Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 138

138 Chapter 138 – Dream and reality

Feng felt herself being swept up into a dream. In that dream she saw that familiar pair of gods Daryn and Rewis. They both were seen chasing after a woman with curly brown hair.

The women did not pause or look back.

“Stay with us!” Rewis cried.

The women simply glanced back. Feng was not able to see much of her features because it was covered in a blur.

“its not meant to be,” the lady said in a sad tone.

“Why not? We love you.. please Joane.... Stay with us,”

“I... I can’t. I’m sorry.” Joane Tarth left just like that leaving Daryn and Rewis in a depressed state.

They were saddened for a while but they didn’t give up. they relentlessly chased after her. Soon, Joane’s cold heart slowly melted.

Feng saw them embracing and kissing.


‘this is dream is superrrrr weird..’

Even so, Feng continued watching their lives.

Daryn and Rewis adored Joane. They did everything for her. Fawned over her. Joane in a way expressed her feelings too. But all that came crashing down when a young woman with blond hair came about.

She claimed to be Daryn’s fiancé. “How can a mortal be worthy of you!!” she screamed loudly.

Daryn and Rewis just coldly looked at her. “She is worthy of us.” Saying this, the two gods left her alone/

Seething in her failure at getting back her fiancé the gods cast a curse on them. “Love shall be a passing as you three will never live to love each other.”

Daryn and Rewis heard this and they tried to run after her to stop this curse but after casting this curse the goddess ran away back to the god’s realm.

Left completely devastated the two gods searched for a way out of the curse.

But before they could Joane got sick.

Even with godly powers, they were unable to save her.

They both watched her die in their arms.

Saddened by the loss they prepared a lavish casket and placed her in there. They both laid on either side of her and stabbed their own hearts. Golden blood gushed out.

“in our next life.. we shall break this...” a soft whisper was what let Daryn’s mouth before he forever succumbed to peaceful sleep.

They bleed out and died along with their lover.

“Meimei!” someone shook her awake.

Feng dazedly looked around. ‘Huh? Where am I?”

“Our class ended. Its lunch now.” Elle worriedly touched her forehead. “you were so deep in sleep. You even kept mumbling. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I think I am...” Feng and Elle left the classroom. “I weirdly dreamt of the three ancient mages. It was so... real.”

“Sometimes we dream of what we see.” Elle shrugged.

Feng agreed with her. She has had weirder dreams than that in her life. Once she even dreamt of a spider swallowing her alive after watching a harry potter movie

“What is our next class?”

“We don’t have any. We had two classes of the history of mages. it was quite interesting actually. Do you want me to brief you about that class?”

Feng was more than happy to hear the briefing.

“Well, there were two gods. They came down to earth fell in love with a human and they chased after her until she fell in love with them too. But a plot twist, one of the gods had a fiancé. She saw this from the god’s realm and rushed down. seeing the three so happy in their magical city, she was seething with rage. She sent out a powerful curse. No one knows what that curse was, but right after that Joane died and so did the two gods.”

Feng, who was walking through the crowd, froze. She blankly looked at the ground with her eyes wide open. ‘it’s exactly what I dreamt of.. what is this? Did I subconsciously hear the class in my sleep and dream of it? Or.... Was it a vision?’


“Oh... nothing,” Feng caught up to her. It was all just a weird dream. Nothing else. She pushed it off her mind and joined Elle at the canteen.

The school had canteens on every campus’s top floor. It was as grand as the hallways. With chandeliers, crystal glasses and beautiful plates.

The children there were also very poised. They sat on their seats and servants came to their table one by one bringing their food.

“Umm are you sure this is a canteen not a restaurant?”

Canteens are supposed to be loud and boisterous with slightly disgusting food and sticky tables.

Who would have guessed? They had fancy table clothes and different cutleries for so many different courses of meals.

Feng felt a slight peer pressure. Of course, she could live freely as her mum had insisted her but that would also give her a crazy reputation.

Elle and Feng sat down on a four-seater chair by the window side. From there they were able to get a good view of the entire school.

“When are Ethan and Aiden getting here,” Feng whispered as the first course of meal was served to her.

She kindly smiled at the servant and started to eat the measly amount of food on her plate.

“They should be getting her soon. Their classes ended already,” Elle whispered with a slight frown. “Who knows they might have slept through the class just like you did,”

Feng pouted. “Come on, I didn’t know why I felt so sleepy back then.”

“Did you stay up last night? Maybe it’s the first-day anxiety,” Elle gracefully ate a piece of bread.

“Maybe.” Feng had slept like a pig last night.

The second course of the meal was delivered and by then the twins had rushed into the canteen.

They both were slightly sweating and in different clothes.

“you guys changed clothes? why?” they looked handsome in their uniform.

“We have field training. This is our after-workout clothes,”

Upon close notice, Feng saw that their hair was still wet and their clothes were slightly sticking to their skin. They had a subtly fresh scent on them.

“you guys took a bath?”

“Hmm we had to. We were covered in mud. You should have seen the other families’ kids they were all seething that the teacher ruined their uniform,” Aiden chuckled.

The servant noticed their arrival and started to serve their meals as well.

“How was your class?” Ethan gazed at Feng with a soft smile.

“it... it was good.”

“She slept through all of it,” Elle said with a soft chuckle.

Aiden looked at Feng with a frown. “you feel okay, right?”

“I’m feeling fine. I was just sleepy that’s all.”

“Hmm if you don’t feel good take rest. Classes don’t matter only your health does,” Ethan chimed in from the side.

Elle rolled her eyes at them. “You both are spoiling her rotten,”

“Elle dear why would children spoil me? I’m an old lady,” Feng poutingly glanced at Elle.

“Who is an old lady? You are shorter than them. Meimei, in this case I might grow taller than you in a few months.” Elle roasted her about her height again.

Pouting, Feng finished her food.

Elle did not finish her lunch and said she was done. As for the boys, they ate quite fast and were done with their food, just in time Feng did.

So they all left the canteen together.

After the common classes, each student would have to go to their mentor and study under them.

Ethan and Aiden were the principal’s direct students. As for Elle, she chose a teacher who was much more adept in visions. This could really help her with the third eye and her future prediction.

Feng casually talked to them about his mentor. When suddenly she remembered something.

‘Homework.... He gave her homework... oh god... I completely forgot...’

She anxiously fiddles with her fingertips. ‘Should I just tell him I forgot or.... No. he will scold me if so.’ She sighed. It was completely her fault.

She had been too distracted in bringing the twins and the duke together that she forgot about her homework.

After hanging out for a bit, everyone went their separate ways. The soldiers separated themselves and one followed after Feng.

She awkwardly smiled up at him. “Hi, I didn’t quite catch your name, sir?”

“it’s Haily, my lady.” A surprisingly feminine voice answered.

Since the soldiers wore huge helmets and chain mail, she wasn’t able to distinguish that person’s gender and mistakenly thought she was a man.

“Haily I’ll be in your care. did you have your lunch?”

“Yes, young lady Rofles,”


“Was it satisfactory?” she was quite curious about how and what the soldiers and maid eat.

“We had a very scrumptious meal, young lady Rofles,”

Since Haily didn’t brief on it, Feng didn’t push her and ask her more questions. Right after she reached her mentor’s room she froze. ‘I can do this. It’s just one homework. I’ll make sure to be diligent in the future.’

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