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Chapter 34: Hooligans

Chapter 34: Hooligans

Shinto and Frey walked along the muddy paths of the forest nearby the [ Old Wood Forest Cavern ] dungeon. Headed for the outskirts of the forest, they minded their own business as they followed the trail to the plains.

The two hunted monsters in the forest while on the move, the moment the two were about to reach the end of the forest, Shinto heard a sudden sound of footsteps coming at the front.

"...?" Alerted by the sounds of leaves being crushed. Shinto scanned the area as he took notice of the approach of a few players numbering up to three.

"Frey, slow down a bit." He whispered over to Frey as he saw that she was still going at her pace.

"Wah? What's wrong?" Hearing Shinto's whisper, Frey turned towards him as she asked with a confused look.

"...People are approaching us." Shinto continued to whisper as he pointed over to the front of them.

"Huh...?" Still a little confused by Shinto's words, she followed the direction of Shinto's fingers, there, she noticed figures of three men walking up to them.

Upon noticing that Shinto and Frey had turned towards the direction of the three men, they stopped at their footsteps as they one of the men from the group said in a sneering voice, "Hey, girl. Why don't you give us those boots ya got there?"

"Uh... Who are you?" Frey blinked at the sight of the men. Quickly she turned towards Shinto as she asked, "Err... Master, do you know them?"

"Nope." Shinto shook his head as he scanned the three men in front of them, they were about a good distance away from them. The three men seemed to of different classes, one was a swordsman while the other two appeared to be thieves.

The green names shining above their heads indicated that they were players. The swordsman with the name of [ Rotem ]. While one thief on the right was [ Roron ] and the other was [ Ractron ].

"Hey! I'm talking to you girl! I said give me those boots ya got there," The man going by the name of Rotem repeated himself.

"...So if you don't know them, should we ignore them?" Frey asked Shinto whilst ignoring the man shouting at her.

"Well, that's an idea. We should do that." Shinto nodded his head as they made their way past them.

"...You." The man frowned as he unsheathed his sword, "I'm talking to you! Give me those damn boots!"

"Hey... Rotem, I think you should like, stop repeating and get straight to the point, their leaving." Roron said helplessly at the fool as he pointed his fingers at Shinto and Frey, who was going off the roads.

"Tsk, I guess I have to things myself." Ractron clicked his tongue as he activated a skill, quickly in the next second, he appeared before Shinto and Frey. Gripping onto his dagger, he turned to attack Shinto.

"...!" Before the dagger had landed on him, Shinto stepped back narrowly dodging the attack.

"Hey, we're not done talking to you yet. Who said you could leave?" The man disdained as he prepared another skill to be used.

"....Well we don't need your permission to leave right?" Shinto shrugged, his eyes quickly scanned the area in hopes for a gap to run off to. Why should he bother with a fight such as this? He thought to himself. It'll be inconvenient of him if he revealed his skills here.

"Grr... You. Give us those boots and then you can leave!" Rotem continued yapping.

"Um... Why should we give you those boots? You're not even from our party!" Frey pouted, she was getting annoyed with the repetition of 'boots' from that guy's mouth. "And why do you want boots so badly? If you want it that badly, then here!" She took out the beginner's boots that she had been wearing earlier from her inventory and threw it over towards Rotem. "This should be enough right? You boots-obsessed person!"

"No! Not these boots! Your Centripedas Boots!" Rotem threw away the boots which were given to him by Frey. "Give it up now or face death!"

"Centripedas Boots? No, it's mine! Can't you just go and kill Centripedas and get the boots?" Frey casually said as she postured herself in an attack position.

"...Frey," Shinto sighed at Frey's words. Well, it couldn't be helped, she doesn't know what unlucky drops mean yet... She got Centripedas Boots on her first try at the boss.

Shaking his head at the thought, he turned towards the three men coming up to them. "Why does this feel a little bothersome?" He blinked at the question.

"So you're choosing death huh? Fine then! We'll kill you and get the boots!" Rotem cried out as he ran towards Frey.

"I think you're the one who's asking for death!" Frey rushed forward as she activated the skill, [ Blitz Fists ].

"Well... At this point, it can't be helped." He sighed as he jumped back, evading another attack from Ractron. This guy's agility seemed to be on the low side for how easy he could dodge it.

"Grrr stop dodging!!" Ractron clicked his tongue as he moved forward, moving his dagger around in hopes of attacking Shinto.

"..." Shinto dodged the attacks as he sent multiple mana sparks over towards Ractron, his damage was low, but it was enough to stagger him for a bit so that he could widen the distance between them.

'Sigh... I wanted to avoid fighting other players for now.' He sighed to himself as he continued attacking the man in front of him. He couldn't use his skills in the case that these hooligans might question his class. So the best he could do was attack him with basics, but if this continues on he won't be able to win.

On the other hand, Shinto turned towards Frey as he noticed that she was doing well to uphold her fight against the swordsman. But, although she was doing well, the other thief was targeting her.

It was a choice between using his skills to win the battle or not.

'Ugh... I hate this.' He clicked his tongue, as a thought suddenly came to his mind. "...Unless?"

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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