
Chapter 96

Chapter 96

Omis was currently heading east, he had changed his way when he sensed his pursuers coming after him. His face was calm and almost seemed devoid of emotion.

His mind however was in turmoil. While Krano was a cunning man, Omis was by no means a stupid one. He may have warned him before leaving that there will be people coming after his head but things were not so simple.

If Krano had wished for it, he could simply take care of the attackers himself, but he did no such thing. Quite the opposite, he had pushed everything unto Omis.

The reason was simple, he was using him to get rid of potential threats and unloyal followers. Krano was purging the 'Hive' and Omis was his tool.

'The cunning bastard.' Omis clicked his tongue in annoyance, even if he knew about Krano's plan that didn't help nor change anything.

"In the end, the blame lies in my hands. I'm not strong enough." Gritting his teeth, Omis's left eye burned bright red.

Normally, he was not a person that paid any importance to useless matters such as pride. The one thing that mattered the most to him was his own life. If it was for the sake of surviving, Omis had no problem whatsoever in casting his pride away.

What use is there for pride to a dead man? That's what he thought, that's what he always thought. So why? Why was he so angry? Why did his chest feel heavy at the thought of being used by someone else?

The more he thought about it the more his rage grew, and the brighter his left eye shone. He had decided to take a little detour to take care of those following him, there was no point in endangering Lu Lu when she was already injured. And he was feeling quite mad, so he needed somewhere to release this anger before it threatened to consume him.

Thinking about that, Omis came to an abrupt stop and glance back. He could sense his pursuers coming, it would not take them long. Unable to control it, a savage grin slowly made its way unto his face as Omis found himself growing excited by the second.

Tapping into his dimensional storage, the sound of an invisible blade cutting through the air emerged. This was the result of his Immortal killing swords merging together, an extremely sharp invisible blade that could travel through the void and cut his enemies down.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Omis stood there waiting. His shining white hair fluttered with the wind. A solemn air surrounded him. His entire aura seemed to change as he watched the four beams of light stop a distance away from him.

His attackers were three men and one woman, or so he thought. The woman was the only one that seemed almost human if not for her striking red hair and large two horns that sprouted from her forehead. The three males on the other hand were monsters.

One had the head of a black crow combined with a muscular humanoid body, another had one of those hideous triangular heads with no distinct features on his face, no eyes, no ears, no mouth, nothing. He looked like a blank sheet. Beside his repulsive face, his body appeared rather human as well if not for the ashen skin.

The last member was the complete monsters. He had the appearance of a large red wolf with six paws and a giant pair of black wings. As his eyes locked with Omis, a deep bestial growl escaped his mouth.

The group eyed Omis with undisguised hostility, yet they did not dare make any rash movements. As Omis scanned his opponents, the grin that was plastered on his face grew even wider, causing the women's face that was standing behind to change into an uneasy one.

The wolf was the strongest one with a cultivation base akin to that of a fourth rank God realm, the other two were both in the second rank while the lady was in the third.

If it was before, it would have certainly been a fight Omis would rather avoid at any cost. He himself could only count as a fourth rank God, yet now things were different. Now he had two bodies, both of which could be considered at the fourth rank.

As the two sides carefully observed one another, it was surprisingly Omis that broke the stalemate and made the first move. His body blurred as he disappeared before reappearing in front of the crow.

Not wasting any time, Omis threw a lighting fast palm strike that was strengthened by his Qi towards the crow's head. His movement was too fast for his opponent to react as he barely managed to bring out a saber which he used to deflect Omis's attack with difficulty.

Right as Omis was about to follow up with another attack a red shield suddenly appeared around the crow protecting him. A quick glance to the back showed him that it was the lady's doing. The triangle head monster and the wold did not sit, while they were taken aback at first by Omis's initiative they quickly regained their bearings and retaliated.

Two more shields appeared around them as they moved to attack Omis, it looked like its job was to prevent his attack while allowing theirs to reach him without any interference.

'These shields are annoying.' Thinking about that, Omis's gaze glanced at the lady in the back. It appeared that her job was that of a supporter to her teammates.

As expected with the three of them attacking him, Omis was slowly being pushed back, yet all this time his eyes remained as calm as a lake. He only focused on defending himself as he carefully studied his opponents.

The main pain was the wolf, the other two were mere nuisance yet even so he could not afford to be careless. His eyes that were calm a moment ago suddenly shone with a brilliant golden light, the red in his left one was pushed back as the immediate area in his surroundings was suddenly bathed in a holy light momentarily stunning his attackers.

Using that to his advantage Omis suddenly summoned his second body who instantly lept towards the crow and threw a punch that seemed to cause space itself to collapse.

Seeing the new body appear caused his eyes to widen as he tried to move back, yet the primordial energy inside his body seemed to retaliate against him!

The crow could feel it, the primordial energy was afraid!

"I-Impossible." That was the last word he was able to mutter before Omis's punch broke the shield and collided with his chest instantly causing him to explode in a puff of red effectively killing him both in body and soul.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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