Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 160

160 Chapter 160 – The black forest

A cold droplet dripped on her face, Feng’s mind, which was blank as a sheet of paper, suddenly awoke. She felt the weight on her body had somehow been relieved. It felt like she was floating in air. Cold wind gushed on her face.

It felt good.

Her lips rose up in a small smile. But suddenly she smelled a different fragrance near her nose. it smelled earthy and like a freshly cut rose.

A soft cloth rubbed against her face, making her slightly more awake. The silky-smooth cloth kept rubbing against her right cheek. The cloth was warm.

She buried her face against it trying to shield her from the chilling wind.

“oh looks like you are awake now.” A soft voice whispered close to her ear, startling her.

Feng opened her tired eyes and looked up. an unknown man was carrying her princess style. And above them was a vast expanse of the sky. She could not even see a single cloud in sight.

It was weird...

Feng suddenly remembered the pain she felt before she collapsed.


“Did I die? is this heaven?” she looked up at the angelic man.

The man let out a soft laugh. It sounded like a bell chime to her ear.

‘so Angles were so pretty.... ah at least I’m being escorted by a beautiful angel to heaven.... what a good life I have led...’ Feng slightly gripped his soft white shirt. “Do I have an afterlife as before?”

The man raised his brows. “as before?”

“yeah like when I died and was thrown into this world. Do I get a chance or will I have to drink aunty Meng’s soup and go into reincarnation? I think the second option sounds better., Being in a child’s body with an adult mind is hard. Everyone looks down at you, literally. I feel so irritated being so shorter than everyone.” Feng glanced at her small hand. “and look, even my hand is so small. When I picked up my aunt’s magic sword my hand was not able to hold the hilt properly. That’s how annoying this is.”

The man gave her a small smile. “Weird creatures do roam this world as I do. What did I expect, time-ability users are completely weird. so are you little lady Feng Rofles?”

“my name is not Feng Rofles its Feng Mei. Get your facts right mister angel. And I’m not ‘little’, I’m a grown-up lady.” Feng scoffed.

The man’s eyes held a weird glint in them as he peered at her. “is that so? Who old were you?”

“I’m 35 years old. I’m an old lady who never got myself involved in emotional feelings and such. That bastard brother of mine killed me. Sad...” she mumbled, nuzzling against his shirt. “so, angel, how is heaven like? Do I get to stay in the clouds?”

“No, you get to stay there.” The man raised his eyes to look ahead of him.

Feng curiously turned her head and took a look. A vast range of forest spread wide and deep until her eyes could see. Each and every tree were black. Like pitch back. even their leaves were black. A few colorful creatures perched on the trees.

“Shit... am I sent to hell? I thought it would be a fire pit,” Feng sighed to herself.

The man laughed again. “These are the black birch trees of the black forest,”

Feng paused. She had heard of this said black forest before. They were said to be the mystical forest that was inaccessible to men. So many mystical and powerful beasts live in there.

Elle had mentioned to her that black birch was so valuable that some nobles tried to get their hands on it but the terrifying creatures in there retaliated and so the forest was deemed to be restricted

No one has left the forest alive.

‘wait...... if this is black forest then...’ eyes wide open she glanced up at the man.

The man cast a small smile at her. “This is indeed not hell. But a cute lady like you will definitely go to heaven. I wonder why you want to drink soup though? Is it one of your last wish or something?”

Feng did not respond she did not know how to respond.

She had blurted out her secret to a complete stranger.

‘fuckk!!!!!!!’ she waited for the game system to give any notification.

Because every time she tried to expose her identity, the system would go into auto-destruction mode. But this time, it was eerily silent.

‘why? How? Who?’ she looked up at the ethereal man again.

His hair was completely black like the black birch flowing behind him. The man’s upturned eyes focused on her with a softness in them. “You don’t have to be vigilant with me. I’m just like you.”

“What! You were also sent to this shitty game?!!!!”

The man looked thoughtful. “This is a game? I would have thought this was an alternate world for you but it ended up being a game. Hmm, interesting.”

Feng froze once again. ‘he’s fishing for information!!!!! Who the fuck is this guy she glared at him. “who are you? Where are you taking me? Do you know who I am? I am Feng Mei Rofles. My family will come to me. And when the do they will kill you.”

The man simply shrugged. “I just talked to them, got their permission, and left with you. They asked me to take good care of you, young lady.”

Feng looked up at him in disbelief., her family would never do such a thing. “I don’t believe the shit that comes out of your mouth.”

The man frowned. “So uncouth. A lady should not talk in a vulgar manner. I guess I have a lot to teach you in that regard as well.”

“Hey!!” Feng started to struggle. “Let go! Take me back home!!! Take me home!!!” she raised his fist to hit him.

her tired noddle-like arm just fell down.

Feng’s lower lips trembled. Her heart was beating so fast in her chest. ‘kidnapping... he kidnapped me so brazenly. Did he drug me too? Why is he my body so limp?’

“your body is still recovering, don’t move excessively. You must have bed rest for at least three days before you can even move a muscle. Or else you might tear something. Mind you lady, I don’t have healing powers and I won’t heal you if you do.”

Feng silently thought about her escape plan.

The man landed to the forest and laid her on the ground.

Feng was left looking up at the wide canopy of the trees. A few black leaves fluttered down and fell all over here.

The man hummed something and walked away.

Feng turned her face. The only part of her body that as mobile. ‘is he going to leave me just like that? This is a dangerous forest! Even if he kidnapped me he has to take responsibility for my safety ah!!! ...’

‘Unless he is not interested in the ransom amount at all,’

Feng’s heart slowed down. Her mode also went down.

She had been having a steady, safe life until now, but everything went downhill from last night. It’s all fucked up. She just wanted to have a peaceful life and live well, but this stupid game hates her existence.

It kept throwing fastballs at her face, smashing every one of her plans.

A small scurrying sound came from her right.

Feng turned her head that way, hoping to see that man’s figure, but to her dismay, she saw a furry hoof close to her face.

‘I’m going to be beasts dinner the..., did not expect to die this way.... At least in my next birth I can live peacefully.’

A soft thing gently licked her face.

Feng looked up at the furry giraffe like the creature hovering over her. ‘is he tasting me...’

She blinked at it ferociously. “I don’t taste good. I’m skinny and short okay. You might as well eat the stick and leaf than eating me. I also taste bitter. just like how my life is. Bitter. ah what am I doing it can’t understand me......’

The beats licked her face again.

The trusty notification window was nowhere to be seen.

“oh, Lanus you found her.” The man returned with a heavy sound of something dragging behind him.

Feng peered his way. He was actually dragging a huge fucking log of a tree behind him. He did not even break a sweat.

The young man dropped the log close to her.

the dust and debris flew all over getting into Feng’s eyes and nostrils. ‘Why did he bring such a huge tree for? A torture method?’

She watched the man light up the tree and sit behind it. this will keep us warm.”

Feng dully gazed at the huge tree that was struggling to burn. “You have to cut them into logs to actually make a fire. Are you planning in making charcoal?”

The man glanced at the tree. “I usually do it this way. Lasts a few days. and it never gave me problems. You don’t know this but black birch has a special oil in them that prevents fire from going out. It will burn for a very long time.”

Feng’s eyelids twitched. “Then why are you lighting that in a fucking forest full of black birch! That is a fire hazard! You planning to smoke me to death.”

The man chuckled. “You have silly ideas in your brain. Oh, how I wish to get in there and see what you think all the time. Such a fascinating creature.” He gently tapped her forehead.,

“you! Don’t touch....” Feng felt her eyes drop all of a sudden.

“Sleep. We’ll have a chat later.”

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