Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 4 - Chapter 254 - What fate couldn't do, I can do!

"Job transfer..."

So muttered Ekaterina-san after snapping her eyes shut in surprise at the ‹Basic Job Ascension Ticket› I had taken out.

For coincide with our interest, she had yearned for a support job, while what we wanted was someone to guide, and I could see Ekaterina-san was very much capable of it. I absolutely want her in our guild.

To hell with an incompatible job. One should just transfer jobs to get out of the cage of incompatible jobs.

I'm ready to give that ticket as long as the person is willing to take that step.

On this note, I got this ticket from Salactuar. It had been kept in the guild until now, but since I bought it with my personal money, all that mattered was my will and on whom I wanted to use it for.

However, I believe I will be able to recoup my investments if she decides to join our guild later. When it comes to using them for guild members, Celestine, who is handling the guild budget, would become like a nagging old lady. I mean, even now, his eyes gazing at me were expressing, “Please, keep it in moderation.” I mean, it's not like I'm complaining since he kept everything in order.

"But! I mean, that's not possible. On the job appraisal day, I hadn't seen any significant jobs other than ‹First Lieutenant› and ‹Captain›. There's no way another job would appear even if I did the job transfer now."

So denied Ekaterina-san after coming back to her senses, but her gaze was affixed to one point. Her eyes never left the ‹Basic Job Ascension Ticket›. I guess the proverb "eyes speak louder than words" must be referring to a scene like this.

I mean, I do understand what she's implying.

As the situation stands, it should be impossible. She must have already cleared the achievement ‹Defeat 100 Monsters› normally difficult to complete with the help of the Academy. But the fact that that job still didn't appear meant it was a nut that couldn't be cracked with a bit... no, it would be impossible even if she worked hard.

But that's only if we go by normal standards. Ekaterina-san seems to have forgotten who was standing before her. There is no job in this world that I, once hailed as the walking database of Dungeon Activity, couldn't do.

"Alright, let's talk about the ‘What if’ scenario. Suppose I know what conditions are needed for the ‹Commandment› job. Ekaterina-san can get the job of your desire. In exchange, though, you would be back to square one, Lv0, after all the effort you have made in these several days. Another thing, I would want you to join Eden if you want your dream job, and you would also have to continuously give your best and become someone suitable to be a member of a D-rank guild. Say Ekaterina-san, would you take on this offer in exchange for these conditions?"

Well, I posed it as a hypothetical situation, but that's something I can easily do.

All I needed was a single word of agreement from her.

I want nothing more than to help Ekaterina-san regain her lost confidence and let her hampered wings shine once more, as she drowns in the sea of inferiority complexes and loses sight of her future. I want her to take that necessary step for these reasons too.

I have no doubt Eden will be the crowned guild of this academy in the future. Circumstances didn't matter; what I sought from the members was a resolution.

"What will you choose, Ekaterina-san? Will you take the offer to transfer your job, join Eden, and aim for the top, or will you keep sailing the sea of your life with the ‹Captain› job, as you're currently doing?"

She gasped at my seriousness.

Unrest showed on her face, and her breathing became slightly rough. She closed her eyes once and looked up again, the color of resolution dyeing her face this time.

"Even if, for argument's sake, there happened to be such a dreamlike scenario, I would take the job transfer right here and then. I don't care even if I have to lose all my hard-work! I would gladly join your guild! S-rank was it, bring it on! Even if I end up as the Duke family's dregs, I'll make it to the S-rank!"

"Great reply. Alright, you're in."


Ekaterina-san let out a dumbfounded voice. She was making a face as if she still didn't catch up with the meaning of my words.

I decided to ignore her surprise for the time being and continued.

"That was amazing,; I'm glad to hear the passion is still alive inside you somewhere. There's no doubt Eden's strength will rise once again with your addition."

"Huh? What? Please wait a moment. Please let my heart catch up for a moment?"



"I have understood what I needed to know. However, you don't have to feel down anymore. I have come to a conclusion after sorting out everything. Now, I will announce the result of the interview!"

"Wha, Whaaaaa?"

Ekaterina-san seems like she still hasn't caught up with the situation, nevertheless, I continued the discussion.

The drum roll echoed within me, along with the crisp sound of a cymbal.

It was time to announce the result!

"Ekaterina-san, you passed! Congratulations to you! Let's work hard together and aim for the top, shall we!?"

"Eh, ehhhhhhh!?"

Ekaterina-san let out a nearly scream-like voice, indicating how moved she must have been by the outcome of the interview. I heard that maybe it's the so-called girls' way to describe their emotions. (That's totally different.)

I'm glad we were in the soundproof private room in the lounge.

Moving on, I checked the time.

It is 11:00 a.m. right now. Hmm, the day is still young.

In fact, I have already formulated the plan to get Ekaterina-san to transfer her job today.

"Oh, that's right. I almost forgot to mention, but the commandment is a mid-tier high-ranking job. It's quite good in itself,but I think this still pales compared to the ‹Princess› job category. What do you think about the top tier high-ranking job ‹Master-Planner Princess›? Not only is it perfectly compatible with the Commandment, it's even one rank higher than Commandment since it falls into the Princess Job category. If you ask me, I would recommend this. What? You are saying you will listen to me? Great, then let's proceed with my recommendation. We will begin the process for it as soon as we finish raising your level to 10 in the ‹Tutorial Dungeon›. It's going to be one heck of a busy day. Celestine, I'm leaving the responsibility of arranging the welcome party for our new member to you."

"Please leave it to me."

"Please wait a moment!? I didn't understand even half of what you said and did we just decide on something I absolutely can't ignore so suddenly without my understanding!? My job! we're talking about my job, right!?"

"Huh? You don't like ‹Master-Planner Princess›?"

"Ehh? I-, I mean. It's not the matter of my liking, but we're talking about that ‹Master-Planner Princess› job right? The same job no one but only the chosen Duke family member can acquire? The same job that's the symbol of Top Elite?"

"I don't know about the things you said but the ‹Master-Planner Princess› is ‹Master-Planner Princess›. We're going to aim for it because it's definitely much better than the Commandment."

The situation was too much for Ekaterina-san; I could see her eyes spinning. Everything was still confusing for her.

We wouldn't be able to achieve anything at this rate; desperate times call for desperate measures, so I guess I just have to bulldoze our way.

On another note, I also tried casting ‹Recovery›. Fwoosh~.

"If you were given a choice, which one would you choose, Commandment or ‹Master-Planner Princess›?"

"O-Of course, ‹Master-Planner Princess›. I have always admired it."

"Alright, that's decided then."

"Huh, huuuh?"

I have already decided what to do.

I know this must be where Ekaterina-san would say, "Explanation, please!” but we don't have time to waste taking it easy. Job transfer in one day required both the time and labor.

First, we have to visit the Tutorial Dungeon to raise her level to 10, then we would have to round around the Beginner dungeon and raise her level to 15 through power leveling! And then, after fulfilling the prerequisites, would she finally be able to transfer jobs?

No matter how much the day is young, it wouldn't be enough with us taking it easy.

If the time permits, I also want her to go through Slipo Marathon first to raise her new job to level 6, and then once again make a round to Tutorial Dungeon to raise it to level 10!

So I decided to explain along the way.

After seeing off Celestine, who left after a polite bow, I grabbed the hand of Ekaterina-san and immediately made our way to the ‹Tutorial Dungeon›.

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