don't want you to do this..." Said Omis with a gloomy expression.

Smiling, Addi responded.

"I'm not going to kick the bucket just yet Omis, don't jinx it!" He grinned, yet Omis's expression remained grim.

Standing up, Addi wiped the dust off his robe before speaking.

"Bah! Enough about such depression subjects, why did you come here I thought I told Tizzy to let you know that'll be back to the city."

Following after him, Omis stood up as well before using his Qi to clean his his robes.

"I was just curious about your little abode." He said as he pointed at the little white house a distance away from them.

"Oh ya? It's nice, isn't it?" Asked Addi as he walked over to the little house with pride in his eyes.

"I made It myself, out of the finest 'Death rocks' in all of the 'Underworld'!"

"It's shit Addi..." Omis bluntly replied with a deadpan expression.

"Y-you bastard! What do you mean it's shit?! Do you have any idea how long it took me to find these things and then assemble them? This lovely baby over here can survive a rank three God realm attack!" he said as he patted the side of the wall with pride.

"Addi, it's literally uneven. And it's ugly...Did you see Tizzy's tower? Now that's an abode worthy of a God, but this?" Answered Omis as he pointed at the little house with disappointment.

"Bah! That flashy bastard and his tower, I prefer my peace and quiet, this right here is more than enough for me. Plus I'd love to see you try and make one, heh!" Said Addi with a smirk.

"Oh please how hard could it be. In fact, i'll build a giant tower right next to your little shack over here just to show you."

Grinning Addi replied, "Sure, I can't wait to see how that goes."

"Oh you'll see, but you need to show me where I can get these 'Death stones' from."

"I'll take you after the raids."

"The raids?"

"Yes, against the hive bastards. I didn't join the last raid, but now that you are here perhaps things will get more interesting this time!" Smiled Addi.

"When are we leaving? Because Tizzy said a few weeks but didn't specify when exactly." Asked Omis.

"Why are you so eager? You just arrived."

"Lu Lu..."

"What about her?"

"She's alive..."

"Well i'll be damned. Alright, let us go check with Tizzy to move the time of the raids forward." Said Addi, to which Omis nodded in reply before the duo turned into two beams of light that flew into the distance.

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