
Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Two flying golden beams of light streaked across the 'Underworld's' sky towards the 'Immortal' city.

"How many people usually join on these raids Addi?" Asked Omis as he sent a message to Addi using his divine sense.

"Hmm, usually two of the God realm cultivators go, while Tizzy the 'Original' stays to hold the fort, no one under the Golden Immortal realm is allowed to join."

"Is it mandatory to join or?" Asked Omis.

"No, it's not an obligation. If one does not wish to join they can simply stay behind." Answered back Addi.


"Just wait, Tizzy will explain all the boring details."


The duo continued their flight towards the city, before finally being able to see it in the distance, yet something was obviously wrong as Omis extended his divine sense to scan the surroundings, the mood seemed to be tense as various cultivators could be seen flying around all armed.

"What the?" Omis muttered Addi on the other hand had a solemn expression on his face as he frowned.

Landing in front of Tizzy's tower the duo found him barking orders to his army of knights that was stationed outside of the tower, a murderous aura floating in the air.

"Attack squad!"

"Ready, sir!"

"Range squad!"

"Ready, sir!"


"Ready, sir!"

"To your positions!" Shouted Tizzy, failing to notice Omis and Addi that just arrived.

"For the Immortal! And the Imperial Master!" Shouted the troops with thundering voices as their auras pierced towards the sky, they then all simultaneously hit their fists to the left side of their chest in a military salute before moving out in an orderly manner.

As the troops made their way to their positions, Tizzy nodded in approval as he turned around finally catching sight of both Omis and Addi.

"Ah, just the people I was looking for! Come quickly!" He said not allowing to argue before he walked inside his tower, Omis and Addi following suit after him.

Once inside, Omis discovered that the tower was now empty from any guards as it seemed that Tizzy had mobilized all of his prized knights.

He then quickly led them to a different room this time, a large one with a long table in the middle, a luxurious chandelier hung low above it to both sides the walls were switched with massive windows that allowed one to see the view of the busy city below.

A row of maids stood waiting by the side of the table, as Tizzy made his way to the head position one of the maids swiftly moved and pulled his chair allowing him to sit down.

"Please sit." He said as he pointed at the chairs to his left and right. Omis and Addi simply nodded and made their way over as two maids quickly followed after them and pulled their chairs gracefully before retreating next to the walls.

"What's going on? I barely left not long ago." Asked Omis confused.

"Is it them?" Asked Addi with a frown to which Tizzy simply answered with a solemn nod.

"Them? The Hive?" Inquired Omis even more perplexed than before.

"No, the Hive and their minions can't set foot in the 'Underworld' for some reason. This is something worse." Said Tizzy in a very serious tone.

"What the hell could be worse than the Hive?!"

"The Hunters." Replied Addi.

Staring at him blankly, Omis unconsciously asked again.

"The what now?"

"The Hunters, they are a bunch of cultivators gone rogue that occasionally launch their attacks against the city." Explained Tizzy.

"That doesn't really sound as bad as you make it seem though?" Asked Omis.

"They are all 'Originals' that lost their fucking minds!" Spat Addi in disgust.

"Lost their minds trying to break through the realms?"

"En, now they preach about how everyone is blind and that they will help us open our eyes to the truth of our existence." Said Tizzy.

"A bunch of damn lunatics is what they are." Added Addi in contempt.

"I still don't understand what's the problem, we have the advantage of numbers right?" Asked Omis.

Shaking his head, Tizzy spoke.

"We may have the numbers, but they are way more experienced than us, while we do occasionally go on raids, these bastards are always attacking the Heavens non-stop!"

"Doesn't that mean we have the same goal and a common enemy?"

Interrupting, Addi spoke.

"No, they despise us. They think that one should never stop his cultivation and must follow the 'plan' or whatever the fuck they call it to unlock all of our memories, anyone that refuses is deemed a failure to the 'plan' and is killed."

"What the hell guys! Don't you think that this is the type of information I should know about without me needing to ask?!" Shouted Omis.

Letting out a sigh, Tizzy replied.

"It's been at least a few thousand years since they last attacked. We dealt a heavy blow to them at the time and they went into hiding, over the years we would occasionally come across a few of their numbers fighting the Hive minions in Heavens but they would always retreat after seeing us. I didn't think they'd be so brave to come knocking at our doors once more, they must be very confident to finally come our of their hiding."

"Tch, I hoped they would have just died in their shit holes and spared us the trouble." grunted Addi.

"Good thing you guys came back at a perfect time!" Smiled Tizzy, it was then that suddenly a loud booming voice was heard all across the city.

"WE HAVE COME TO ENLIGHTEN YOU! OPEN YOUR DOORS AND ACCEPT THE MASTERS!" Yelled an extremely old man from the air above the city, his body that seemed to be on the verge of falling as his skin was almost all mummified donned a purple Daoist robe, a bizarre star-shaped symbol shone brightly in the middle of his forehead as he flailed both of his hands frantically. Shockingly his cultivation seemed to be that of a God realm cultivator!

Suddenly behind him a large portal seemed to tear the void open as it emerged causing cracks in the air to appear. Countless cultivators abruptly appeared from the said portal, all carrying the same star-shaped symbol on their foreheads.


Three small tears quickly appeared facing the old man in the distance as Omis, Addi, and Tizzy appeared followed by more cracks in the air as Muriel, Li, and Eva also emerged after which Ron and Leyla were the last arrivals.

Bold of you to come seeking your own death Purple Ghost. Harrumphed Tizzy.

Why bother talking to the damn bastard? He just broke through the God realm and is feeling lucky, It so happens that Its also been a while since I last slew a God! Said Addi as he gave a toothy grin full of blood lust, his trusty spear suddenly appearing in his left hand as it seemed to almost merge with the space surrounding it.

Hmph! Ignorant heretics, the masters shall forgive you if you only follow the plan be grateful I came to help guide you!

Can I skin them? Please, Ron! Please! Look at how many there are! I can at least keep a few yes? Asked Leyla as she licked her lips seductively yet when Omis saw her face a shiver ran down his spine.

Enough talk, raise the barriers! Shouted Tizzy as a jet black knight armor suddenly appeared over his cultivator's robes. Hearing his orders a giant dome-shaped blue shield materialized above the city in preparation against the upcoming battle.

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