Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 176: The First Annual Xingcai Tournament

Chapter 176: The First Annual Xingcai Tournament

The winds were eerily quiet, the clouds were still, and the sunlight that seeped through from the skies was unfaltering, all signaling one thing-- the fated match between the glorious Xingcai city and the White Bamboo sect has arrived!

Hundreds of people were currently gathered in a huge arena, which most probably was a part of the training grounds of the departed Heaven Bamboo sect.

On one side of the arena were the disciples and members of the White Bamboo sect. Some were handing out food and waiting for the matches to start.

On the other side were the drifter children, along with a group of people that Viel now calls his High Council. Made with Sofia, Xing Cai, and Princess Cha Jin-ri. And of course, there's also Jiff on their side.

Sect master Ma Ling was currently on the side of the stage, his expression, full of weight and pride. Behind him were 3 members of the White Bamboo sect, all of different ages.

"Sect master, do we really need to do this?", the outer core disciple asked, "I was relaxing on the tavern just earlier and--"


Before he could speak any further, an elder reprimanded him. Sect master Ma Ling nodded in agreement as he heard his Elder speaking up for him.

"You think I want to be here?", the Elder, however, continued with his words, "I was part of the group that was planning the city. This is a waste of time, and yet I am here because the sect master orders so. So do not dare complain!", he harrumphed.

"...", sect master Ma Ling could not help but twitch his eyes as he heard the Elder's words. But before he could say anything in rebuke, a voice covered the whole arena.

"Settle down!"

And accompanied by the voice, was a boy that landed right in the middle of the arena, his cape flapped in the air as he slowly stood up from his kneeling position. Of course, it was no other than the Lord of the city, Viell.

The crowd was instantly silenced as they waited for the city lord's words.

"Proud and beautiful citizens of the new and ancient Xingcai city", Viel said as he pointed towards the side of the drifters, "and our visitors who have now become a part of our city", he then pointed towards the side of the White Bamboo sect.

"We are gathered here today for a very special occasion. And we will call it...", Viel spread his arms wide as he looked up to the skies, the sun reflecting on his face,

"The very first annual Xingcai Tournament!"


The crowds started cheering as soon as Viel announced the name of the event.

"Those who win", Viel continued, "Will gather the prestige of the world!", he then clapped his hands, "And those who lose will cry!"

"But know this, we are all citizens of Xingcai city! So if you must cry, then cry for the city!", Viel waved his hands in the air dramatically, "Because you no longer fight for yourself, but for the city!"

Once again, thunderous cheering filled the arena. Even those who were seated in the White Bamboo sect's side could not help but cheer as they watched and listened to Viel's words.

Jin-ri, whose jaw was slightly opened, could not believe what she was hearing, "Did you teach him to say that?", Jin-ri asked Xing Cai.

"Of course not", Xing Cai quickly shook her head. She then looked at Sofia, who just shrugged her shoulders in response.

Viel's wonderful speech continued on for a few more seconds.

"If you want food, we have set up a stall for you to fill your bellies while watching the exciting matches!", he pointed outside of the arena, "If you want to earn money, then we have also set up a stall for you to bet on the combatants!"

"And now", Viel then jumped off the stage, "For our first match Please, introduce your combatant!", he then pointed at the White Bamboo sect's side.

" that me!?", the outer core disciple panicked as Viel pointed at him.

"Just go!", sect master Ma Ling pushed him to the stage.

The outer core disciple then awkwardly jumped to the stage as he introduced himself

"Ma Dun, Outer core disciple of the White Bamboo sect!", Ma Dun saluted, "I am of the Earthen core realm of the Pinnacle stage!"

The audience clapped, with even the drifter children moving their hands.

"And now", Viel's voice once again resounded in the arena. A thunderous beating of drums also echoed throughout the arena as he spoke.

"From our side-- A knight from another world. Sworn to protect his master at all costs", Viel's tone became solemn, "...Even if the whole world is against her, she would shine in order to protect her master

... Tilly, the Lord's Vanguard!"

The roars of the audience became deafening as Tilly climbed up on stage. They stomped their feet, almost to the point that the whole arena shook as they chanted Tilly's name.


The outer core disciple from the White Bamboo sect, Ma Dun, could not help but blink his eyes a couple of times. Why does it feel like he was just an extra in this match?

"Combatants, are you ready!?"

As soon as Viel said this, the two put up their stance. With Tilly placing her longsword slightly above her shoulders, pointing towards Ma Dun.

"Then, it is time to clash


The fight, however, did not last long. Tilly lost within the first minute.

Tilly was only at the initial stage of the Earthen core realm. There was also a big disparity in combat experience. As soon as Tilly was caught in the rhythm of her opponent, it was over.

"You may have lost now, but the spirit you have shown in battle is worthy of Xingcai city's first vanguard!", Viel waved his hand as he looked at Tilly, who was currently kneeling on the ground.

"May you continue to get stronger from now on so you may protect Xingcai city from those who wish to ruin it!"

Hearing Viel's inspiring words, Tilly could not help but bow her head as she kneeled, her tears falling onto the cold, hard stage. And although her body was filled with wounds and bruises, her expression was filled with nothing but resolution.

The outer core disciple, Ma Dun, dejectedly walked out off the stage. Why does he feel so bad even though he won fairly, he thought. Maybe he should have just lost if he knew it was going to be like this.

The happiness on sect master Ma Ling's face, however, could not be hidden. They have won their first match with ease. If it was going to continue like this, then that would mean that the city is as good as theirs!

"White Bamboo sect, introduce your next combatant!"

As soon as Viel said that, the inner core disciple from the White Bamboo sect somersaulted onto the stage, landing gracefully as he flicked his robes.

The audience instantly clapped as they were impressed by the man's entrance.

"My name is Ma Cao! The pride of the Inner Core disciples!", he stood up dramatically as he introduced himself, "Tempered stage of the Soul realm and also the most handsome disciple of the White Bamboo sect!"

He then put up his stance, his robes snapping in the air as he did so.

"Good, good", Viel could not help but nod as he saw Ma Cao's dramatic entrance.

"And now from our side!", he then shouted. The whole arena then instantly darkened as the skies were completely blocked by the clouds, "The slayer of giants!", Viel said as he pointed at Jiff.

"Abandoned his home to rescue his sister from the clasps of evil men The tall, dark, and looks like a woman but is definitely a man

...Jiff, the babysitter!"

Jiff's eyes could not help but twitch as he heard Viel's introduction. It was going so well in the start, but his final words just hit differently and hit Jiff straight in the heart like an arrow.

The drifter children stomped their feet as they cheered for Jiff's name. Babysitter, Jiff might think that it was a ridiculous title, but in truth, one could really consider him as such. As for the past two weeks, Jiff has been the one to teach and coordinate the children on how to live alone from now on. Teaching them how to cook, how to do the laundry and anything in general that they needed to be able to take care of themselves.

And so, with a sigh, Jiff jumped on stage, holding his ring weapon, chakram, tightly.

"I it's you!"

But as soon as he got on to the stage, the inner core disciple, Ma Cao, pointed at him with his hand trembling. Ma Cao's eyes were moist, and a tear almost threatened to fall from his eye, "You broke my heart!", he said.

"W...what?", Jiff could not help but narrow his eyebrows.

"I thought you were a woman", Ma Cao continued his pleas, "I even sent flowers to your house every day!"

Hearing this, Jiff could not help but furrow his eyebrows.

"So that's why there were a bunch of flowers in front of my house!", Jiff scowled.

"But I found out that you lied to me!", Ma Cao waved his hands as he continued to raise his voice, "I almost gave you everything, but you broke my heart you lied to me!"

"W...what?", Jiff's eyebrows furrowed even further, confusion growing deep into his mind.

"I sent letters to my parents that I found the woman that I was willing to spend the rest of my life with", Ma Cao's tears started to trail down on his face, "But it turns out

...that you were a man!"

Loud gasps could be heard coming from all sides of the arena as the audience covered their mouths with their hands. Completely disappointed with what they just heard.

"You liar!"

"How dare you break a man's heart!?"

"Why couldn't you accept him, teacher Jiff!?"

"And here I was cheering for you!"


Jiff's eyebrows started to shake uncontrollably as he stared at the man in front of him.


...I will destroy you!"

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