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Chapter 33: Light Attacks

Chapter 33: Light Attacks

Soon after finishing their conversation, the two quickly made their way out of the wide area, heading back through the linear path that they had taken to reach the boss earlier.

While on the way back, the monsters that had respawned were handled more efficiently than before. The new factor being, Centripedas Boots, which added agility and movement speed increase for Frey. Not to mention, it was also light. Thus, the boots allowed Frey to easily deal quick hits more frequently.

"Hmm... We should get you some better equipment too when we get back." Shinto said as he observed Frey's battle against the Leazardri. She was easily dodging their attacks while retaliating, however, the force of the impact which she dealt was a lot less compared to when she had equipped her previous beginner's boot.

"Ah? Why? Aren't these boots enough?" Frey questioned as she threw the monster that she had grabbed hold off, over to a wall. Quickly turning it into grey ash.

"Well, with your current get-up, nope. You need to put in more force into your punches and kicks or equip a more heavyweight weapon."

"Oh? Adding more force to my punches and kicks is better? I thought it'd be bad since it consumes a lot of my stamina..."

"Well, it's bad if you were to continuously place force after force into your attacks. Balancing them out is the key. Your current build allows you to deal a lot of attacks fast, but the problem is your lack of power behind them."

Being able to deal more hits didn't necessarily mean that you'd deal more damage. The lighter you are, the less impact and force you have with your attacks. Thus, many brawlers preferred a far heavier item in order to pack a punch.

Though unfortunately for Frey, she only had light equipment, from her beginner's fingerless glove to her new shiny boots. All of them weighed no more than 200.

The only reason why the fights were more efficient than before was that previously, Frey couldn't dodge all the attacks from the mobs. But now with the extra speed, it became a breeze.

"Oh... I see, so balancing between heavy and light is the way to go huh?" Frey said.

"Yep. Balancing between the two is the way to go. Well, unless you're the maniac of a fighter, Yupo," Shinto replied.

"Who's Yupo?"

"First in the fighter rankings, Yupo. She specializes in brutally destroying her opponents with speed, precision and force."

"Wait- Brutally destroying your opponents?"

"Right. She's well... How could you say it, a wild hound when on the battlefield."

"So like... When you say, she brutally destroys your opponents with speed, precision and force, what does that imply?"

"Think of it as, fast-paced attacks adding with precision to your weak points and a large energetic force to go along with it."

"T-That's possible?"

"Yeah... Though... I'm still at disbelief sometimes when I watch her fight with how terribly strong she is."

"...I see, then from your teachings earlier in town, what category does she fall in?"

"Err... Category? Well, it's hard to say."

"How so?"

"She has the speed, the raw power and the precision. So it's hard to pinpoint exactly where she falls under. But if I were to judge, she'd fall under the category of a glass cannon."

"Glass cannon?"

"She's strong with damage, but... Her defensive is lacking."

"Oh, so like those people where they deal so much damage but they die right after cause they got hit by a spec of dust?"

"Pfft..." Shinto laughed at the anthology, "Well, you could say that."

"Ah, speaking of builds! Master!"

"...?" Upon hearing Frey suddenly calling out to him, he looked over towards her with a confused look.

"With you seeing me play, what should my playstyle be?"

"You're asking me that?"

"Well...! Since you're an expert at this game... I thought maybe you could recommend me something?"

"Hmm... I can't really say for sure what playstyle you should be. You should just go with what you like, there's really no meta to this. Yupo was just a special case."

"What I like huh? Then... Since I like dealing a lot of damage and also like hitting things fast, should I be like Yupo?"

Shinto stopped at his tracks as he let out a cough, "Err... Well, I don't recommend that."

"Huh? Why not?"

"Well... Yupo's style can't be copied."


"Her skills as a fighter and her experience are truly remarkable, it won't be easy. Especially if the rumours were true and that she has a hidden class."

"...Oh" Frey sighed. "Then what should be it then if I can't do both of them?"

"Who said you couldn't do both? I just said it's a bad idea to be like Yupo."

"Ohh! Then?!" Frey looked towards Shinto with sparkling eyes.

"Yeah, you can go for a speed-strength build. Though you would need to sacrifice your defense and it won't be easy if you want to play it skillfully."

"Hmm... Would that be a bad thing?"

"Well, if you can dodge attacks and manuveur around, then I don't see a problem with it."

"Oh, then I shall do it!"

"Haha, alright then."

Shinto chuckled as he turned towards his front, seeing light protruding from the end of the cave.

"Ah. Looks like we're almost outside."

He said as he fastened his steps. Finally, Shinto and Frey were outside of the cavern.

The bright light shone on them as their eyes turned towards the group of players fighting the monsters by the canyons. They were a lot more players here now compared to when they entered into the caverns.

"Oh? Were we inside the cavern for that long?" Frey questioned as she looked at the many newbie players on the fields.

"Well, I think it's only been an hour or two. When we headed in, it was morning. Now that it should be afternoon, it's usually the peak hour."

As Shinto said afternoon, he heard a rumble coming from the side of him.

"Hehe... Sorry, now that I think about it, I'm kind of hungry."

"Aha... Then let's quickly make our way back then."

Frey nodded her head as they began making their way out of the canyon to the forest.


Near the end of the forest, a group of players sat under the shade of a tree near the pathways leading out of the forest. As they took rest under the tree, they each had annoyed and depressive expressions on them.

"Grrr!! I can't believe it! What's up with the damn rates?!" A player by the name of [ Rotem ] clicked his tongue as he turned towards his companions.

"We partied up to defeat that stinking centipede so many times... But those freaking boots just ain't dropping!" The man beside Rotem going by the name of [ Ractron ] replied back.

"Ugh... I hate this stupid RNG messing with us. I swear, if someone passes by us who has those-" At the front of his two companions showing contempt at the god of luck, was a player named [ Roron ]. The moment he was about to continue his words, he hurriedly closed his mouth.

Quickly, his eyes focused on two players walking by the distance. "H-Hey! Aren't those?" Roron called out to his two companions, quickly he pointed his fingers over to the two players walking through the pathway, they seemed to be heading to the outskirts of the forest.

"Grrrr! Those are Centripedas Boots! God damn it!" Upon seeing the sight of a girl wearing the boots he had not gotten, Rotem frowned.

"Hmph. Wearing the boots out there willy nilly like that, who does she think she is? Does she want to get killed or something?" Ractron said, as he suddenly had an idea. "Hey... Why don't we kill them?"

"Hey, you crazy? Killing them out in the open?" Roron said in surprise.

"Well, they seem weak... So it'll be over in a second!" Ractron smirked, "Just kill them and hope for those damn boots to drop. Higher chance than killing that damn centipede I say."

"Good idea~! Then what are we waiting for? Let's go do the deed!" Rotem smirked as he got up, quickly he rushed towards the two people.

Without hesitation, Ractron and Roron followed behind Rotem. Quickly they approached the two players minding their own business.

The two players stopped at their footsteps as they noticed the sounds of footsteps making their way over towards them.

Quickly, their eyes turned towards the sound as they met with the group. After making eye contact, Rotem came forward as he said with a smirk. "Hey, girl. Why don't you give us those boots ya got there?"

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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