Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 139

139 Chapter 139 – Punishment and training

Taking a deep breath Feng threw open the lab doors. It was still in that disarray she was used to. She gestured for Haily to come in.

Feng walked in following with her guard.

“Oh my god does the duke hate me so much that he sent in a soldier?” Harry complained from the corner of the room.

“no, my family said it was for my overall protection. But even I’m perplexed about what kind of protection I need in a closed off closed like his.”

“yeah, makes me wonder if your uncle is overacting. He has never had kids before and suddenly there are four adorable young children running around. He is going in overprotective parent mode.”

Feng laughed out loud. It was exactly as he had described. Even though the duke had not made it obvious he had been doing some things behind their back to make sure that they were all protected and safe.

Sometimes it was as excessive as having a gaud staying out of their room to make sure no intruder gets in.

Feng had been overwhelmed the first time it happened but later on she got used to it.

This was the way the duke knew how to show his love so Feng did not reject his approach either.


Harry scratched at his messy hair and walked close. “Did you do your homework?”

Feng froze. She looked around at the mess. “Ah look how messy it is. I’ll clean it up for you master.” she hurried over to a table and started to sort out the test tubes and other things. She even found a rag cloth and started to wipe the dust away from the table.

Harry narrowed his eyes. “You didn’t do your homework.”

Biting her lips Feng glanced back.

“did you do it?”

“No... I have a reason for it but it would sound so silly...”

“What is it?” Harry leaned against the wall and raised his brow. “What kind of life-threatening situation were you in that you had to skip out on your school work?”

Feng lowered her head. It was not a good reason. She did not do her homework because she forgot. “m sorry ii forgot about it.”

“hmm that is not a good enough reason young lass. I’m not a lenient teacher as you think. if you skip your work you have to be punished.”

Haily who was standing by the door suddenly glared at him.

Harry met her gaze with a haughty one. “She might be a young lady of the Rofles household but in here she is my student. I will instruct her as I please. Please put away your glare and step out of my space.”

Haily did not budge. She remained bolted to her spot, glaring at him intensely. Her hand subtly remained on her sword hilt.

“Haily, step out,” Feng ordered her.

Haily stiffened up even more. She glanced at her, bowed and stepped out of the room.

“Sorry master. she is only trying to protect me,” she awkwardly reasoned with him.

“I know that but it’s kind of annoying...” Harry poutingly sat on his chair. “as for your punishment I want you to copy a few of these books. Oh, where was that?” He leaned over still sitting on the chair to search under it. He pulled out a few dusty books and handed them over to her.

The dust flew off directly only her face.

Feng closed her eyes, coughing loudly.

“Sorry but not sorry.”

Holding the three books in her arm, she glanced up at him. They were huge. Like each of them were at least five hundred pages worth. and he wanted her to copy them?! “this.....”

“Who is the mentor and who is the student?”

“You are the mentor...” she dejectedly added.

“don’t be down. I won’t give you any punishment that is a waste of your time. While copying just give a thorough read through these books. Writing can enhance your memory of the text.”

Feng dejectedly nodded. “Shall I start now?”

“Obviously not. You have yet to finish your pending homework. Come sit on the ground and start to do your home work,” he smirked widely.

Feng sat on the carpeted floor. To her surprise the carpet a brand new with no dust or even a bit of stain on it. Harry must have purposefully brought it for her practice.

This made her smile softly. “Thanks for the soft carpet master,”

“you’re welcome, young child. Now stop wasting time and continue your training,” after saying so he moved to his work desk and started to mix a few of the liquids together. he then noted them down.

Feng started her training with her eyes wide open and started to ‘look’ around. The small golden particles floated around her.

As her master had requested her to train until she was able to see them, with her eyes closed.

She still had no clue how to do that.

She tried closing her eyes but all she could see was pitch-black nothingness.

Feng opened her eyes again and started to meditate as usual. While doing so she noticed that the golden particles would sometimes dissolve into her skin.

Seeing this she got an idea. ‘What if I can make these particles dissolve in my eye instead of trying to use my own time essence over. Would that give me the power to see them with my eyes closed?’

Feng worked on the crazy idea. She watched with wide-open eyes as the golden particles fluttered around. As one was about to touch her skin, she hurriedly leaned forward and made sure her eyes were in contact with it.

Just like that she dodged and ran around trying her best to collect particles in her eyes.

Harry who had finished his work, glanced back at her crazy behaviors. “ya! I told you to practice! Why are you running around like a headless chicken!”

“I’m trying to collect all the golden particles in my eyes. Maybe I could see them with my eyes closed then?”

Harry just blinked at her. “Where did you get that crazy idea?”

“don’t know, just thought of it?” Feng paused, peering up at him. “Does that not work?”


“But I thought it would. Aw, it’s hard to pull my magic power up to my eyes. Do you have any shortcut path to bring it up.” she stood up to him.

“You have to figure it out yourself.”

“Wow master, you are skidding from your work. How can you do that when your diligent student is requesting you to teach.” Feng blinked her lashed up at him.

Harry just rolled his eyes. “Feng cultivation is not like mathematics. You have to understand the theory of it while practicing yourself. I can’t spoon-feed you everything then you will never achieve enrichment by yourself.”

“but you can give me a hint?” she smiled softly.

Seeing this Harry finally relented. “I won’t say more than that,”

Feng thoughtfully looked around. “is it really not possible to just pull them into your eyes and use them to see?”

A small force hit the back of her head. “Circulate the time Essence in your body and concentered it on your eyes! it’s very straightforward! Gods what did the Rofles feed you to become so dumb!”

“Hey, why are you tarnishing my family’s name?”

“Then why are you so dumb?”

“I’m just born that way.” Feng said softly. “I’m an empty cup master. an empty cup is easier to fill compared to an overflowing cup.”

“Huh? What tea cup? What the heck are you talking about? Go train!” he gestured for her to sit on the carpet.

Pouting Feng sat on the meditative posture and started to train again.

Harry peered at her. her analogy with empty cups and overflowing cups gave him a few thoughts. He peered at the golden liquid. “unless I can.. I can make it empty....” He got a breakthrough with his research.

So, he vigorously continued to work.

Feng too did not lag behind after getting a ‘hint from her master she continued to train with it. She pulled up all of her time ‘essence’ as Harry had claimed over to her eyes. It was quite difficult. It was like trying to pull up a heavy five hundred kg weight with a twig.

She struggled a lot.

But Feng did not give up.

She held her breath and pulled up that string of energy from her heart over to her eyes.

Finally, that small golden thread circled around her eye ball. she could feel it.

Feng closed her eyes completely.

This time her sight was filled with a golden glow. Unlike with her eyes open, she was able to see the particles shine, much brighter. They were like tiny little stars glowing and continuously moving around in the space.

Feng blindly reached out and touched one of it. She saw how the small particle dissolved into her palm and that shimmering light slowly traveled through her veins.

She was able to see it all.

It was fucking fascinating!

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