Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 689 689 Return to Real Space

Chapter 689 Chapter 689 Return to Real Space

"…the Keymaster of Ascendria."

As Aldred processed the revelation that the woman before him was Astrea, the Keymaster of Ascendria, he couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and trepidation. He looked at Astrea, waiting for her to elaborate on the nature of Ascendria.

Astrea sighed, as if she could read the questions written on Aldred's face. "Ascendria is not a tangible place like your world. It exists in the interstices of reality, a convergence point for cosmic energies and the essence of knowledge. Those who seek it must navigate through the Veil of Shadows and overcome various trials, both mental and physical."

Aldred's brow furrowed. "Trials? What kind of trials?"

Astrea leaned back, her gaze distant as if recalling ancient memories. "The Ascendant Trials are different for each seeker, tailored to test their true intentions and worthiness. It could be confronting past mistakes, overcoming inner fears, or solving cosmic riddles. Ascendria doesn't reveal itself easily; it must be earned."

Aldred nodded, absorbing the information. "But why did I end up in that blank space before coming here?"

Astrea's eyes glinted with a knowing wisdom. "That space is the Threshold—a liminal realm between dimensions. It's a test in itself, a place where your resolve and consciousness are laid bare. You made it through, and now you're in the heart of Ascendria."

Aldred's mind swirled with a myriad of thoughts. "So, what now? How do I find the knowledge I seek?"

Astrea smiled, her eyes holding a depth of understanding. She stood up, gesturing for Aldred to follow her. "Come, Aldred. There's something you need to see."

Aldred rose from the dining table, his curiosity growing with every step. As they stepped out of the quaint wooden house, the surroundings transformed once again. The rustic simplicity gave way to an expansive, ethereal landscape.

The moment Aldred stepped outside, he was met with a breathtaking sight—a massive tree seemingly made out of light pierced through the heavens, its branches extending into the cosmic expanse. The tree's radiant glow pulsed with energy, casting an otherworldly luminescence that illuminated the realm of Ascendria.

Aldred's eyes widened in awe as he gazed upon the majestic tree. "What is this?"

Astrea approached him, her gaze fixed on the resplendent tree. "This, Aldred, is the Tree of Eternity. It is the heart of Ascendria, connecting it and everything that exist. The knowledge you seek resides within its branches."

Aldred felt a profound connection to the tree, as if it resonated with the very core of his being. He reached out, tentatively touching one of the radiant branches, and a surge of cosmic energy coursed through him.

Astrea explained, "The Tree of Eternity is a repository of all knowledge, a living embodiment of the accumulated wisdom of countless seekers. To access the knowledge, you must commune with the tree and embrace its cosmic energies."

Aldred took a deep breath, his determination resolute. He stepped closer to the Tree of Eternity and closed his eyes. As he reached out with his mind and heart, he felt a surge of energy enveloping him. Visions and insights flooded his consciousness, unraveling the mysteries of Ascendria.

He saw glimpses of ancient civilizations, cosmic realms, and the intricate tapestry of the universe.

As Aldred closed his eyes and reached out to the radiant branches of the Tree of Eternity, a profound connection was established between him and the cosmic repository of knowledge. The energy emanating from the tree enveloped him, and he felt as though his consciousness expanded beyond the boundaries of his physical form.

Visions cascaded through Aldred's mind like a cosmic river, carrying with them the collective wisdom of Ascendria. He saw the birth and fall of galaxies, the ebb and flow of celestial energies, and the dance of cosmic forces shaping the tapestry of existence.

The knowledge entered Aldred's mind not as words or images but as a profound understanding—a deep resonance with the cosmic truths that transcended mortal comprehension. He perceived the interconnectedness of all things, the delicate balance that sustained the universe, and the underlying harmony that bound every aspect of creation.

Aldred's soul absorbed the knowledge like a sponge soaking up cosmic energies. He learned the intricacies of the Space Weaver, the secrets of temporal manipulation with the Stone of Time, and the cosmic awareness granted by the Stone of Soul. The mysteries of Ascendria unfolded before him, each revelation etching itself into the fabric of his being.

With newfound clarity, Aldred understood the significance of his journey.

It wasn't merely about returning to his family; it was about embracing the cosmic responsibility entrusted to him. He had become a conduit for the cosmic forces, a seeker of truth and power.

As the visions gradually subsided, Aldred opened his eyes. The radiant glow of the Tree of Eternity faded, leaving him standing beneath its majestic branches with a sense of purpose etched on his features. Astrea, who had been observing silently, nodded in acknowledgment.

"You carry the knowledge of Ascendria within you now, Aldred. The trials await, and the universe has bestowed its trust upon you. Face the challenges with the wisdom you've gained, and may your journey be guided by the cosmic forces that bind us all."

"Thank you, Astrea."

"However, let me tell you something you already know. Now that you have obtained the knowledge from Ascendria, you must not act against its will. If you do, it will send someone to hunt you down."

Aldred smiled. "I know. I won't act against it."

Astrea nodded with approval.

However, deep inside, Aldred was saying to his heart: 'I will do whatever the hell I want.'

"Now, leave this place. You have nothing left to do here."

Aldred nodded and the stones appeared, however and circling above his head. Suddenly, the stones' light expanded and engulfed him.

In the next breath, Aldred was back on the planet. He was currently falling from the sky.

His intercom turned on immediately as Salamander's voice came. "Aldred! Your signal has returned! Is this you?"

"Yes, this is me. How long has passed?"

"From the time the portal closed and your signal appeared once again, only 3 seconds have passed."

"Huh? How is that possible?"

"That's what I want to ask you. What happened?"

Aldred took a moment to collect himself before responding, "It's a long story, Salamander. I've been to Ascendria, the realm of cosmic knowledge. I've learned things beyond imagination, and now I have the power to face Lord Malgorth. Gather everyone; I need to explain."

The coordinates of a nearby courtyard flashed on Aldred's holographic interface. He navigated toward the meeting point, his mind racing with thoughts of the Tree of Eternity and the trials that lay ahead.

As Aldred reached the courtyard, he found his allies waiting, a mix of concern and anticipation etched on their faces.

"Aldred, you didn't fail right?" Shinari asked.

Aldred began recounting his journey, from the invisible wall to the ethereal house, and finally, the Tree of Eternity. He spoke of Astrea, the Keymaster of Ascendria, and the cosmic insights he had gained. The tale unfolded like a cosmic epic, and his allies listened in awe and disbelief.

"I know this sounds unbelievable, but it happened. Now, I have the knowledge and the power to face Lord Malgorth. We must unite and prepare for the challenges that await us," Aldred declared, his eyes reflecting the newfound cosmic awareness.

Salamander scratched his head. "Ascendria, cosmic trials, and a tree made of light? It's a lot to take in."

"We have took on so much more than that before," Cleome said.

"Wait, Aldred. We need to put into records the knowledge you get from Ascendria," Shuzib said.

"We can do that while we travel back to real-space."

"We're going right now?" Zarael asked.

"There is no time to waste. The faster the better. Lord Malgorth isn't staying still. He's growing his forces as well. The longer we wait, the harder it is to defeat him."

Vortimer scoffed. "Don't worry about his forces. I can take care of it."

"That isn't our only goal," Aldred said.

"I know." Vortimer recalled about their discussion about uniting the galaxy.

Aldred turned to Salamander and the rest. "Prepare the Stellar Seraph, my flagship, for immediate departure. We're going back to real-space. I want the Celestial Platoon, our cosmic legion, ready for war."

The Celestial Platoon, an elite cosmic force assembled by Aldred, swiftly moved into action. The stellar winds resonated with the hum of starship engines as the flagship, Stellar Seraph, prepared for departure.

Shuzib, the meticulous strategist, approached Aldred with a holographic device in hand. "Aldred, we need to document the knowledge you obtained from Ascendria. It could hold the key to our success and the salvation of the galaxy."

Aldred nodded, acknowledging the importance of preserving the cosmic wisdom he had gained. Shuzib began configuring the holographic device to record and store the intricate details of Aldred's revelations.

Meanwhile, Vortimer, the leader of Celestial Schemata, approached Aldred with confident. "Don't worry about Malgorth's forces. I can handle them."

"We will see if you can back you words," Aldred said.

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