Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 161

161 Chapter 161 – Take me home

Feng laid on the ground unable to move for a very long time. The giraffe-like creature just sat next to her and nuzzled against her keeping her warm on the other side the lunatic man had the huge tree up in flames making her extremely hot.

She had been wearing thick clothes because the climate was getting cold. but that ended up being such a bad thing now. She was sweating profusely inside. “What do you want? why did you take me here?”

Escaping from him does not see impossible but after she left his side she had to cope and survive in a huge forest she had no clue how to survive. The terrifying beast could easily kill her in section times. She did not have a death wish.

Her eyes once again focused on the beautiful man. he was softly humming something as he watched the flames.

The man was wearing white clothes from head to toe. Even though he had been wrestling with a huge tree trunk as he brought it and even after setting up camp not even a bit of dust had settled on him.

Whereas Feng could really feel the dust that had grimed all over her face.

‘She really an ethereal being?’

The man glanced her way. “you’re up. How do you feel? Can you move your body?”

Feng could move her hand and feet, but she did not wish to reveal it to her kidnapper. “no.”


“Oh, that is unfortunate. If you relay can’t move after a few minutes you might end up in a coma... sigh in this dangerous forest it’s better to kill you the to carry around a half-dead corpse.”

“I can move.” Feng dully lanced at the blackening sky.

“That’s good then.” The man victoriously smiled.

Feng peered at him dazzled by his smile. “Who are you? Why did you kidnap me? Was it for money?”

“sigh, young lady Rofles I repeated myself again and again. I didn’t kidnap you. Your family called me over after your time and energy went out of control. I was the only person who could tame it and since I had a busy travel schedule, they send you with me.”

“Nonsense, my family would never allow you to just take me away.”

“they did.” The man shrugged. He carved through the tree trunk a bit and took out a few brown, cooked grubs. He placed them on a clean leaf and handed it to her. “Dinner is served”

“God I’m going to die of starvation.”

“hahaha, grubs have so much protein in them. And genuinely the black birch grub state delicious.” While saying so the man snacked on some.

Black goo dripped down his mouth. he hurriedly wiped it away with a smile.

Feng was completely appalled. She decided never to eat that grub even when she was starving to death. ‘dying like that is better than eating that and getting food poisoning.. and that black good.. no.. don’t think about it...’ she closed her eyes trying her best to calm herself.

Her hand slowly moved to the small pouch she carried and pulled out the communication device. if she could send a message to her family they would find her.

The man noticed her small move. “Communication devices don’t work in here. you won’t get any signal. We are too deep in the forest. The canopy of the trees will disrupt the magic signal.”

Feng silently put away the crystal before he could apprehend it. ‘so, we are too low in the ground. What if I can climb over those towering trees? Can I contact them then?’ this was just a small idea.

But her whole body was numb and sore. She had no energy to actually climb a tree.

Closing her eyes, she fell asleep again.

The next time she woke up her eyes focused on the soft white fur that was close to her face. she smartly moved back. the giraffe-like animal was snuggling up to her.

No, she was snuggling onto its body. The soft fur gently caressed her skin as she moved back.

The beats opened its eyes and glanced at her once and then continued to sleep.

Feng slowly backed away.

“Linus is a vegetarian. He won’t young skinny kids.” The man mumbled softly.

Feng silently sat up and moved close to him. ‘Should I kill him? What if I kill him and get trapped in here? I don’t have a map of this forest and this guy does seem to have one too... I down want to live as gorge the jungle....’ She held back her killing intent

“I see through you child. You want to kill me... I’m saddened that you would even think that. I have done a great favor by actually saving your life and you are paying back that life-saving grace with cold betrayal. So sad....” The man pretended to wipe his imaginary tears.

“Cut the crap. Who are you? If what you said was true, why did my family ask you instead of many expert healers?”

“Well, you were like a leaking bowl. The healers healing you is like treating that crack with wet mud. Sooner or later that mud will melt away and the bowl will start to leak again. Only I am capable of patching up that cracks and holes. So, your parents called me. I’m also a time mage.”

“Is what you said true? Are you special?”

“I am, in certain regards. But I’m more interested in your specialty. You lived two lives, huh? This is so fascinating indeed. What was your past life like? You said someone killed you? step mum or step something... why didn’t you fight back? if you had kicked that guy’s balls you could have lived,”

Feng gritted her teeth. “I died in a car crash. It’s a moving metal vehicle that takes us to places. Like a horse or a magic flying beast. We call metal one called an airplane.”

“Very fascinating indeed. This car you talk about how does it run? Is it magic? So that’s why you are very adept in time magic at such a young age?”

“don’t know.” Feng suddenly frowned. ‘why am I telling him so many things? Its weird. I never tell anyone these things, never talk about thus.....’ she looked at him vigilantly.

“I did a small trick. Nothing much. I already sensed that your soul was unique. Needed to know how unique you were before I could plan your training program.”

Feng backed away slightly. “What did you do?”

“I placed a small spell paper. I got firm my trusted friend.”

Feng hurriedly searched her clothes and stuck on the back was a piece of paper with weird symbols on it. “You! You tricked me!”

silently she was cursing out loud. She knew this world was magical but she had been too much focused on the elemental magic side of it. she completely forgot that spell casters like Yubiri exist. They can literally do anything with a simple spell. That was how powerful they are. But they are very rare. one in a million.

She tore the spell paper and tossed it to the ground. “What are you going to do with that information?”

The man frowned slightly, glancing at the huge tree that was burning brightly. The beautiful red embers cast a shadow that danced on his beautiful features. “Do you have hearing problems? I just answered those questions. Tsk, you have attention deficiency. I will have to rectify that too....” He looked her up and down. “Slightly na?ve and dumb... don’t know if I can change that but have to put a lot of worldly knowledge into you to make you a bit wiser.”

He glanced back.

There was no one there.

Claus sighed loudly. “so troublesome. That’s why I don’t like kids.” He went about searching for her.

Since this first can suppress magic ability in mages he was not able to utilize his maximum ability. But what his tracking skill he tracked her small footprint moving into the deeper areas of the forest.

Feng watched him from above the tree branch., she had intentionally created a few foot’s prints and tossed the show aside. Then she had climbed over a low-hanging branch. She hid behind a huge branch hoping the man would not spot her.

To her surprise, the plan worked.

She glanced at the campsite and then at the top of the tree. ‘if can get there I can contact them right?’ she slowly started to climb up.

Each step was perilous, the outer barks of the birch started to pela up. she had to be very careful when climbing up.

While climbing, she thought about her family member’s faces. ‘Who worried they would be by now... shit what if this man is telling the truth...’ she had to talk to her family to know for sure.

The man did not even tell her his name. ‘He never actually properly answered my questions.’

After half an hour she finally reached the top branch of the tree. It was slightly bending with her weight. she hurriedly garbed onto multiple branches keeping her steadily at the top.

With one trembling hand, she pulled out her communication crystal. It lit up instantly.

Ethan’s worried face came about. the video feed was super blurry and the audio was trash. she couldn’t only hear sounds of buffering. she could barely understand any of his words.

“Guys I’m okay.” She hoped that her video will be received by them. “Why is the signal here so trashy? Don’t they have satellites here? oh this is a magic-filled world no satellites.”

“What is a satellite.” A soft voice whispered in her ear.

Feng’s instantly stumbled back. Her grip on the branch slipped. She was free failing, looking up at the ethereal man. ‘Ah fuck man! not again!!!”

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