Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 177: Wrong Decision

Chapter 177: Wrong Decision


...I will destroy you!"

"What is this, folks!?", Viel's voice once again echoed throughout the whole arena, there was a visible excitement in his tone, "It would seem that we have a lover's quarrel!"

Numerous opinions and whispers surrounded the arena, even the children were whispering at each other, looking at Jiff as if they were disappointed at him.

Of course, all of their whispers pierced Jiff's ears. What did he even do to deserve this kind of treatment and gossip around him? And it would seem that even his sister was disappointed at him, as he could also hear her voice in the ocean of gossip.

"Without delaying it any further"

Jiff's thoughts were disrupted by Viel's voice.

"Let the battle of the hearts begin!", Viel raised his voice as he opened his arms and pointed to the two combatants, "On one side, a man with a broken heart", he said as he pointed at Ma Cao.

"On the other, a cold-hearted male seductress, luring men who don't know better using his looks!"


"When did I even do that, Lord Viel!?", Jiff could not help but complain. The opinion of the crowd was slowly getting lower and lower. And with Viel seemingly hammering down the nail even deeper into the coffin, Jiff could not help but look at his opponent with his eyes full of rage.

This is all this man's fault, he thought as he stared at Ma Cao. Ma Cao, however, only shyly looked away in response.

'W...what the!?', Jiff could not help but want to tear out Ma Cao's slightly blushing face.

"And so, it is time to clash, fight!"

As soon as Viel signaled the start of the fight, Ma Cao quickly disappeared from his spot as he rushed towards Jiff, "Let this be our goodbye!", he shouted as the staff he gripped ever so tightly cried from what it was about to do.

Jiff, however, swiftly leaned to the right to avoid the tip of the blunt tip of the staff, he then quickly grabbed Ma Cao at the back of the head and slammed him to the stage.

Jiff may be no match to the inner core disciples and elders of the Heaven Bamboo sect, but for the disciples of the White Bamboo sect, he had enough strength to be on par with them. The sect master of the White Bamboo sect might not like it if he knew this fact, but this only proved that overall, the Heaven Bamboo sect was still stronger than them. 

But alas, no matter how strong they were, they could not survive the force called Viel.

Jiff was going to finish it by stomping on Ma Cao's head, however, Ma Cao recovered before he could do so.

Ma Cao rotated his body, kicking Jiff away in the process and throwing him off a few meters.

Jiff counterattacked by throwing his chakram towards Ma Cao. But Ma Cao quickly ducked down, completely avoiding the bladed ring.

Ma Cao was about to rush the defenseless Jiff, however, the chakram that he just dodged suddenly grew in size, catching him off guard. His reflexes were still fast enough for him to block the growing chakram with his staff. Sadly, Jiff took this chance to kick his ankles.

With Ma Cao's balance completely disrupted, the ever-growing ring quickly pushed him off the stage.

"Winner, Jiff the Heartslayer!"

Hearing his name being declared as the winner, Jiff could not help but let out a deep breath. He wanted to finish the fight as soon as possible. He was more used to fighting the giants of their world than men. He reckoned that if the fight were to last any longer, then he would lose.

"Tsk tsk tsk", Viel clicked his tongue numerous times, "Once again, Jiff has pushed away those who love him!"

"...", Jiff's eyes were already blank. When will this stop, he thought.


Before Jiff could jump off the arena, a shout called for him from behind-- Ma Cao.

"Someday, maybe someday maybe in the next life", Ma Cao said, his voice stuttering as he tried to stop the tears that were wanting to gush out from his eyes, "Maybe in the next life, we will be in love with each other!", Ma Cao howled as he ran away from the arena, his tears once again being left in the air.

"...", Jiff could not help but blink a couple of times as he watched Ma Cao's retreating back.


Xing Cai, who has been quietly watching from the side, let out a deep breath. "...What kind of tournament is this?", she muttered.

"It's quite fun to watch if you ask me", Jin-ri commented as she slightly chuckled, "Maybe I should invite Viel to host the events in the Capital in the future"

"Quite a sad outcome, folks!", Viel's loud voice once again echoed through the arena, "A heartbreaking outcome. Let's all give our claps of applause for our brother whose heart will no longer be the same!"

The audience clapped as they cheered for Ma Cao's name. Jiff, on the other hand, could only jump off the stage completely dejected. He really did not know how everything came to this.

He returned to his seat, only to find his sister, Amira, quickly sliding away. Trying to avoid Jiff's gaze as much as possible as she released tiny breaths, clearly showing her disappointment.

"This", Jiff once again twitched his eyebrows. He swears, if he does not find Ma Cao and tear him into a million pieces, he would not be satisfied until the day he dies.

"And now, after that dramatic lover's quarrel, it is time for our 3rd match!"

Everyone quieted down as soon as they heard Viel's voice. "White Bamboo sect, introduce your 3rd combatant!"

With Viel's words, an Elder from the White Bamboo sect quickly jumped on stage.

"Ma Bei, Soul Realm Pinnacle", he said, his words obviously hurried, "I am part of building some of the infrastructures in the city"

Hearing Ma Bei's words, sect master Ma Ling could not help but twitch his eyes. Why didn't he introduce himself as an Elder of the White Bamboo sect? What's with him being a part of the city!?

More and more, sect master Ma Ling was thinking that it might have been the wrong decision to come here. 

They were here to challenge the Heaven Bamboo sect, but now, most of the members of his sect wanted to live here. Honestly, if he was being true to himself, then he too, wanted to live here.

"!!!", sect master Ma Ling quickly shook his head off the dangerous thoughts he was thinking. 'Focus!', he hollered in his mind.

"We thank you for your service to the city, Ma Bei", Viel nodded in agreement, "And now, for our side a woman that needs no introduction!", Viel then clapped his hands.

"The mother of all of Xingcai City, sister Xing Cai!"

As soon as Xing Cai was introduced, all of the children howled like monkeys, their cheers even stronger than how it was from the earlier matches.

Xing Cai could only roll her eyes as she jumped on the stage. She hasn't even met any of these kids personally, and yet they seem to admire her for some reason. Just what kind of lies is Viel feeding these kids about her, Xing Cai wondered.

"Elder vs Elder. Who would win!?", Viel stretched his arms wide, "It is time for the match, fight--"

Before Viel could even clap his hands, a loud explosion echoed throughout the arena as Ma Bei flew off from the stage, only stopping when his back embedded itself into the arena's walls, just below the seats where the White Bamboo sect members were watching.


"And that's it, folks! Over in an instant!", Viel hummed, "As expected, sister Xing Cai is the best!"

The drifter children once again howled, stomping their feet endlessly as they chanted Xing Cai's name.

"Now, all of you have witnessed sister Xing Cai's magnificence and beauty!", Viel also clapped his hands, "But wait until you learn how much money she has!"


"Sister Xing Cai is the best!"

Xing Cai could not help but take a deep breath as she jumped off the stage. She already knew something ridiculous was going to happen, so she was not really affected that much anymore.

"What just happened?", sect master Ma Ling, however, was not hearing anything anymore. He was currently staring at Ma Bei, who was foaming from his mouth and completely unconscious.

The woman called Xing Cai was too fast. He tried to rack his brain, but no matter how many times he repeated what happened, he still couldn't see Xing Cai moving from her spot.

He also couldn't detect Xing Cai's cultivation level. That could only mean one thing Xing Cai was far stronger than him.

There were monsters like that in this city? Sect master Ma Ling could not help but gulp. He was the next one that was fighting. If Xing Cai was already that strong

'Then who in my ancestor's titties would I be fighting!?'

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