Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 688 688 Confused

Chapter 688 Chapter 688 Confused

Aldred was on the ground, trying to process what had happened. He looked in front of him, it was the same blank white canvas.

However, he stood up, and slowly approached, reaching out with his hands to probe.

Sure enough, his fingers touched something. It was like touching a wall, however, his finger did not feel any texture or temperature at all.

"Is anyone there?"

He was certain that he heard a voice earlier.

He tried to activate his godly eyes, but it did not work.

He put him palm on the invisible wall.

"Is someone there?" He asked again.

There was no reply. He then tried to knock on the wall.

It didn't create any sound, however, Aldred felt his knuckles hitting on something.

Still, nobody responded.

Aldred clicked his tongue and slammed his fist to the invisible wall a couple of times.

And then, the wall suddenly pushed his hand, making him fall to the floor.

Coming out of the invisible wall was a woman.

The woman emerged gracefully from the invisible wall, as if passing through a veil between worlds. She had an ethereal presence, her features adorned with an otherworldly beauty that transcended mortal aesthetics.

Her long, flowing hair shimmered with iridescent hues.

Eyes of celestial blue held a depth that seemed to reflect the vastness of the cosmos.

Draped in a robe that seemed to shift between shades of nebulae, she moved with a fluid grace, each step resonating with the harmony of the cosmos.

However, despite all the grandeur words Aldred had to describe her. Overall, she still looked homely as if she was a perfect candidate for a housewife.

"Who are you?" Aldred asked, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and awe.

"It's me who should ask you that question. How did you arrive here?"

"Eh?" Aldred was confused.

The woman looked at him and sighed. "For now, why don't you come inside."

Aldred hesitated for a moment, his gaze lingering on the cosmic expanse behind the mysterious woman. Yet, curiosity and a sense of trust drew him to his feet, and he decided to follow her into the unknown.

As he stepped through the invisible threshold, the cosmic backdrop faded away, replaced by a serene and rustic scene. Before him stood a simple medieval house made of wood, blending seamlessly with its surroundings. It was as if the cosmic realm and the humble abode were different facets of the same reality.

The wood in the fireplace crackled, giving him a sense of warmth.

The woman led Aldred into what appeared to be a kitchen, complete with a simple dining table set for four. The warm glow of the hearth cast a cozy ambiance, contrasting with the cosmic vastness he had just experienced.

"You can sit down if you want to," the woman said.

"Y—yes." Aldred took a seat, his eyes still reflecting the remnants of cosmic wonder.

The woman took a kettle and carefully poured a warmth tea on a cup before pushing it towards Aldred.

"Thank you."

The woman smiled before she busied herself.

Aldred was confused and his mind demanded for answers. "Can you tell me where this is?"

"This is my home," she replied.

"Right… but how did I get here? How did you bring me from 'that' place?"

The woman was silent as she turned around and served him with a plate of apple pie.

She then sat down and lazily put her cheek on her fist. "Slow down. Why don't you drink that tea first and eat some pie."

"I cannot stay here for long. I have to ret—"

"I said relax. Time works differently here compared to your universe. Take it easy. You got all the time in the world."

Aldred was about to say something but he decided to stay silent and took a sip of the tea. The taste was… surprisingly, salty.

"You didn't seem to like it." The woman smiled. "It's been a while since someone come to Ascendria."

"Is this place Ascendria? A place where all knowledge are?"

"Well, not exactly. Didn't people tell that Ascendria isn't exactly a place."

"I heard that all the time."

"Good. So, I don't have to explain to you."

"I am looking for Ascendria. Are you the guardian? Can you lead me to it?"

"Why don't you eat that pie first before it gets cold."

Aldred sighed and grabbed the wooden spoon and dug into the pie. After he put a spoon of pie in his mouth, the woman spoke.

"Why do you come here?"

"I want to find a way to return to my family."

"It's not to defeat Lord Malgorth or to unite the galaxy?"

Aldred's eyes widened a bit. "Those are not my priorities."

'How did she know? Can she read mind?'

The woman snorted with a smile. "You do all of that to simply return to your family. That doesn't sounds so ambitious does it?"

"I believe family is the most ambitious thing I can do. After all, every power in the world won't matter if you're lonely."

"I am not asking for your opinion, boy." The woman smiled.

Suddenly, there were footsteps from outside.

"Seems like my children are coming home."


The wooden door opened, revealing two children, a girl, and a boy, around the age of 10 both excitedly came to their mother and hugged her.

They soon noticed the strange man sitting on the chair.

"Mom, who is that?"

"He's an old friend of mine. Why don't you two go to the bathroom. You both stinks." She jokingly swiped?the air as if trying to get rid of the smell.

"After that, I will bake an apple pie for you two."

"Yayy! Apple pie!" The two ran to the bathroom immediately.

The woman turned around and looked at Aldred's confused expression.

"You must be wondering who I am. Let me tell you," the woman said.

Her homely expression turned serious as she looked at Aldred right in the eye. "I am Astrea, the Keymaster of Ascendria."

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