
Chapter 95

Chapter 95

"No, no, no! How many times do I have to tell you, you don't swing your arms like that!"

Leyla's frustrated voice could be heard from outside of the small shack. Col who held his axe in hand was sweating bullets as he turned to glance at the small fair lady standing next to the door.

At the moment, she appeared to be the furthest thing away from a fairy, a whip had even materialized in her hand as she watched him making him gulp loudly.

'How did this happen?' He asked himself.

After her injuries flared up again, Leyla had finally agreed to his proposal to stay in his small cottage while she recovers. Col was ecstatic to hear that she was staying, his mind kept thinking about the numerous ways he could use to get closer to her.

Perhaps cook for her? No, he had no trust in his culinary arts, plus did immortal fairies even have any need for food? Then what did that leave him with?

As Col was contemplating over such things, Leyla had approached him under the pretext that she was bored. At first, he was beyond himself with joy. He didn't even need to ask she came first!

Soon after, he came to an understanding that she was indeed just bored. She started speaking about how shameful it is that he is a man and doesn't even know any martial arts and whatnot.

One thing led to another, and before he knew it, Col found himself swinging his axe in the air following a set of movements Leyla instructed him to follow.

"Umm, how long do I have to continue with doing L-Leyla?" He stuttered when he reached her name, Col had tried to call her 'miss' but a sharp glare was from her was enough for him to throw that notion out of the window. She especially insisted on just being called Leyla with no honorifics.

"Ugh, are all mortals this slow?" She mumbled under her breath, her hand rested on her forehead as a sigh escaped her lips.

"What was that?" Asked Col.


The sound of her whip leaving a small hole in the ground beside him made him yelp, as she spoke.

"Stop complaining! And you call yourself a man? Can't even swing an axe for a few hours, are you sure you are a woodcutter?" She asked in disdain.

Col's face had a bitter smile when he heard what she said. Usually, just swing his axe was something he had no problem doing for hours. He was used to it. The problem was in the movements!

All of the muscles in his body felt sore after following through with Leyla's instructions, the hardest part was keeping up with the breathing techniques.

For some reason, every time he messed up his breathing, Leyla's whip would come crashing down on the ground causing him to jump in fright, she would then point out at what he did wrong before asking him to redo everything all over again.

'Heavens above why is this so hard!' Mentally complained Col as he tried to follow with the set of movements, his mind still confused as to how things came to this.


Back in the heavenly plane, deep inside a lone unremarkable mountain was a man-made cave where Silas and Lu Lu were situated.

After getting separated from the others Silas decided to hide in here in wait for Omis, Lu Lu his disciple was with him so he would definitely be able to find them.

The real question was when? Shaking his head, Silas took a deep breath to calm his nerves down, if there was anything he as an Immortal had that would be time, so he shall wait.

Turning to peek at the young girl seated on the other side of the room caused a sigh to escape his lips. Luckily he did not sustain any serious injuries after that attack and managed to walk away largely unharmed.

Lu Lu, on the other hand, was in worse shape than him. She already had her internal injuries to worry about and as of now was still unable to open her eyes.

"Master..." She mumbled under her breath, hearing that caused another sigh from Silas, this was not the first time she called out for Omis.

He had tried to help her stabilize her injuries, a circle of complicated ruins was carved on the ground surrounding her.

The circle was constantly radiating a dull glowing light as the faint trace of Qi was vaguely visible gathered from the surroundings and passed by the circle where it seemed to grow brighter before flowing into Lu Lu's body.

"I'm sorry, but this the best I can do with what I currently have. The alchemist will definitely be able to help you." He muttered to himself before closing his eyes and starting his own meditation.


Back in the heavenly capital, Omis's figure could be seen standing in the air above the palace, his eyes watching the city below with interest.

He cast the palace one final look before bringing out his small black and white pendant, the thin thread pointed north.

"It looks likes Lu Lu is still in this realm. That's good." Saying that his body instantly turned into a beam of light that flew following the small thread leaving behind sonic booms.

Just as Omis's figure flew away from the capital, a small tear in space opened In the air where he was standing earlier from which a butler came out. It was Rolus.

He stared at the direction where Omis had disappeared off to with a complicated look, his eyes constantly shifted from there to the palace below before he ultimately shook his head and walked back inside the tear.

"I hope you made the right decision my lord. Not everyone is going to be happy about this. I shall follow your command, but I'm not sure the rest will." He mumbled before the tear closed.

Right after that, four different colored beams of light shot from different parts of the city and into the direction where Omis had flown to.

Back inside the office room, Krano tore his eyes away from the papers on his desk as Rolus suddenly appeared inside the room with a bow.

"They made their move, didn't they?" He asked with a smile.

Rolus bowed even deeper before solemnly answering.

"Yes my lord, they have just left the city."

Nodding, Krano turned his attention to the papers in front of him before speaking.

"He should be fine, I did warn him beforehand."

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