Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 4 - Chapter 253 - Heartbroken Feelings and Towards A New Path


It's insane to hear that a member of the ‘Duke’ race category had unexpectedly fallen to Class 51 because there were too many students with high-ranking jobs in the ‘Combat Job’ category.

The "Dungeon Capture Major—Combat Department," also known as the "Combat Department," had approximately 3800 students, of which I was a member of class 1 among 127 classes.

The number of students with high-ranking jobs amidst that total of 3800 students was 1500.

As one class can have up to 30 students, all the classes from 1 to 50 were filled with high-ranking job students. (Brawny Knights are exceptions)

In other words, since Ekaterina-san couldn't enter any of these classes, she had mid-ranking jobs.

Even so, I believe that being in Class 51, the highest class for a mid-level job holder, was already the best possible outcome, and she shouldn't have to belittle herself by referring to herself as dregs.

"Zephyr-sama, almost everyone with a mid-ranking job is Lv0."

Celestine tipped me off about the situation as if he had read my heart in a whispering voice.

I see, so that's the whole scenario.

Students had put in all their effort they could to acquire a high-ranking job until the fateful day of May 1st.

So there was almost no one with mid-rank combat-related jobs until the fateful day. Everyone who have the mid-ranking job acquired mid-ranking job because they couldn't get high-ranking job

In short, the reason they were in class 51, the top class for mid-ranking job holders, wasn't due to the grace of their grades (Lv).

Of course, this implies that Ekaterina-san's level was also...

"Yes. As you may have guessed, I was Lv0 at the time the classes were decided. I'm currently level 8, but that's because we went to the ‘Tutorial Dungeon’ in our class."

Well, that's how it is.

But to belittle oneself by calling themselves "dregs" huh, that's not something I could agree to.

"I don't think you need to lower yourself so much because you couldn't acquire a high-ranking job."

"No. I'm a disgrace to the honor of ‘Duke’ for failing to obtain a high-ranking job. Especially when a lot of people appeared with high-ranking jobs but I couldn't get one despite being a member of the Duke family. I'm too embarrassed to walk out in public anymore...... "

"Isn't that a bit too much?"

Ekaterina-san covered her face with her hands and shook her neck.

For real? Is this so important? Those in the ‘Duke’ category have standard jobs that rank at least in the middle of mid-ranking jobs, if not at the top.

"Zephyr-sama, it's not always the case. However, this year happened to be special. It's especially so in the case of Ekaterina-san, the daughter of the Duke family, whose position stands above the common populace. That is why, from an image standpoint, dropping to that class was not well received."


Speaking of it, I also recall myself asking which class the other party was in even before their job.

The words "Class 51" were apparently quite tough to swallow for a duke's daughter, who was usually ranked above others.

"Yes. Usually一一"

According to Celestine, one could have been selected for Class 5 or 6 even if they failed to get the high-ranking job and acquired a mid-ranking job, but the jump to Class 51 was too sudden. The impact of this was obviously considerable. It was even more so when you consider that this world is based on meritocracy.

It was the first time I'd heard that there was also meaning behind the class ranking.

Furthermore, more than half of the current chaos was invited by none other than me.

Hmm, far from filling the gap between the mid-ranking job and the high-ranking job, I feel like it has instead widened even more.

Hard work was important, but it's impossible to deny that hard work could only do so much. But since I'm one of the culprits behind this situation, I want to somehow elevate it.

For the time being, I think I will leak more information in the coming months. It wasn't in my original plan, but I guess I'll have to put the members of the research institute to work.

But that's for the latter; I have to first do something about Ekaterina-san.

"By the way, which job has Ekaterina-san acquired? Since you're in the combat department, I guess it should be ‹First Lieutenant› or ‹Captain›?"

Incidentally, the standard job for the ‘Duke’ category is ‹First Lieutenant›. Don't ask me why this is the standard job in the first place since I wouldn't be able to explain, all I can say is that it's because of the ‘Duke’ category that the standard job is First Lieutenant. By the way, ‹Captain› was ranked in the top tier among mid-ranking jobs.

"Well, yes. I've been given the title ‹Captain›. Actually, my initial goal was the ‹Commandant› job.

"Oh~ well, that is a tough nut to crack."

‹Commandment› was a support job. The job holder was mainly in charge of providing buffs to the party in the dungeon, however, the situation where this job truly shined was the guild battle. With the skill ‹Guild Connect› in their arsenal, which makes it possible to command even from a distance, they usually corrected and guided their party's movement.

Their base would always be a stronghold from which they could command and buff their allies. Because they were usually stationed in the stronghold, they didn't have any advantage in interpersonal combat, making it a dangerous job in case of enemy infiltration. Of course, it was a high-ranking job.

In comparison to the support type ‹First Lieutenant›, ‹Captain› was an all-out combat job. While they could still buff their allies, their strength is in close combat; in other words, it was an attacker job. They mainly excelled in sword and ax usage.

No matter how I looked, it didn't look like a job suitable for Ekaterina-san. Wait, it would be rude of me to judge based on appearance alone. It might be possible that she was fond of battle too.

"By the way, do you prefer close combat?"

"W-Well... Not at all."

Hmm, yes. Of course. She looked like a bona fide young lady, appearance-wise. It was almost impossible to imagine her fighting on the front line.

"Why did you choose ‹Captain› then? Wouldn't a more common job be more suitable for you?"

"F, family's obligation."

Ah, I thought so.

Most likely, the Duke family has prohibited any of their family members from working in any field other than the ‘Duke’ category.

Everything was so complicated.

The more I look at Ekaterina-san, the more she looks pitiful to me.

The reason she hadn't replied back at all this whole week was due to her inferiority complex and the lack of confidence she had in herself.

Well, I believe her inferiority complex must be the result of acquiring the job, which she knows she wasn't compatible with at all. She must have felt it unbelievable that a scout had approached her from Eden, the first year top guild.

It was something I had heard later, but it seems that it was after countless persuasions from Celestine that she finally decided to meet today with a heavy heart. I regret being so casual about this subject without fully understanding it.

"Well, I know I'm not a suitable person to play any role at all. I did have my doubts about why someone would call out to me, but it seems you were simply unaware of the situation. I think it's time to call it a day; thank you very much for giving your time."

"Stop, stop. We haven't even begun anything, let alone call the day over. All we did was confirm the situation, you know."

"But, what else is there to talk about! What value do I have to make you waste more time? Isn't the result already decided! ...ah"

Ekaterina-san screamed sorrowfully, but then quickly covered her mouth from the unintentional outburst. Her already depressed face turned gloomy, and tears began to pool in her eyes.

It seems that's how much pent-up frustration she had. I could only imagine how much pain she must have felt from being unable to choose anything other than the job that was completely incompatible with herself on the fateful day that would influence her entire life from the emotions entrapped within the heartbroken cry right now.

A sigh was exhaled from my mouth.

It's impossible to let her enter Eden with how she is at the moment.

That was what I thought when I looked at Ekaterina-san's countenance tinged with despondency. My first and foremost motto was: "Enjoy the Dungeons." If they don't enjoy the dungeon, I couldn't let them enter Eden.

It was just what she had said; there was no meaning in continuing the interview then, but... that's only if the situation remains as it was.

You can change it if you don't want to.

If she hates it, just change the job.

For some reason, the inhabitants of this world hate the ‹Job Transfer›. Feelings such as, "What am I going to do if my life turns even more upside down!" I will become a Lv0 you know!?” were strongly rooted in them. Consequently, the concept of ‹Job Transfer› doesn't even occur to the majority at all. It's not like I don't understand their feelings, especially since their chances of entering the dungeon after graduating from the academy have just been drastically reduced.

People who think, "My dream job finally appeared when I turned 30; well, I have family and I wouldn't be able to continue my current job, but it's okay, I got the chance to start all over again, let's do a job transfer!" may be in the minority.

What about those who have always known they have a bleak future?

Would they hate a ‹Job Transfer›? They'd have to redo everything from Lv0 (where they have no compatibility whatsoever) to Lv15. I couldn't deny that it's hell for them in some ways.

However, Ekaterina-san was barely 16 years old. What's more, she's a complete freshman to boot. I believe she could catch up with us easily even if we did a job transfer now.

That's why I put forward my proposal unhesitatingly.

"Ekaterina-san, here's the Basic Job Ascension Ticket. I have the means to help you acquire your dream job after the ‹Job Transfer› If you feel like doing that, take my hand. We will need your newfound powers in Eden."

Saying that, I took out a Basic Job Ascension Ticket and put it on the table.

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